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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. The problem is that many of the batteries which are sold have brand name stickers on them. And that's about the only thing which they have in common with those brands. It is very difficult to find out which of the batteries are "real".
  2. I bought some from this shop. They seem to be alright. But to be fair I don't have much comparison. https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/vapcellthailand https://www.vapcelltech.com/
  3. Who is blaming "the women"? Some of us question some women's motives. Obviously there are bad guys who abuse and rape women. And I think almost all of us want that those bad guys go to jail. I didn't read any comment here where anybody writes that a guilty guy should not go to jail. On the other hand many of us also know that some women lie. Some want money, some want to be able to play the victim game, some just want to ruin some guys. So how about we all try to see both possible sides? Some guys are bad and should go to jail. And some women lie. Both exist. And in many cases, with limited information we are not able to judge who is lying and who is guilty.
  4. One thing which this thread shows is that many Thai girls and women are great actresses. One day they speak with one of those do-gooders: It's so horrible. I cry every day. I only do it to help my family. Please help me and rescue me. Next day: Wow, you are such a strong guy. It's wonderful with you. Will you come and see me tomorrow again? Another day: I am self employed. I sell things on the internet. Sex work? No! I would never do that.
  5. I wonder where your insider wisdom comes from. I am sure some don't like the job. But on the other hand many do it for many years. And they have other options. And in case nobody told you: In farang oriented nightlife business there are very few pimps. Most girls do what they do because they want to make a lot of money. And they don't suffer half as much as you imagine.
  6. I think for the purpose of this thread and especially for you I should tell you that my preferred pronounces are: they / them / theirs. Now you work out whatever x-splaining that is.
  7. I am sure there are some guys who think they give prostitutes a good time and multiple orgasms and all that. But I am also sure that the majority of guys is realistic enough to know they do business. You provide A and I pay B. It is not required that A enjoys her job. Many people in many jobs don't enjoy their work. They work to make money. In my experience there are very few girls who are really desperate for money and that is why they so what they do. Many, I am sure the vast majority, do it because they just make a lot more money with this kind or work compared to i.e. working in a factory or 7/11. It's their choice. And if it would be so horrible then why do so much work? I.e. 4 or 5 customers per month should be enough to make as much money as in a minimum wage job. So they could work i.e. for one week and the rest of the week go to school or learn a proper job or something like this. How many of those victims in Pattaya do that? And do you think a 22 year old girl can only have a good time with a 22 year old man? By that definition I am sure 90% of people out there are unhappy.
  8. And why are you so sure that all those men are guilty? Are there also any women out there who like to ruin the lives of men? And are there also women out there who like to make a lot of money from accusing guys? Like: I can go to every media and accuse you in every TV show, or you give me money. It seems for you it's easy. Women are always victims. Men are always scum. It must be wonderful to live in such a clear defined world. Unfortunately it doesn't have much resemblance to reality.
  9. I remember only a few of them. If now a women came out and said she had sex with me 10 years ago then likely I wouldn't know. Maybe I had, maybe not. If she would tell me I met her in place A and went with her to hotel B then that will help me to determine if it might have happened. I remember at least the places which I visited regularly. But even then I wouldn't remember for sure. Independent from any women some time ago a person asked me about work which I did about 15 years ago. I worked on that project for some time and I thought I remember it. I remembered that the company supplied me with data in a specific format and then I had to make it work with that format. Recently I looked up my emails from that time and I found out: The company asked me which format I want. I told them and they supplied me with that. Pretty much the opposite of what I remembered. Is my memory in general worse than that of other people? I don't think so. And it's a proven fact that many people forget lots of events. And many "remember" things which in real life never happened. And this happens to everyone even without any bad intentions. So if you think you remember everything then you might be the big exception and maybe you have a fabulous memory. But then, maybe not...
  10. Why don't you just ask them? http://nanahotel.co.th/contact-us.php
  11. You clearly like that term "victim blaming". And you clearly don't understand the concept of common sense. And it seems you don't understand that bad guys only go to jail if bad guys are convicted of a crime. And they won't be convicted if nobody reports a crime.
  12. It seems your conclusion is that what was reported in the UK was true. Maybe it was true. But maybe, just maybe, those were gold diggers back then. Who knows?
  13. I will tell you something about people like me. If anybody claims he or she was abused or raped then I support this person to go forward. Report the crime, try that the criminal will get prosecuted and convicted. If the criminal goes to jail then there is one criminal less on the street who can do harm. I am sure many people think like that. We all want that criminals go to jail. So what happens if a person speaks up about a alleged crime which allegedly happened many years ago? Is there any evidence to convict that criminal now? And if that evidence exist why wait so long? Just coming out like "he also did this to me" is useless! It is no proof that a crime happened so an accused person won't be prosecuted or go to jail. And if an innocent person is accused he has almost no chance to defend himself. Who has a record of what he did Tuesday afternoon 12 years ago? If a women waits a week or two to get over the shock that is understandable. But reporting something many years later is for many people like me useless and suspicious.
  14. You avoid giving answers. It seems you try to live in a beautiful world without crime. And maybe in your world crimes just happen out of the blue. Could a victim be maybe even 1% responsible for doing something stupid which she shouldn't have done? Not according to you. We don't live in a perfect world. When will you accept reality?
  15. A appreciate you post. Let me concentrate on this part for a minute. What do you mean with "now to try and make the wrong right"? Do they really expect that the alleged rapist will be sentenced now because they also claim they were abused or raped 10 years ago? Or do they think if only enough women say something happened then we all should believe that it happened? I mean: Maybe it did happen. But just the fact that some women say it happened many years ago is no prof that it happened. And as we all know many women all over the world who accuse men after many years want compensation. That is obviously a big motivation to "remember" what happened long time ago. And if we assume for a moment that everybody is innocent until proven guilty: Do these women really expect that the accused still remembers in detail what he did 10 years ago? That doesn't mean he did it or didn't do it. But we all forget events. And we forget details after days. Nobody remembers all the details after many years.
  16. What is your definition of abuse? Is anybody who has sex with a young Isarn girl in Pattaya an abuser?
  17. Ok, so they decide to stay silent for several possible reason. I can understand that. But why then don't be silent anymore after a decade? What do these alleged victims hope will happen after so many years? Is there any evidence left? Do they expect a confession? Do they expect a compensation? Why stay silent for so long and then speak up?
  18. I am not so sure what would have happened. I agree it is not easy in Thailand to complain about somebody powerful. But also 15 and 20 years ago powerful people were convicted and ended up in jail. Today it is still a big step in Thailand to complain against the powerful. But more and more people do complain. And/or they post things on fb. One thing is sure: If nobody complains then nobody will be prosecuted and convicted. And saying "nothing will ever change" and then expecting it will change just doesn't add up.
  19. How do you know? I don't say you are wrong, but I also don't know if you are right. There are often lots of assumptions what might have happened. Fact is if many women would have complained earlier then probably there would be fewer victims.
  20. It seems you need to be a little longer member of this club to adjust your expectations...
  21. #6: Find a nice Thai girl who shows you around. Try to speak Thai with her, watch what she does and how she behaves. And let her show you Thai life. You will learn a lot, and if you do it right you will also have a lot of fun.
  22. Mansplaing to sexual assault survivors on how they should behave…classy. Your a women, wouldn't you like it if the men who assault and rape women are exposed and hopefully prosecuted and jailed? Now how does it happen that bad guys get arrested and jailed? Does it happen because victims and witnesses go to the police? Or does it just happen without anybody coming forward? It seems someone has to explain this to you. If nobody comes forward and complains then nobody gets prosecuted and possibly jailed. And if they don't get exposed and jailed then the bad guys do bad things again and again, maybe for many years. And then there are more and more and more victims. So what is the best way that there are no more victims? Lock up the bad guys or execute them. But how can that ever happen if nobody complains? A criminal can only get away with his crimes if nobody complains - maybe for 15 years. Now you can try to womensplain to those assault survivors why that guy did it apparently again and again and why he was not in jail.
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