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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks for your answer and good that we agree on some things. I never said it is acceptable that a woman gets raped when she visits a guy. Of course people should only have sex (anywhere, anytime) when both want that. But I think everybody should think about possible risks whatever they do. If a woman is not sure about a guy but for whatever reason she still has to meet him then she should do it in a public place, i.e. in a hotel lobby. Or she can ask a friend or colleague to join her. And if she suggest that and the guy doesn't like that they meet in a public place or together with another person then the alarm bells should go on. When I understand your writing correct then you think similar to: She should be able to go wherever she wants. And if a guy wants to have sex with her, i.e. in a private room, then she should tell him she doesn't want sex and all will be fine. Really? We are not living in a perfect world. Some people are bad. And some people think they can get away with certain behavior especially if they are alone. Do I think that is good or fair? No! But it doesn't matter if you or I think that is fair. It matters that sometimes bad things happen. And bad things happen more likely to people who are not careful. IMHO it is just common sense to look at possible risks and avoid those risks. Maybe a direct question to you: A girl chats with a guy on a dating app. They agree to meet in a hotel. And then bad things happen. Where do you think the situation got wrong? In the moment when the guy didn't listen to her NO inside the room? Or was there any mistake (long) before that happened?
  2. @robblok There was a time when women slapped a guy when he misbehaved. That seems to be out of fashion now. I never raped a woman and I have no interest in doing that. And, as mentioned above, I think that any man who raped a woman should go to jail. And I also think that any woman who accused a guy of rape which never happened should go to jail. Lots of feminists pretend they want equality. But what many of them want is that everybody should believe everything women say and everybody should think men are guilty if any women accuses them. I am not one of those guys who thinks women always tell the truth. Many lie.
  3. I think victim blaming is overrated. If I walk along with a gold chain and an expensive camera around my neck in Rio and I get robbed (and maybe killed) then almost everybody would agree that I was just stupid. I asked for it. But if a woman doesn't know a guy or she knows him only a little and then she visits him in a private room then some people just think she is a victim. Why didn't she think about possible bad consequences? I think now it seems to be fashion that some people think they should be able to do anything and pretend the world is perfect. Really? The world isn't perfect and bad things happen. Be prepared, and don't do stupid things!
  4. I think that is only partly true. If 30 years ago an aspiring actress would have accused a manager that he kissed her against her will or maybe gave her a slap on her backside then I agree, most people, including me, would have seen that as part of the business. But if a woman was actually raped by a prominent person and she screamed and fought him, then I am pretty sure not many people would have accepted that. Most people agree that bad guys should go to jail. Personally I find the worst cases are when I read accusations from women about what a guy did and all that happened in a hotel room. Many of those women could have just opened the door and walk out. But they didn't. Why didn't they walk out? And many of those women then later visited the same guy again and they had a good idea of what might happen. But they still did it. And 20 years later they call it rape. Strange.
  5. If there would be i.e. 10 guys who get away with rape and 3 would be innocent but their life would be ruined by accusations, do you think it would be fair enough that the innocent guys suffer? And about guys getting away with it because lack of evidence: In which cases does that happen? Does it happen if i.e. a woman visits a guy in his hotel room and later she says he raped her and he says she agreed to sex? In cases where a guy dragged a woman into a street and raped here there there is normally a lot of evidence. Personally I think too many people make (very) bad decisions and then they find out too late that there are consequences. I.e. if a woman arranges to see a guy for sex who she just "met" online is that a good idea? Obviously no guy should rape anybody in any situation. But IMHO we should agree that some women should have though a minute or two before they met some guys in private. And about you not ruining anybody's life with your comments in a forum. I agree that your comment alone makes almost no difference, same as my comments. But take a million comments of people who write something like "he is guilty, lynch him" or comments like "lets be fair and look at the evidence" then that makes a difference.
  6. I wonder how many of those MeToo women who told their (version of the) story 10 or 20 years later ever though about how much pain they could have helped to prevent if they would have accused the bad guys earlier. Now we hear i.e. many people who say they knew that something bad was going on with Weinstein since a long long time. And what did they do? Did they warn people? Did they at least try to make sure he can never do it again? No! Most of them just watched and did nothing to prevent further harm. So much about MeToo.
  7. He is prominent and that brings a couple of "complications". Let me say first that what I write here is independent of political party, gender, etc. I am sure there are enough people who would like to see the accused in jail - or at least away from politics. And obviously some people will love it when this drags down his political party. That part might already be motivation enough for some people to accuse him. And then there is possible compensation. Why not join the money train and get a million for not going (too much) public? MeToo showed us that if one person comes out with accusations then often others come out as well. How many of those prominent people who were accused were also prosecuted and convicted? And when I write prosecuted and convicted I have a real court in mind and not facebook and twitter and all that. Lots of men had their lives totally ruined by accusations. And once that life is ruined it is impossible to bring it back. Personally I think it's fair if the press publishes accusations. And if there is any evidence then please publish that as well. But if it is something like "he did this years ago and nobody saw it and I didn't mention it until now" then I think we should be careful to jump to conclusions. If he is guilty and if there is evidence and if the public makes sure the investigation continues then there will be a conclusion at some stage. Why not wait a little longer before ruining someone's life? And about why some men, including me, don't trust accusations from women: Over the years I knew a couple of guys who's life was made miserable by women. Just accusations about what they allegedly did to the women and/or children was enough for that. And when later the truth came out that the women were lying what happened? Not much. The guys lives were still ruined and there was little to no consequences for the women. Sad - and unfortunately it happens too often. Obviously some accusations are true and they guys should go to jail. Let a judge decide!
  8. Looking at her speed she must have had her foot for some time on the gas and never changed it to the brake pedal. Was she drunk or just stupid?
  9. And obviously that wouldn't have happened 40 years ago...
  10. I also know a lot of good old music and not so much good new music. But that doesn't mean good new music doesn't exist anymore. I pay a lot less attention and it's not so important for me anymore. And there are fewer of those moments at those parties where a song stays in my mind connected to one girl. And then a few months later another girl. I think Ed Sheeran is a good example that talent still exists. Here are two versions of one of his song. I would call them basic and very basic. And it's still a good song.
  11. Many professionals learn massage in Wat Po. They learn a very much in detail step by step massage session which takes two hours. Maybe they changed it now but at least years ago that was the only session. Do you want 2 hours or 120 minutes?
  12. Rick Beato explains in one of his videos on YouTube how software is used to correct the bad singing of some artist. And this software corrects it but by doing that it makes it all equal. Many of us will remember the times when there was no such software and no music videos. The artist had to be good, otherwise nobody would play them. Long time ago. And about making your own music. That reminds me of Coyote Ugly. The music was obviously the important part to watch that movie. ????
  13. It seems most people in my building obey the rules. What I don't like are Airbnb rented units. There are big signs that this is illegal. But it seem people pick up keys at the official condominium management counter as if it is a hotel. It seems the big problem is that the main owner allows it. And it seems he is the one who would need to instruct the management to enforce the rules. He doesn't tell them so they don't do it. And then, this being Thailand, it is understandable that ordinary security guards and office staff don't want to tell those on an upper levels of that hacking order what to do. Better keep quiet...
  14. No daddy, it was only 2000 per month. ????
  15. I try to be not too judgmental. I can hear music from almost any time and lots of music genres. Some I like more and some not so much. Music changes over time, it changed a lot in the past, and it continues to change. And now a big part are obviously music videos. With some pretty girls and good videos almost any music can be sold. 169 million views on YouTube...
  16. Once I looked a 150cc bike and they offered something like 2% finance. I thought: that sounds good. 2% per year is a good rate. But then they told me it's 2% per month... That was many years ago, I have no idea about current rates and prices.
  17. In theory you are right. But in real life: Who cares? If the police stops riders and they don't have a license it cost often 100B without receipt. And even if you pay 400B at the station I don't think the police insist that you have to show them that you have a license. TiT! P.S.: I never had an accident and I don't know how much they care in that situation.
  18. That would be logical. But since when do (Thai) women act according to logic?
  19. If you are innocent then I guess not much will happen. How do I know? I don't. But I am pretty sure if it would be very easy for Thai women to create trouble for their boyfriends and husbands then it would happen more frequently. I don't think it happens frequently. Stay cool and don't let her provoke you to do anything which could compromise your situation. Good luck!
  20. Is he guilty? I find it always interesting and sad how many people are sure accused people are guilty. With the information from the article obviously I don't know if he is innocent or guilty. And I guess most other people don't know. Why not take the approach: We have to watch this guy and the police and make sure the case is not forgotten. Is there evidence? If yes, prosecute and possibly convict him. And if there is no evidence then there is no evidence. Why is it that many people are always sure about lots of things even if they have only little information?
  21. I have to admit I am good enough to do the math (I know it's not so complicated), but I never ever thought about doing that. I just bought in a shop a size which I thought might be ok. And then I tried it. Fine, it works. And then later with another container I thought a smaller bag might work. I bought it, I tried it, and it didn't work. So next tile I will buy the bigger size. Problem solved - and maybe 50B wasted. But I am sure I can use the smaller bags for something else.
  22. Just think it's breakfast time. And depending on the breakfast beer is a necessary part of that. ????
  23. If you are happy with your situation that is obviously great. For me, since many years, including the time when I was back home, family was mostly headache. And if family members are already headache in good times then I am pretty sure things won't get better in bad times. At an early age I asked myself: Would I chose this and that family member as my friend? For some of them my answer was: "no". For other family members the answer was: "No way, never!" and only for few of them I would consider them as friends or even want them as my friends. Unfortunately many of us don't have a happy family - anywhere in the world.
  24. Make sure to tell your bank to send the money in AUD so that it will be exchanged within Thailand to THB. Don't any bank exchange it before it arrives in Thailand! That is the rule for buying property in Thailand. There are also a couple of websites with detailed information. Just search for them.
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