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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Who decides what the right thing is? And if you get married and have a kid and the wife walks away with the kid and you have to support them for many years, do you then still think you did the right thing? Maybe you did the right thing, until the moment that the wife thought: who cares if this this right or wrong, let that sucker pay. This is obviously not a personal assault. It's a sample what happens to some guys.
  2. Did you own the land and the property? Or did your wife own it? If your wife was/is the only legal owner then I wouldn't call that an advantage.
  3. I also don't take advantage of my girlfriend and I am not married. In fact if someone is married he might get away with a lot worse behavior because she is his wife and he (thinks he) has certain rights.
  4. Where does that insider knowledge come from? Is that what women tell men to convince them to marry? If your gf would go with another guy only because you don't marry her then be happy that she showed her character and get rid of her. People can be committed without being married. I.e. I have a couple of good friends since decades. I don't need a contract to assure them that they are my friends and I am there for them when they need me. Marriage is a contract. It has nothing to do with love or commitment.
  5. Same same, even if I didn't work for some fancy Swiss bank. It's called common sense.
  6. Come on bro, there has to be an update this morning. Do you still love each other? When will you marry?
  7. Maybe I am a little slow this morning. Why is that a reason to get married?
  8. And I thought the idea is to stay on them - or at least sit on them. ????
  9. Lots of people get married, and lots of people get divorced. And many do it again, and maybe again. Why? Personally I never married. From teenager age until now I saw too many unhappy couples. And too many guys who married, divorced and paid a fortune. I am happy with my gf, since many years, and she mentioned marrying often enough (until she gave up mentioning it). I just don't see the point of signing a contract which has, from my point of view, only negative sides. But lots of guys marry, including lots of farangs in Thailand. Why did you do it? And would you do it again? I was inspired by this thread and all the people who would tell their 18yo self not to marry...
  10. I get all new fresh water pipes. And I told them I want the drainage pipes tested. But this is not yet in the contract. Do you know anybody who does such testing in Bangkok and how much it costs? Thanks for the reminder.
  11. In the hindsight I am happy that I was too shy or too stupid or whatever at that time. When I see now a picture of the people from my school 30 years later I think: they are all so old. Imagine I would have married one of those women, even the prettiest of them. Oh no! Good luck I discovered Thailand later in my life.
  12. When I think about my own 18 year old self a couple of things come to my mind which are personal and don't make much sense for other people. For other 18 year old people I would suggest: Discover life! Find out what you really want. Which work do you like or don't like? Where do you want to live? Which people are an inspiration for you? Don't just study and follow a career path and later find out that this is not really what you like. And if you live in a cold country with lots of ugly women maybe think about moving to a warmer place with pretty girls. Carpe diem
  13. If she doesn't love you then obviously you shouldn't pay. And those threads are pathetic. Why would she want to get paid by a handsome hunk like you? Relax, enjoy your holiday. Likely it will be most exiting time which you had in your whole life. Enjoy! In the meantime I will watch the news about incidents in Koh Chang. ????
  14. Sure, you can have one scanner brand for multiple OS. But what for? When was the last time your phone was infected by a virus? If you think you are so smart then maybe you shouldn't write a BS reply.
  15. No! Forget about any virus scanner for mobile phones. Viruses for Windows work different then viruses for phones. You could try to execute a Windows virus on your phone and nothing would happen.
  16. You must be one of the rare people who understand Thai logic. With higher educated Thais there is of course some logic. But with people in low paid jobs most of us have difficulties to understand the. And, as I mentioned above, it seems many workers don't know themselves what they want and will do in a few weeks time. How can anybody predict what they will do if they don't even know themselves?
  17. Thanks for the information. First I will try a dust collector. When I watched the video above I thought it is interesting to see how meticulous they clean those holes. It's good to know that that is very important. I will use the bolts if it doesn't matter if the bolt are out and not used, i.e. in the ceiling. But in other places, i.e. in the floor, I don't want any bolts sticking out. I bought these a few days ago and they arrived already. First impression: good. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/i2522078619-s8960833216.html
  18. Yes, that is what I learned already (in part). She is the most important person in that chain. And I assured her already: Whatever I see, I will only talk to her, my project manager. Then she will talk to the contractor and the contractor will talk to the workers or the subcontractor. I know that if I talk directly to the workers then that will best case not work and more likely will make the situation more difficult. The good thing is that my project manager does this since years, including with "my" contractor. Likely I will sign the contract in the next days. And then lets look how fast I see something which upsets me. Luckily I am long enough in Thailand that my expectations are somehow reasonable - at least I think so. Let's see...
  19. I will talk to my project manager tomorrow. And additionally to that I thought I ask the community here. That is why I asked. I think if most problems show within 6 months then 6 months warranty should be long enough. Longer is obviously better. But if 6 months is usual in Thailand (which I don't know) then it's difficult to insist on one year.
  20. Nobody pretends that all other investments are fine.
  21. You are one of the people who love to talk about crypto. But it seems you don't want to talk about the risks. You could just keep your knowledge for yourself like behind a closed door. But that is obviously not what you want. If you shout in the lobby then don't be surprised if others react.
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