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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. No! A long time ago I bought a motorcycle (big bike) from a dealer. I received the book and a couple of signed papers from the previous owner. I never met the previous owner and I don't know if he signed those papers. Years later I sold the bike to a guy. I gave him the book and papers just like I received them. Done. No questions asked. That seems to be not unusual in Thailand. P.S.: I had continuous contact with the dealer who serviced the bike and as I know he renewed the tax every year.
  2. Did anybody check the LINE messages from the nurse? Maybe he also told her she will get the car...
  3. Did you read or hear that about him? That's where those description often come from. Just watch his videos and listen to what he says. We all can learn a lot from him. Currently I watch this video. Very interesting.
  4. Me understanding it and you understanding that I understand it is not the same. And it's not really my problem if you don't understand what I understand. But now I will leavy you with your imagination that you understand it all. It is just too tiresome to argue with you.
  5. Another Bob topic. I am still waiting for an update of the other topic. What happened with the love of your life?
  6. What would be the point? Do you really expect from me to explain it to you in detail with quotes from the experts and citations? Would you read any of it? And even if the experts would tell the opposite of what you think is true would you suddenly write: Thanks, now I understand. I change my mind? qed
  7. Yeah, sorry, I am not in touch with the LBGTQ+/- whatever community. But I listen to experts. You could try that. Maybe you learn something.
  8. Looking at the bell curve that is not really surprising ...
  9. If you can't see the difference between people and cows and sheep, then maybe you have the problem...
  10. Sure, there are many options, for all of us, even if we exercise and have a strict diet, etc. If I would see a big deadly tsunami wave coming in my direction, and if I would have maybe only 2 or 5 minutes more, then I can look at my life and tell myself: You had fun. Eggs benedict and a couple espresso for breakfast, spaghetti cream sauce and ice-cream for lunch, I enjoyed my time. I think that's a lot better than thinking in the last minute: I lived so health and I am still tired from the exercise and now I will die and the last time I had spaghetti was 3 months ago. That's not fair. I know which version I prefer.
  11. It seems you think the average Daily Mail reader counts more than the average Guardian reader. Why? And it seem many "newspapers" delete comments which they don't like. And then what people see is not the average but the bubble censored version of that average. And that happens on the left and the right.
  12. Is it also murder if you kill insects? And how about eating those living plants? And about eating dead animals. I think that is a lot better than the alternative, eating living animals.
  13. I would love to hear their reason why they support a guy who is a known monger, divorced a couple of times and who likes to grab p$#$#. With my limited understanding of those religious people this is not what they say they one should do.
  14. Hiring one of those streetworkers, male or female or anything in between, is anyhow a risk I wouldn't take. There is a reason why most of them work on the street.
  15. If I eat meat every day and die with 70 or be vegetarian and die 10 years later, I know what I eat. Meat!
  16. I do what makes me happy. I am too lazy to exercise, and I like good food. And from time to time a couple of drinks. I think it's always funny to see people who don't eat certain things because they are not good for their health - and then the people are moaning or at least unhappy about that. Just eat it! We will all die. I prefer to die happy and maybe a few years earlier and not old and healthy and miserable. What I don't eat, mostly because I don't like it, is fast food, food with lots of MSG in it, ready meals or any of that. Enjoy life, and don't think too much.
  17. I think I remember a former owner or manager of that place. He told me he had a sign on the wall for Muslims: I respect your religion and I won't serve you any alcohol. ????
  18. Believe me, after 25 years Bangkok nightlife I can tell the difference - at least with 99%. I think it's always funny how some people see ladyboys everywhere. Yes, they exist. But no, they are not everywhere. And at least on my few Hooter visits I never saw any of them working in Hooters.
  19. It's always nice to get competent and relevant answers. And then there are people who just want to write something, anything. Maybe that makes those people feel important or whatever...
  20. My point was and is that it is much easier for all of us to see the extreme people on the other side. I.e. I consider myself to be somewhere center left. I see news about those crazy Trump supporters, election result deniers, etc. It's easy for me to say: they are all crazy. Because I have little to no personal contact with any of them. But I am pretty sure there must also be some normal people out there who are conservative but not crazy rightwing. And of course the people on the right see the extremes from the left. And maybe they think: All the left must be like that. They are all crazy. Even if what they see is probably only the opinion of the extreme left.
  21. I understand your point. Personally, I encountered little about the gender ideology. But I live in Thailand and most of my friends like to go to girly bars. So, it's not exactly likely that we talk about those things. Sometimes I watch videos from Peter Boghossian and others. They are not right wing. But he and other dare to question the attitudes of the radical left. And I think it's sad to see how afraid some people on the center left are to speak out against people on the far left. Have a look at his videos if you like. Most of the time he doesn't even give his opinion, he only asks questions. Peter Boghossian - YouTube
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