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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I wonder how many of the tourists recognized any of those celebrities. I guess it must be frustrating for those famous people when they are treated like nobodies.
  2. And do you know if all those Sony, Panasonic and other brand name batteries are actually from those companies? There are so many batteries with brans name stickers out there. I find it difficult to impossible to find out which are the real thing. I like to listen to your experience if you have any with this supplier and their batteries.
  3. You obviously write a response to all my comments and counter my views. Mostly you just use words like victims, victim blaming, mansplaining, and other woke words. It seems you believe all women. And you think all men are bad. And anybody who questions your world view is one of the bad guys. I think we mostly disagree about what we both think do other people think. It seems you think most people think like you that all women are angels and/or victims and they always tell the truth. I think otherwise. And I think that lots of guys in this forum experienced in Thailand and "back home" lying women. If you don't accept that lots of women lie is your problem, not our problem. What I try to do is to be a voice against lots of crazy woke and/or feminists views. Lots of guys think those feminists are crazy but many guys don't like to talk about that. It's so much easier to let those feminists just talk and ignore them.
  4. I am sure it wasn't 30 years ago. Maybe 10 or 15 years. And that guy worked for years, as far as I remember his last office was in Sukhumvit Soi 23. I guess that worked for a long time because it was used by people who lived in Thailand and never left the country. There could be micky mouse stamps in the passports and it wouldn't matter if nobody looks at those stamps. It happened, and I am sure I am not the only guy who remembers this. But I don't remember names and can't easily research it.
  5. What is considered rape is a legal definition, and it varies all over the world. Experts can argue about that and I am sure not all experts (what's a rape expert?) agree what is rape. For some sexual activities men would go to jail in some countries and they wouldn't be punished at all in other countries. We can all have our own idea of what we call rape. Like we can all have our ideas what we call harassment. And those ideas don't have to match legal definitions. But obviously we must recognize that what matters legally are the legal definitions and not our opinions.
  6. I talk with men, I watch discussions of other men (and women). I don't pretend to be the speaker of all men or even a group of men. Maybe you should listen more to what men talk about and maybe you could learn from that. You don't have to agree, just listen what they think. There was a time when rape was something that included violence. A guy (tried to) rape a woman, she would scream, she would scratch his face, maybe she would kick him. That is without doubt rape. And then there are cases where the woman doesn't say anything. A guy f$#%s her, all seems to be fine, and later it comes to her mind that he raped her. And then there are cases like with Julian Assange where a woman had 3 times sex with him. According to her the first and third time was consensual sex. But when they had sex the second time she thinks he raped her. Really? And why would any women have consensual sex with a guy after he supposedly raped her. It doesn't make any sense - at least not for men.
  7. Do we need a MeToo movement? Almost all men agree that guys who rape women should go to jail or be executed. If women come forward after such a traumatic event most men are on her side. Report the guy and hopefully he will be prosecuted and then go to jail. But there there are those other cases. Suddenly some women remember that a guy raped them a decade or two ago. Most men don't have much patients with these kind of accusations. Mostly because it is about she said and he said. And for whatever reason some people think women always tell the truth and men always lie. Many (most?) guys get upset with this unfair treatment. And then there is sexual harassment and/or what some people call assault. I.e. maybe a guy makes a (not very sophisticated) move to ask a woman out. That was harassment. He should/will lose his job. Or a guy slaps a girl on her butt. Should he do that? Normally not. But how about if she returns the favor and slaps him in the face. Action, reaction, message sent and likely received. There was a time when that was what happened. Most men learned and didn't do it again. IMHO lots of guys don't like MeToo. They don't like it because everything gets dragged into "rape" and assault and harassment. Women would receive a lot more support from men if they would concentrate on real rape. A woman was raped, the rapist should be punished. Clear rule, clear support. But that is obviously not what many of those feminists want.
  8. But we have MeToo in Thailand. Sometime when I go out with friends and we spot a pretty girl on stage one of my friends tells us: I want her. And we all agree: MeToo, MeToo.
  9. I never did that. But I heard stories from friends who though they had sex with pretty women until they woke up the next morning. Like: Did I really f#$# you? Oh my god.
  10. I haven't read the details before this post. But I remember a so called visa agent in Bangkok maybe 10 years ago. He got a visa for everybody, no problem. Until the moment some important people found out that he did all the stamping and signing by himself. He had to leave the country within a few days...
  11. NEVER is such a drastic word. Why use is or even think it? Ok, I am sure I will never have sex with some ugly old women, but for many other things, why restrict yourself? Likely I will spend the rest of my life in Thailand. But maybe I go on holiday to another country. If bad things happen, which I don't expect, I could also possibly move to another country. Sometimes we have threads here that people want to move to Thailand for their retirement. Sure, if you like it do it. And think about what you are doing. And maybe you are as happy as you think you will be. But maybe not. Why try to make decisions for eternity? How about: I plan to stay here for at least a couple of years. And then, if things go different then expected, think again.
  12. I work for a company and have a work permit and we use a visa agent. The only thing I have to do is one time a year show up at immigration about 9am. The agent was there since maybe 6am. I walk in with the agent, wait maybe 5 minutes, then I sit in front of the immigration officer. They take one picture. Thanks and have a nice day. All the paperwork is done by the agent, questions are answered by the agent, and the waiting is done by the agent. And obviously having such an agent makes life better because no stress, no hassle, no complications. A long time ago I did visa runs with a company. All organized and straightforward. No hassle. It makes life just easier.
  13. Yes, that is true. But I also find it hard to see how many people think kids just grow up by themselves to be responsible adults some time. Lots of Thai kids grow up with a horrible education and often with not exactly good role models. I see the development of lots of kids from the family and friends of my gf. To use a nice term: suboptimal development...
  14. No, No. First of all, I am still working. And in my spare time I have my gf, electronics, and in the moment I renovate an apartment. There is a lot to do. And from past experience, if I ever get bored I like to read books and sometimes watch videos and movies, etc. The good thing with all of those activities is that I can easily do them or don't do them whenever I like. One of the problem with kids is that they are a full time job. Or at least I think we should have time for our kids when we do it right. Obviously some people will say: How do you know about kids? I was once a kid and I remember the good times and the bad times. And I see lots of kids with horrible parents. I know it takes a lot of effort to do this right.
  15. For what reason? So that life for you is not boring? To guide your child in the direction you want? It seems lots of kids want something other than their parents. Would you accept that? I think lots of people dream about this wonderful idea of a happy family. But then, looking around at reality, how many happy families exist?
  16. I have no kids and I don't want any kids. Here are some reasons. If I would have kids then I would try to do my best for my kids. That includes good parental care, good school, a house with a garden, etc. Kids, especially in Thailand, are very expensive. Spending 1 million THB per year or even more for one child in a good school is not unusual. I think kids should grow up in a house with a garden, maybe in a quiet street, something like that. Up country that is easy, in Bangkok that is very expensive. I don't think it is a good idea to let the grand parents look after the children all the time. But it seems that is what happens in Thailand a lot. Is that great for the kids? I have my doubts. I am sure if I would have a pretty girl as my child I would worry a lot. I know some fathers who bring their girls everywhere with a car because they don't want that the girls are alone on the streets. I know lots of fathers with kids and an ex. They still pay for them but often the kids don't want to see the father and/or don't like the father. If someone really likes kids and is ready to spend lots of time with the kids and is able to afford them and has a loving wife then please go ahead. If not then don't. And don't have children with the idea in the back of your head that they will take care of you when you are old. They won't! Or ar least you can't rely on the fact that they want to take care of you.
  17. So what do you think happend that for many years nothing was reported and then suddenly 14 of them remember something. And it seems all 14 remember is suddenly within one week or so. Strange. Personally I think it's good when the public things something like: let's follow these cases and make sure they are followed up. But I hate when people come to conclusions without any evidence. I am sure there is somewhere a playbook: How to destroy your opponent.
  18. But then again: Noi, Nit, Pim, Aey, and a few more names covers already 50% of them. ????
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