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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I recall what I read in the official news. It was similar to this: Let's say a 10 million THB car was stolen. And let's say the police finds that car and gives it back to the owner. Then, as far as I remember, the police officers received for this maybe half the value of the car. I think they received it from the insurance company. I don't remember the details but according to that he made many millions doing his police job and then receiving these payments. I don't know and don't care if those payments were responsible for half his wealth or more or less. It was substantial, many millions.
  2. Sorry to upset you with the truth. I see often enough Thais who play with their phone and have minimum wage jobs. What is so difficult to understand about learning and getting better skills and making more money? There are always excuses why people don't do what is good for them. But they are exactly that, excuses.
  3. It seems he received lots of that money officially because of some crazy rule when police officers do their job, they still get a huge incentive for some things. I don't remember the details, but it was something like that.
  4. I wonder if articles like this exist to have soon lots of comments about what possibly, probably, might have happened. The answer is simply: Currently we don't know. There could be many reasons. Just wait a day or two and by then there will be more evidence.
  5. If your concern is to avoid fraud, I am pretty sure you can set limits for such payments in your bank app.
  6. Up to you - it really is. I tip according to the quality of the service and depending on if I want to go to that place again. Good service, I tip. Bad service, I normally don't tip. With maybe the exception that I want to go there again, and I don't want to upset them by not giving them any tip. Except from bars and restaurants I tip for special services like checking the tire pressure at the gasoline station or maybe a security guard to got me a taxi-meter. About the amount: Often it's just 20B - Thai style. In better places like a luxury hotel, I pay maybe 100B tip - if the service is good. And for the girls in a bar: If I bought her a drink and I don't want to see her again I give her no tip. If I maybe want to see her again, I give her 100B. And if I want to make sure she remembers me and jumps when I arrive then more than that. I don't think anybody ever showed any concern if I didn't tip.
  7. Have you considered talking to a doctor? You know, they studied humans and are generally known to give medical advice.
  8. I have my bank account to receive my salary and for convenience. The immigration never ever asked me to see my bank book or any other bank details.
  9. Maybe with all those smart phones connected to the internet it would be a good idea if more Thai people should spend some time to learn about the rest of the world instead of playing with fb or games. Then they could learn that there are people out there who fought corruption and corrupt people.
  10. On some occasions you have to bring that book to the bank, i.e. if you need a new ATM card or something like that. As far as I know you never have to update that book. I didn't do this for over a year, no problem. But if you want to have a record of all transactions in print then you should update it at least every 3 months. Because if you do it later than 3 months then there will be just a total for the previous months and not line by line all the details.
  11. In many office buildings you have to show some kind of ID. In most buildings the Thai driver license does the job. It is a lot smaller to carry than a passport. And even if you lose the driver license it is not a big deal.
  12. I know it is hard to change. But not impossible. It would be a great start if voters wouldn't vote again and again for the same corrupt people. Voters know they are corrupt. And they still vote for them. And if the corrupt person is banned then many voters vote for their wife or sister or child. That's stupid! The first step to get rid of corrupt people is to not vote for them again and again.
  13. And why? How many of those Isaan people know what qualifications a PM should have? How many of those Isaan people care about that? How many of those Isaan people would be able to recognize a qualified candidate? How many of those Isaan people vote for her just because of her family name and maybe because she looks so nice, just like Yingluck? Or in other words: uneducated incompetent people vote for someone for the wrong reasons. I know that is not only happening in Thailand. And it is sad to see the results of this democracy of the stupid worldwide.
  14. Something happened and we have to do something or at least show those people that we plan to do something. I didn't follow all the articles, but I wonder how much attention got the part that this police officer was supplied with drugs by another police officer. For anybody living long enough in Thailand that is obviously not surprising and just a sidenote. But should it be? It is well known that many Thai police officers are part of the drug supply network in this country. Either actively or "just" by accepting bribes to look the other way. And that is obviously only one part of the Thai (police) corruption. What should be fought is the corrupt police. Fire every corrupt officer! Thailand will never really prosper with corruption all over the system. That should be fought! But then again, who will fight corruption as long as the Thai people vote again and again for the same known corrupt families? When will Thai people realize that if they want less crime then they shouldn't put criminals in charge. It shouldn't be too difficult to understand this obvious connection.
  15. I understand your position and I agree they should leave it alone. But it seems it is really a minor procedure on a young child and a hurtful operation on an adult.
  16. Just put them all in a cage and let them fight each other. It seems that is what they want.
  17. He took the risk, and he paid the ultimate price. RIP I think what many none motorcycle riders don't understand is that we motorcycle riders mostly are aware of the risk. We can die any day on the road. But we prefer the convenience, freedom and fun of riding a bike compared to other options. We all will die somehow someday. Some of us prefer an earlier death, maybe by deadly accident, compared to living securely and dying of old age. RIP
  18. Here are lots of options - including cheap options.
  19. In principle I think that is a good idea. But there seems to be one important difference. If it is done on a child, then is almost doesn't hurt. If it's done with an adult, it hurts a lot and for weeks. At least that is what a friend told me who had to do it for medical reasons.
  20. You can do it at least for individual members, see here.
  21. I bought new Daikin ACs. In the manual is recommended that the top of the indoor AC units should be 15cm (150mm) distance from the ceiling. My ceiling high is only 240cm. If we use the recommended distance from the ceiling of 15cm and the height of the AC unit 30cm that means the bottom of the AC unit is 195cm from the floor. Is that a problem? I am smaller than 190cm so at least for me there is no problem of banging my head against it. Is there a technical reason to install the unit higher? Thanks P.S.: The technician who installs it wants to use 10cm from the ceiling. But as far as I see that is one of those "we always did it like that" rules - not very scientific. This is from the manual of the AC. Sorry it's only available in Thai. But you get the idea.
  22. That is a great idea. Especially one member has a very colorful image. It makes it much easier to ignore him. ????
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