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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And? Unfortunately some drunk people are very annoying - even if they are our friends. Maybe the friend told the drunk: Promise me you wont drink anymore tonight and I will bring you home. And maybe the drunk person insisted he will continue drinking. Should the friend then still take care of him? Why? The friend didn't abandon this guy in the middle of nowhere. It was in the middle of Pattaya. There was no risk of the drunk starving or freezing to death. Obviously a lot depends on the circumstances and what actually happened. But I don't think we can blame person A for not unconditionally taking care of person B.
  2. @ozimoron What do all your posts have to do with this thread: "Do we all have to be activists these days or at least do we have to support those activists?" Maybe you should start your own thread about whatever you want to complain about.
  3. All these right-wing politicians wouldn't be there if people wouldn't vote for them. And the supreme court is what it is because those judges were appointed to those jobs. Not that I like it, but the USA is what it is because many US Americans support those right-wing ideas and politicians. Obviously we can argue about majorities and a few percent here or there. IMHO if only 10% of people in a country would support those right-wing idiots that is already too much. And to be fair, the left has also lots of crazy woke ideas which many people don't like. I am sure that is part of the reason why some people vote for right-wing instead of crazy woke left-wing. It's complicated...
  4. Crossy! I have to admit I saw this also somewhere and I further have to admit electrical cables didn't come to my mind at that time. But with a little electricity it might be more exiting. ????
  5. Why not 450B? Or 670B? It's an election promise and to make it simple for simple minded people just double the current 300B per day. I guess now all those minimum workers will think that with double the money in their pockets they will be able to afford double the number of things. Or maybe not? If all the shop attendees and workers and restaurant service will get double, who will pay for that? Obviously things have to get more expensive. And if all supplies and suppliers are more expensive than all products will be more expensive. And then? What is left from the idea to spend all that extra money? IMHO salaries should be paid according to what makes sense. Some people with more skills will earn more money and others with low skills or lazy people will earn less. And then there are obviously all those international companies who think twice if they want to pay double in Thailand or invest somewhere else. Or they hire foreign workers in Thailand who work for less. So why was it promised? Because it makes sense? Or because lots of gullible people will vote for those nice Shinawatras who only want the best for the poor people? It would be funny if it wouldn't be so sad and cynical.
  6. Bob is obviously an insider. He knows all the differences between those people. That is one of the pictures which comes up when I google cockney chavs And this one for Magaluf scally
  7. Soon I will have to pull a couple of electrical cables through plastic pipes. With most of them that will be easy because the cables are relative thin compared to the pipes and the cables are relative flexible. But some cables are not so thin and not so flexible. How to pull them? Is it a good idea to use a little talcum powder? Or what to use? I am pretty sure talcum powder will help with the pulling, but I don't know if that will react negatively with any cables once the cables are inside those pipes. Otherwise I know that it is a good idea to pull all cables together at the same time in one pipe. And use a small cable attached to the big cable to pull it. Maybe that procedure is not even complicated without any power or whatever. But I don't want to find out halfway when I do the job and then wonder what I should use. Thanks
  8. It seems you are not so much concerned that she could die (in an accident on the road) but you are concerned about living without her. Maybe think about that a little. Or just tell her: What about me when you die? Isn't it your job to care about me until I die?
  9. Let your wife decide about the part of her life which doesn't involve you. It will make life easier for both of you. Or in other words: do you really think that all she does should be up to you? How about her diet if she is out? Is the food too spicey and maybe there is too much MSG inside? You know, that is unhealthy, she should change that. I am sure many other things will come to your mind...
  10. IMHO the problem with Villa, and probably other shops, is the lack of consistency. I had good experience with the original Villa near Sukhumvit Soi 31, Bangkok. There was Villa market in the middle of Soi 11. I saw they put sold cuts out of the fridge on room temperature tables in the morning, I guess to show them to customers so that they buy them. And then in the evening they put those items back in the fridge. Repeat every day. Since I saw this I never purchased anything in that shop anymore which should be constantly in a fridge. I don't know how common this behavior is, but I would be surprised if that was the only shop where they do that.
  11. I found the picture on the internet searching for Nana Plaza 1990. Sexy Night and DC 10 existed for decades, and I remember that parking lot from about 1995. I don't remember when they converted the inner areas to bars. I think it was many years later.
  12. In my limited experience Thais use any available cables for anything and the colors are used randomly. I remember a new high class office building in Sathorn with white, white and white cables... In the old breaker box which I just removed from my apartment they used black, blue and green. And it seems they used them randomly for L, N or earth. I have to repeat myself: In Thailand there is (often) no logic. It doesn't make any sense to try to find something which is just not there.
  13. Don't worry, in Bangkok the electricity comes out of those sockets in the walls. As far as I know they have them all over Thailand, even up country. ????
  14. I avoid bars which show football. Let's concentrate on the girls.
  15. It seems you divided your attention. I only concentrated on the girls. The good old times and all that.
  16. I think it's funny to read all the advice here. 3D printer, CNC machines, laser cutter - and all to make three little holes in 2mm plastic. Maybe I am getting too old for all this, but a few years ago, before all those devices, people did that kind of job with hand tools in a few minutes.
  17. And then there are the guys who pick up girls in bars on Koh Changie and then later they wonder why they want to get paid for their service... Those are obviously quality tourists, or what do you think about them, Bob?
  18. I used to go a lot to Ban Moh and it is definitely a very interesting experience. The problem over there is that sometime I run around for an hour trying to find something and maybe it was right in the counter in the shop but they didn't know it was there or maybe they didn't understand me. Then I started to order parts online more and more and now I go only seldom to that area. Online is easy to search, easy to compare and easy to order. And in Bangkok the delivery is normally within 2 days or so. At least for me that is mostly fast enough.
  19. Or in other words: They have to come with lots of chargers. Otherwise there will be a lot of unhappy owners.
  20. I have a 3D printer, a Prusa i3 MK3S+, and I used Autodesk Fusion 360 to design some parts. If someone uses the 3D printer and software already for some time, then it's not difficult anymore. But IMHO it takes some time to learn the basics, learn about tolerances, etc.
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