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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. It's difficult to try to think like a bad guy - at least for me it is. But we all learn from experience in any aspect of our lives. I.e. if I drive too fast and I have to pay a fine then I think again if I do that again. If I drive too fast all the time and nobody cares then likely I won't change my behavior. If a guy assaults a woman and he gets away with that then maybe he is disgusted with himself and decides he will never do that again. Or maybe he learns that nothing happens and he does it again, and again. It's naive to think that a powerful guy does this one time and never again. I understand that it is not easy for a woman to step forward and accuse a guy of assault or rape. But then, if these women decided years ago that they don't want to face the public why do they do it now? And if there is no proof what do they expect will come out of it now, years later? And if there is proof why didn't they report it earlier?
  2. But once registered people can and do drive vehicles for years and never renew any tax or insurance. And most of the time nobody cares. TiT!
  3. They also kept gold bars at home. For what? Hanging them around their necks every couple of days? Just put them in a safety box from a bank or another professional company. There is no reason to keep valuables like that at home.
  4. Why would anybody leave valuables for millions of THB at home? It's just stupid!
  5. Imagine she would have reported that 15 years ago. And maybe he would have been removed from his position. And maybe his bad behavior would have been in the news. And because of all that then maybe lots of other women wouldn't have gone through the same assault. I wonder if women who wait many years with their reports ever think about how many others they could have saved if they would have reported the assault when it happened. And sure, if all that happened then he is a bad guy and he should go to jail and he is/was responsible for his actions. But imagine he would have gone to jail 10 years ago...
  6. It's not just one person or company which has your number. So maybe different people, connected or independent from each other, call you. The best way to handle this is to tell them "I am not interested" and hang up the phone. If they do it again then do it again. Done in 5 seconds. Case closed. Phone sales people want to make money. If they get a clear NO then they move on to other people. If they don't get a clear NO then maybe they try it again and again. And maybe some sales people also have sometime fun and take the pi$$. Like: let's call this guy again, he always gets to angry, it's hilarious
  7. The police informs the embassy and the embassy tries to find the nearest relatives and informs those relatives about the death. Many embassies also inform the family members, who might be in a country far away, about service companies in Thailand who manage these situations. I.e. maybe the father in Germany gives the Thai repatriation company the right to collect things from the apartment. That company will also sort out any payments to the hospitals, etc.
  8. Thanks! Any idea about the numbers? I.e. 5k for scratch and 100k for a lost leg?
  9. Thanks for your information! Do you know the legal and real life situation about compensation for accidents? Before Covid my gf's father was hit by a motorcycle in the village from a guy without driver license and without insurance. Her father is old and does not work anymore. As far as I remember he didn't have to pay for his hospital treatment. I think it was "for free". But then I remember they talked about a compensation because her father was for some time in hospital and then had difficulties walking. I think they agreed that the family of the bad driver paid maybe 50,000B to him or something like that. I was never asked for money and my gf does things like this without my input, so I don't know much about it. So how is that situation legally? Does the person who is responsible for the accident and injury have to pay a compensation? How much? And what happens if he doesn't pay or can't pay? Thanks
  10. It seems for Thai hospital that makes a huge difference. As far as I know (and I might be wrong) If a person i.e. walks and falls down then it is free for this person. If the person works then the company pays for government health insurance. And if the person is not employed then there is the 30 baht scheme. In both cases the patient doesn't pay. But if a person gets injured in an accident with a vehicle which should have an insurance then, it seems, the above insurances will not pay. Then the hospital wants money from the vehicle insurance. And if the vehicle in the accident didn't have an insurance then this is a problem. At least that is how I understand how this works.
  11. Out of interest: What music did you like when you were young? And did your parents and other older people like that music at that time. Or did they tell you something like: Put the volume down on that garbage... ?
  12. It seems many people don't know this. It is easy on many smartphones to take a picture of a document, even from an angle, and it can look like a good scan. Here is a video which explains this (I just watched the first few minutes). This function might have different names depending on the phone. But it is often integrated - even in cheap phones.
  13. Maybe it's better to talk to another electrician. Unfortunately in Thailand are many bad electricians. And, even worse, many useless inspectors who let those bad electricians get away with horrible work.
  14. Some, or maybe even many of Joe Rogan's videos are pretty good. He listens and he knows when to ask which questions. And then there are some people who take his videos and other famous peoples' videos and add lots of pictures and text and then they try to sell those videos from other people as their own creations. Sad.
  15. Sending it easy, just google: sending fax by email
  16. I just looked it up. I think I didn't hear that song in the last 30 years or so. But I still like it.
  17. So you see crimes happening and you don't do anything about it and you don't think people should use common sense and you think somehow the crimes will go away. Interesting.
  18. I am not sure sure about that. When I was a teenager everybody loved big speakers and big ghetto blasters. Now it seems more people use headphones and/or little Bluetooth speakers.
  19. Yeah, great idea. And while you working on that how about no drugs and no murders or just no crimes at all anymore? What a wonderful idea.
  20. Call it whatever you like. I think it's a lot better if a girl is smart and uses common sense. It seems for you it's good enough that she says after the event: Don't blame me. I didn't do anything wrong.
  21. Yes, in theory you are right. And do you see the problem? You can try as hard as you want and we can all try as hard as we want but there will always be bad guys. And even if all bad guys would go to jail after doing something bad then still bad things would happen. So coming back to that imagined daughter (or any other young female who needs guidance): I would tell them to be careful and to avoid risk. It's impossible to avoid all risk all the time. But at least it is possible to avoid some big risks. And going with a guy who they barely know into a private room is certainly a big risk. And what would be the result of that? Would there be no rapes anymore? No. But who would be raped? The girls with pink tinted lenses who hope that the world is perfect? Or the girls who know there are bad guys and who avoid big risks? All that doesn't make a rapist more or less guilty. A rapist is guilty. But if a girl can avoid a big risk then it is smart to avoid it. It's called common sense.
  22. Yes, you are right, no is no and if the guy ignores her no then that is rape. So when that happens the woman can rightfully say: he raped me. But, wouldn't it have been a lot better for her if she would have thought before meeting that guy if that is a smart idea? Are you really thinking the woman in that example is not partly responsible for bringing herself in a risky situation? If you would have a daughter and she would tell you: Now I will see this guy at his home who I just met online. Would you let her go and wish her a good time? Or would you tell her to think twice or maybe outright tell her: Don't do that!
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