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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Don't expect consistency from Bob. He still didn't tell us what happened with the love of his live from Koh Changy.
  2. Intelligence is well defined, since a long time, there is no need to define it again. And knowledge is a lot more than looking up facts one by one. I.e. a successful engineer must know many things by heart to be able to imagine and realize solutions. A medical doctor need to know many details of the human body to understand how it works and what might be wrong. Facts, or what some people claim are facts, are available to everybody. Knowledge is not. And just because someone on twitter or fb or YouTube tells us some "facts" that doesn't mean this information is correct.
  3. And somehow I thought that she was the Queen of the United Kingdom and other Commonwealth realms...
  4. Not knowing these facts has nothing to do with being wise or stupid. I am more concerned with i.e. the lady yesterday who used a calculator to add up 1000 + 750. And obviously there are many of them. I am not sure how much difference it makes but in part I blame the stupid woke inclusive activism. Now some universities make inclusivity their main reason to exist. It's not anymore about teaching math or science it's about crazy political correctness, 100 different pronounces and all that <deleted>. And obviously people must be hired because they are part of a minority group. If (especially large) companies have a candidate who is trans and black and a lesbian then that person has 100 points advantage compared to that straight white male candidate. Qualification? Experience? Who cares, as long as they can prove that they support inclusivity etc. It's crazy and it's getting worse. And for the record: I am fine if black and trans and lesbians and whatever are hired. But they should be hired because of their qualification and not some woke attribute.
  5. I think that is the difficulty, to establish that the company has no debts. It seems there is a long time period to wait for other companies to declare that they want money from your company. Like an invoice coming a couple of months after some delivery. As far as I know that is at least one concern.
  6. Sorry to say this, but maybe this is "your attitude" problem. Doctors, like many other experts, normally don't like when people tell them something like: I have xyz, I researched it on the internet and I found this YouTube video, now listen to me. Obviously I don't know if that is how you present this, but this might be the reason why they ignore you. Maybe just try something like: My chest hurt, and I like to see a doctor...
  7. Why do you want to buy now, rent it out, and then move here and use it yourself? Why not buy it when you come here to stay here? And what is on your mind? Something new, unfinished? New, finished, "used"? Here are many existing threads about buying condominiums.
  8. Exactly, fb users can do that. But many girls don't do it, so the information is public.
  9. Somehow I am not convinced those geeks know much about computers if they are not even able to post a picture in a public forum...
  10. No. But for whatever reason over time some girls gave me their fb name. And I looked at their profiles. And I looked at their friends. Not surprisingly many of their fb friends worked in the same bar. So I had a look at some of their pages. It's interesting in many ways. Now that is a long time ago and I am not interested in those girls anymore. But if I would ever be interested in another bargirl for more than an hour or two, then I would certainly look what's on her fb page including pictures of her (maybe with her Thai boyfriend) on her friend's pages. Let's not forget that they all voluntarily put those pictures on the web accessible for anybody with a fb account. So nobody should be surprised if people look at that information.
  11. Probably it happened, but I don't really remember the last time when it happened. But often I "meet" several people per day with way too much deodorant/perfume.
  12. I have to admit it seems too many people wear about 10 times as much deodorant than necessary...
  13. Why are those fantasy stories from a wanted criminal printed here? He promised Thailand at least 100 times that he has nothing to do with politics anymore. And it seems all PT politicians insist that they are independent from the owner of that party. Just ignore him! Maybe write some articles about why he is wanted and all the court cases against him. And about all the misery which happened because of him and his greed. He should shut up and die in the desert and Thailand should forget him and his corrupt family.
  14. Why would anybody listen to such a YouTuber? About air pollution and flooding: It was a lot worse 1o and 20 and 30 years ago. And over the time it got better and better. And about buying property in general: Personally I bought a condominium in a 25 year old building which I renovate from scratch to make it exactly like I want it. The buying price plus renovation is still about half of what a new condominium of the same size in a new building 200m away would cost. I bought it because I will live in it and the alternative is paying rent for a place which is not exactly like I want it. Will I be able to sell my place with profit in 10 or 20 years? Maybe, but probably not. Property prices for existing condominiums in Bangkok (and maybe all over Thailand) don't rise like many people would hope.
  15. And do you think you are happier if you walk through as many doorways as possible? There are too many examples of lottery winners who changed their life and walked through all those open doorways - only to find out that this didn't make them long term happier. Obviously some changes from time to time are fine. But I would be careful with too many changes too fast.
  16. How many of us want to know the truth? I remember when I was new in Bangkok and I had my eyes on one bar girl who was always busy. It happened a couple of times that I walked into the bar and she was busy with another guy, and maybe soon after she walked out with that guy. On the way out she always stopped and talked to me. She told me that she has to go with that guy to make money. But she thinks already about me and soon she will be back in the bar. I always waited for her and was happy that she only wanted to be with me. ????
  17. When a girl tells my friend Peter that she has her period he always has a good heat and tells her she should just turn around. ????
  18. I always find it interesting when some farangs think their gf/wife planned to take all their money for a long time. Really? How many Thai people do you know who even try to think more than one month ahead? How many did you meet who told you about their plans for the next 3 or 5 years? Any? We all change! And if we are in a different environment then we change faster - and unpredictable. I.e. a girl comes from the village to work in a bar in Bangkok? What will happen? Lots of possibilities and nothing is sure. Now, maybe a year later a farang tells her he loves her, and he wants to take care of her. Out of the bar, new life with the farang. Maybe they continue to go to the bars, and she sees her (former) friends, or maybe they move somewhere else, and she has not connections to her previous life anymore. Of course she will change, and maybe dramatically. And maybe in the way the farang hopes and maybe exactly the opposite. I think this is best case difficult to predict or even impossible. I think we shouldn't build our lives on our predictions how wonderful everything will be when it goes according to our fantasy. Likely it will be different. Likely she will be different, maybe a little, maybe a lot. Life is an adventure and often our (long term) predictions are wrong.
  19. Apart from the green book and all that. What would happen if she didn't pay? As far as I know it doesn't take too long before the finance company would come to repossess the bike. I guess she could arrange maybe lower payments and for a longer time. But no payment?
  20. And then there is the invention of facebook. Normally I avoid it, but I have a dummy account to be able to look at all those profiles with unrestricted access for everybody. Get the facebook page from one girl in a bar and likely most of the other girls in that bar will be her friends. Lots of pictures and lots of details, sometimes with many years of history. And often "new" facebook pages every couple of months or years or even parallel at the same time. Like: Oh, she was married to that guy a year ago, and then she created a new page... Obviously many girls also don't tell all the truth on facebook, but there is already a lot of information for anybody who is interested in a long term relationship. P.S. I am not up to date with this, maybe by now it's Instagram or TikTok or whatever. I am sure the principle is the same.
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