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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. No problem, and even fun, with the right bike.
  2. I guess some guys buy bikes and play with girls. And other guys buy girly bikes. ????
  3. For that money you could have bought a real bike with gears and all that.
  4. I met too many people who told me they don't need this and that insurance because it is ALL covered by their credit card. 555 Maybe they should read the fine print from time to time.
  5. If you buy standard parts and nothing exotic it's easy to get all the parts in Thailand. When I want to build a new computer I look what's available in the shops and then I decide which parts I will use. That makes it straigthforward. Long time ago I searched i.e. for the perfect motherboard online and then I found out they don't sell it in Thailand...
  6. Wrong I built PCs for my customers since forever. Many years ago the cases had to be big so that everything could fit. Then later smaller cases were possible. But when I brought a new PC in a small case to the customer, they had this "this is all?" face. After that most of the PCs which I build have a big case, even it is 70% empty. But the customers are happy. Like: I have this new powerful PC. Just looking at the big size case I know it must be fast...
  7. And if you know that then you can ride accordingly. It's like all those typical driver excuses: I had this accident because it was raining...
  8. Really? Thanks for letting me know. I never thought about that option.
  9. Try to buy a 80386. That should do the job.
  10. After all that DIY advice I suggest look for decent shop and let them suggest a configuration. Tell them clearly what you want like no gaming, video card with 3 outputs for linux, etc. If you feel like it publish what they suggest here or in another forum. But it's likely that you will get "advice" how you should change that in 100 different ways... I built PCs since forever. Like someone wrote above: It's not that difficult. But some people make id difficult by selecting some special RAM modules, etc. My advice: keep it simple and mainstream. And last but not least: Get a quality power supply from a good brand. It doesn't need much power if you don't play games. But it should be high quality. In many PCs the cheap power supply is the biggest problem - and something which is often overlooked. In Bangkok I order most of my parts from JIB. Good website, good advice, fast delivery. I don't know if you also deliver to CM. I guess a good local shop would be best, but if you don't find one then a good shop far away is better than a bad shop nearby.
  11. And now the laws in many countries are changed to make it a lot easier, even for kids, to have hormone treatment and all those operations. What could possibly go wrong? ... For the record: I know some people who had operations and seem to be happy in their "new life". The important thing seems to be to think it through and don't just get the treatment and think after that all will be wonderwul.
  12. This is about the 6th January 2020, almost 3 years ago. Why wasn't he prosecuted and jailed a long time ago?
  13. That reminds me of the Four Seasons. ????
  14. This is a little off topic, but what are the public transport options in Samui now? Can people go in mini-busses from beach to beach for a reasonable price all day and night? Or is it totally overpriced?
  15. Considering all those broken bones, she doesn't look too bad. Just keep it like that. ????
  16. Buy a villa and manage it. Then you will learn and get lots of experience. And then you can apply for those jobs. ????
  17. I am sure he will make millions with this. That's the advantage when you have followers without brain. Buy this! Ok, sure, when you say so ...
  18. Here you can find technical data, etc. https://www.toagroup.com/en/products/heavy-duty-coatings/concrete-floor-coating/332/toa-floorguard-100
  19. Does every runner get a BJ every km or so together with a drink?
  20. Why would I care? The term woke is so wide that everything and nothing fits into it - if people decide so. And your statement "Anyone using "woke" as a pejorative is racist." obviously doesn't make any sense. I.e. am I racist if I think it doesn't make much sense to let xy chromosome compete with xx chromosome? I give up reasoning with you and I will hide your comments from now on. That makes my life better and you can write whatever you want. I won't see it anymore.
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