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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I think it's more important to know: "3 weeks or 5 years – how much longer can Prayut legally stay in power?" And also not unimportant: Will he be replaced by a criminal or a proxy of the criminal fugitive?
  2. I have several names given by different people. One is "Uan" - no idea why they would call me such a name. ????
  3. I am not up to date on UPS technology. But as far as I know there are different technologies. I think some always work like convert AC to DC, store it in a battery, recreate AC As far as I know they are seldom and expensive. Cheaper UPS use shortcuts and maybe are not active at all under normal conditions, just (more or less) straight through until they have to change. There is a reason why some UPS are cheap and others with similar VA values are a lot more expensive. Here is some info about different UPS types. It's just the first link which I found. I didn't read it in detail. Three types of UPS Technologies - Enterprise Control Systems (datacenterexperts.com) From that article: Offline Standby Technology Advantages: Low cost Silent operation when in standby Efficient Disadvantages: Minimal power protection - only protects against a small percentage of problems Poor output voltage regulation - sags and surges will be passed straight to the load Break transfer to battery mode No failsafe - UPS will drop the load if there is a high start-up current, overload or inverter failure
  4. Maybe look if he shows anywhere on the package: for left or similar And maybe find this thing on the Global House website and look if they have the same lock in left and right versions. I guess that should answer your question.
  5. It's complicated - at least sometimes. IMHO it depends on who can afford to pay/help. And in Thailand giving money to others, including family, is good for your karma, status, whatever. Some girls, and their sponsors, pay all the time. And if some people or the whole family are used to that then it is obviously difficult to give them less or nothing. Then the girl is often under a lot of pressure from her family. And then she has the option to (try to) resist that pressure herself or she (tries to) pressure her sponsor. But sometimes I think there is a real need. I.e. currently the father of my gf was first in the hospital and now he is home again and he needs help. My gf helped him in part. But he is old and big and my gf is small. She is not able to carry him around. So now my gf's brother, the son of the sick father, helps him. And for that reason he can't work. So what now? In the moment I pay the brother some money so that he is able to help the father. Why do I do it? Because I can afford it. If I would be struggle to survive then I wouldn't pay. But in real life I don't even notice if I have a couple of thousand THB less. So I help. And when the father is fit enough to care for himself again then the brother can work again and I won't pay anymore. Is this story true? 99.9%. I know the family since forever, I saw pictures from him in the hospital and pictures of my gf visiting him in the hospital, etc. I think if we are in long term relationship and we can afford it then why not help the family from time to time? And even if we are in not such a long term relationship maybe we just help people in need. Many of us can afford it.
  6. Then maybe you need surge protection and not a UPS.
  7. Over the years I bought a couple of UPS for computers and I think I saw in the manuals warnings how not to use UPS. I just googled this and it seems there are answer like: you shouldn't do it but it might work. I leave it up to you to check the details which might depend on the UPS model and on the fridge model. My comment was more in general like: Consider that maybe/probably you shouldn't do it.
  8. As far as I know (normal) UPS are not designed to work with a fridge or fan, etc.
  9. After Covid I didn't visit Hooters in Soi 4. But before Covid they had probably the best lineup of the whole street. Definitely more top girls in there than in any of the gogo bars. As far as I know in Hooters it's not usual that the customer takes the girls out. But looking at some of them: wow!
  10. What is hilarious is when a guy writes he goes to NANA but then he actually sits at the entrance and watches other guys walking by with NANA girls. Maybe someone should explain it to you: The idea is to go there without female company and to look at the dancers and play with them and maybe take them out. And it doesn't matter how you look like or how old you are because if you screw them you look at the girl and not yourself.
  11. That's why it is always a good idea to look in person what is on offer.
  12. I was recently looking for levers. They didn't ask me if I want a right or left version. I am pretty sure there is just one version. If you didn't do it already open the box. There is likely a manual inside which explains what to do.
  13. In some (many?) countries a prenuptial agreement has lots of limitations. I.e. if she has a baby and has to take care of the baby and at that time she can't work then you have to pay. It doesn't matter what is written in any a prenuptial agreement. Obviously it is fair that the father should together with the mother take care of the baby. But some mothers use that to get their life paid.
  14. He is a criminal fugitive. You can look up the definition. And if you would have followed Thai politics then you would know Thaksin is guilty of many crimes - there is no doubt about that. Thaksin ran away. He could have defended himself. He could have gone to jail and he would be probably out of jail since years. But no, Thaksin thinks he is above the law. Are all the others better? Maybe not. And maybe one day there will be court cases against Prayut and others. Let's see. I think it would be great if Thailand would have real democracy and justice. But if people really want that then they shouldn't vote again and again for the known corrupt and criminal politicians. It's just stupid to vote for corrupt politicians and then wonder why we have corrupt governments.
  15. That reminds me, I should read Private Dancer one more time.
  16. There are pawn shop on every corner. Just ask the next motorcycle rider. Google Maps is also full of them.
  17. Are those pro-democracy parties also pro-justice? Will they insist that the criminal fugitive goes to jail for his multiple crimes?
  18. Stupid? Crazy? Just fed up with the world? I don't know how difficult it is for Putin to launch a nuclear missile. I guess he could do it. And then? It seems lots of people in "the west" think it's a good idea to humiliate Putin. Really? Maybe Putin thinks if he goes down then let the world go down together with him. It doesn't have to be a rational though. That thought doesn't even have to last very long. Probably 10 minutes or an hour of <deleted>#% it is enough. Is the Russia Ukraine conflict conflict the beginning of WW3? Hopefully not, but possibly yes. Recently I saw a guy on YouTube who mentioned that when WW1 and WW2 started people also thought these were local conflicts which won't last.
  19. Great for you. When I was still in school we were invited to one teachers home. His wife was a divorce lawyer. She told us that many people actually want a peaceful divorce. That is until the moment when one of the lawyers realizes then he/she can make a lot more money when the divorce it not peaceful. And they they give their client "advice" like: he ruined your life. Do you rally want to let him get away with that. And then the fighting starts. And it never ends. And at the end it's 2:0 for the lawyers. Sad but I am sure true for many cases.
  20. I think by now we all know that Charlie Sheen said that. I have to admit I didn't meet to many hookers in Thailand who told me they will stay with me for a long time if I don't pay them. My conclusion: We are not all like Charlie Sheen
  21. If the batteries are well protected against damage and water then the risk is considerably lower.
  22. At least with the broken car you don't have to pay for it anymore if you don't use it anymore.
  23. Sorry, what is the meaning of: I would see my gf is compensated My gf is together with me because we love each other and are happy together. She does not expect any compensation for living together with me. If she would be interested in "compensation" then she could have married a rich guy.
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