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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Sure, that is true. And it's nice to have an intelligent conversation with a woman. In my experience there are very few women who are very intelligent and very pretty. Personally I chose the pretty one to be my gf/wife and I have those intelligent conversations with the often not so pretty intelligent women. And obviously it is also possible to understand the differences between men and women by interacting and communicating with not so smart women.
  2. So now Boris, with so many kids that he doesn't even remember all of them, will argue about sex hungry Andrew. It's almost funny. Good that I am not from the UK and that I don't have to pay for this.
  3. No, he and/or his family is handling over millions to end this. They have tons of money, a couple of million less won't change their lifestyle in any way. The money doesn't prove if he is guilty or not. Maybe yes, maybe no. It seem most of the public thinks he is guilty - without any evidence. Strange times!
  4. not many will believe that It's interesting what people believe. A women who received lots of money from rich men and want to receive even more money from rich men claims she had sex with a guy. Evidence: A picture of both together (with clothes and other people around). Wow, is that evidence enough these days?
  5. Why would you (try to) have an intelligent conversation with the wife? That's why we have friends!
  6. I think it's a good thing that my wife won't have sex with you. ????
  7. Is this the best you can offer? It sound to me like the homework from a bored student who had to write something, anything and have it done. If this forum wants to shine with their expertise than try again. And try harder!
  8. He must be pleased that he doesn't have to do that work anymore.
  9. So if you can't imagine it then it can't possibly have happened? But obviously nobody has to prove what happened because you and many others are sure it must have happened. It's a strange world out there.
  10. How many girls would love to travel in a private jet half around the world to meet a prince and have sex with him?
  11. Does this mean that any women who stays with a rich guy and has sex with him is a prostitute? Or how about women who are married and have sex and then get divorced and received a lot of money?
  12. So you live according to: he is guilty until he can prove that he didn't do it. And how can he prove it? Basically he can't. Interesting concept.
  13. How many guys do you know who (possibly) had sex with a 17 year old girl maybe 20 years ago? And how many of them were ever prosecuted for that? My answers are: many and 0
  14. Mail from AU to the rest of the world was extreme slow in the last months. Even so called express shipping.
  15. That is what you tell us is the American law. But she made those decisions - competent or incompetent or whatever. All of us made decisions in our lives. I.e. when I was 15 and even younger it was my decision which other people (mostly teenager) I wanted to see. I also decided which people I avoided. But that was not in America and by now I know that America is somehow different...
  16. Good that you wrote you presume and not you assume... I am sure some people plan in detail. But it seems many don't.
  17. Consequences like what? No luxury life anymore? Having to work all day to make a little money. The horror! That reminds me of a prostitute who I talked to many years ago in a country far away. I asked her why she doesn't do another job. And she said something like: Another job like what? Maybe work as a cleaner? I would work hard for a whole day. Or I can just open my legs and make the some money in half an hour. I understood her point. It seems Giuffre had to make a similar decision.
  18. My point is: Is he guilty only because he is a sleazebag? And about victim blaming: Sometimes I really don't want to hear that word "victim" in this kind of situation again. If someone attacks a woman and rapes her and hurts her then she is clearly a victim. If a girl or a woman decides she wants to make a lot of money by visiting rich guys I don't pretend they are victims. She didn't have to visit him. She could have walked away anytime.
  19. If I would visit the USA then probably I would inform myself about any important laws over there which I should know about. But I am pretty sure that even in the unlikely case that I would ever visit the USA I wouldn't be interested to have sex with anybody of any age over there. So why should I learn about sex related laws from that country? Considering that this is Thailand you should know that people get sometimes locked up here because of "wrong words". Try to accuse anybody in Thailand to be a pedophile and watch what will happen...
  20. I think everybody should be responsible for what they are doing. Some people are not grown up even if they are legally mature. And others are are old enough even if they are in some countries not legally old enough. It's almost funny when a girl crosses the border from country A to B and suddenly she is too young or old enough. Considering that this thread is in a Thai forum with lots of member who are in Thailand since decades I would like to see how many of those members always checked the age of their girl of the day. I remember the time when in some bars the front row was filled with 16 year old girls. I don't remember that too many guys complained about that at that time. Obviously now times are different and we all would be outraged if we would ever meet a girl in a bar who is not at least 20 years old. But some time ago, about the time when Epstein and Andrew were active, times were different - at least that is what other people tell me.
  21. It's not my fault if you and/or other people don't understand the meaning of certain words. Personally I look it up if I am not sure...
  22. Why do so many people (deliberately?) misuse that word pedophile? From Wikipedia: Pedophilia (alternatively spelt paedophilia) is a psychiatric disorder in which an adult or older adolescent experiences a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children.[1][2] Although girls typically begin the process of puberty at age 10 or 11, and boys at age 11 or 12,[3] criteria for pedophilia extend the cut-off point for prepubescence to age 13 From here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia It seems the youngest girl Epstein was accused of having sex with was 14. Having sex with a 14 year old girl is in most countries illegal but the person who does it is by definition no pedophile. There is a huge difference between pedophiles who are interested in prepubescent children and guys who are attracted to girls who are "mature" enough to be able to have children. Rich and famous people like to have sex just like ordinary people. One big difference is that many young and pretty girls (legal or not) prefer the rich and famous. I spoke with a couple of musicians who played in bands. They all told me part of the attraction was that lots of girls were eager to go with the "famous" guys. Personally I don't blame any famous person if he takes what is on offer. That's the whole point of being famous, or not?
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