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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I always think it's funny when I just bought a product online and then for a couple of days I see advertisement for exactly that product. I wish there would be a box "don't bother, I bought it already"
  2. What a nasty comment. Do you know him and his wife? Or do you think that all wives with an older husband want that he dies soon? And how about wives with guys who are disabled, maybe because they had accidents? Are they all waiting for their husband to die? Did you ever experience love? Do you know what it is? It seems you have no idea.
  3. Hire someone who knows what he is doing. Or not firing people who worked there for many years and have a good understanding what is going on. I think that would be a good start.
  4. The previous CEO didn't try to change large parts of the company within weeks. And Musk obviously didn't think much. Like: how can you fire half the people and then think the rest has time to verify large amounts of new accounts. It's obvious that that wouldn't work. He fired people and then he asked some of them to come back. Is that a smart move? Obviously he can afford to lose large amounts of money, and maybe he doesn't even care if he and his new toy lose large amounts. Let's see what else comes to his mind.
  5. I think it's amazing to see this supposedly smart guy shooting constantly from the hip and also shooting his own feet at the same time. Wouldn't it be a good idea to think a little? Or maybe a little more? Isn't that what smart people do?
  6. That's great news. Let the right vote a little for Ye, Trump and DeSantis. Every one of them about 15% would be perfect.
  7. And did the police find the ghost? Did they ask for a description so that all those netizens can help with the search? It seems lots of Thais see ghosts all the time. Maybe someone knows this ghost personally and they can tell the police where to go and interrogate him. Of course, maybe the police need OT payment as it is known that ghosts only come out in the dark.
  8. I always love posts like above. I also recently bought a thing on Lazada. It doesn't work. Can you help?
  9. That reminds me of a friend who used to make decent money but that was a long time ago. Now it's survival up country. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't renew his visa, because he doesn't have the money. Just hoping for the best. Because he doesn't have an alternative. I guess he is not alone in that situation.
  10. Relative smart. Think about all those who don't go to university. And I am sure I don't have to provide any links showing stupid Americans. They have a lot of them over there who are far worse than those in the universities.
  11. Don't forget that now they all want to be equal. The women or half/half or whatever should obviously also be conscripted. Or does that go too far for those equal opportunity activists?
  12. That is a video from an American university and I am sure in average these people are smarter than many others. But at the same time they are full of <deleted>. I just watched part of it again: What if someone gets triggered? Do you have an emotional support person here? What? Are you nuts?
  13. I think it's great when the cute girls don't understand English. Because then all those people who only want to talk English leave her alone. And I will talk Thai with her. Win/win/win. ????
  14. Maybe have a look at this video. I think it's a wonderful example of the behavior of "the woke". And Peter Boghossian gets already harassed for asking questions. He doesn't make any statement about what they discuss.
  15. Same same. And just in case I forgot that they normally charge 100B (riding a motorcycle).
  16. I just used their search function. Ok, there are fewer articles than I thought which use exactly those words. Here is one of them: https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2021/dec/25/all-revolutions-devour-their-own-children-just-look-at-brexiters
  17. You are obviously a traitor for the left. And a traitor for the right. Make up your mind, you can't just float in the middle. Traitor! ????
  18. Lots of people use the same username on many sites. And some people even use the same passwords. I remember there is somewhere a search page where you can enter a name like thaibeachlover and it would search hundreds of places if that username is used. Maybe some local forum, maybe some political forum, maybe some hobby site, all the information adds up. Personally, I don't post too many personal information. But things like my job, interests, region where I live, motorcycles, etc. add up and I am sure if someone would really try it would be possible to find me just with the information on this forum.
  19. Just read a few opinion pieces in The Guardian and it won't take long before you read these words. I.e. yesterday or so there was an article about Twitter.
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