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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Thanks for all your comments. Here are some possible pros and cons: The sliding door are a "real" separation almost like a wall. And, IMHO, they can look good. The curtain looks like a curtain - I guess some look better and some worse. I think the advantage of a curtain is that it can be easily opened and closed with one hand. I.e. if the curtain is closed and I want to walk into the closed section to just get something and walk out again that is a lot easier with a curtain. I can move it on each side a little or more or maybe just move it out of the way without opening it. With a sliding wall that is (I guess) more difficult. Maybe there are also good other options which I don't know yet. Any ideas?
  2. In principle I like the idea about large open spaces. But sometimes it is nice to be able to divide a bigger room in two smaller parts. I am looking for options about what is available and what is practical and makes sense. One reason for such a divider is a visible barrier to hide one part of a big room. Another reason is to save electricity of the aircon when one part of a room that is not used is separated. Sliding panels are probably a better barrier for air circulation and noise. Curtains are easier to use. They won't really seal one room part airtight but maybe they still do a relative good job to hinder air circulation. Do you use any room divider? Do they work the way you anticipated and do you use them? Or do you think in the hindsight you should have installed another kind of room divider. Obviously the type of room divider also depends on the installation. It will be a lot more difficult to install sliding panels in an existing room. In my case that consideration doesn't matter for a complete renovation. These are just sample pictures for two of the options.
  3. Look for reputable sellers and the problem is solved. I do more and more online shopping because it is convenient. I.e. some time ago I visited Ban Moo to buy electronic parts. Sometimes I asked in several shops and maybe they had the item behind them but they didn't know or care. Now I look at online pages, see products and alternatives often with multiple suppliers. I can weed out the shops who overcharge and I can ignore the shops which offer something for an unreasonable cheap price. Then I order it and get it delivered maybe for 20 or 50 THB delivery charge 2 or 3 days later. All that takes maybe 10 minutes instead of getting to the place with the shops, run around in the shops and looking for shops, maybe waiting in the shop and getting back. Online shopping is a wonderful invention. P.S.: And I still order and drink my coffee in a coffee shop. Because there it is fresh and I can sit and relax with my fresh coffee.
  4. I wonder where this will go in the future. Maybe strict rules for dating apps like you can't just say you like this person and not that person. After all, they should have all equal opportunities. Let's say you are a 190cm 100kg guy. The dating app will match you with a perfectly fitting 190cm 100kg woman (who three month ago was a man). And you have to date her. Equal opportunities and all that... I guess some people will call that progress.
  5. Good luck that Canada explains now all the details to the kids... (no, this is not a joke, it's real!)
  6. That reminds me of that old joke: A manager is looking for a new secretary. He has interviews with three women. One is good with computers, one is great on the phone, and one knows how to organize things. Which one does he hire? The one with the biggest t$#$.
  7. That's less than 1 per day for two years. In Thailand that is almost reasonable. ???? I didn't count at that time but in my first weeks in Thailand I tried my best to have at least one per day. And truth to be told it's better that I don't remember all those details.
  8. How old are you? 20? What are you planning for the rest of your life? ????
  9. Yes Since I am about 25 my hobby is my job. I like to play with computers and get paid for it. So in a way I didn't work much in my whole life. And I experienced when I was young that money is nice but not everything. I had a bet with a friend and I ended up having a red Porsche cabriole for a weekend. It was nice and fun and lots of people looked at me and that car. But life didn't really change. My conclusion was that I don't want to work hard to make money to buy expensive things which don't really make my life much better. And a couple of years later I made holiday in Thailand and I liked it a lot. And then I decided why should I live 11 month in the cold with ugly women when instead I can live all the time in Thailand with many beautiful girls. Some time ago I read this story (there are many versions all over the internet). I really like this story. The Mexican Fisherman One day, a businessman on vacation was at the pier of a small coastal Mexican village. He looked out and noticed a fisherman rowing his boat to shore in the afternoon sun. The fisherman docked his boat and hopped out, resting his fishing pole on the side. Inside the small boat were several large yellowfin tuna. The businessman complimented the Mexican on the quality of his fish and asked how long it took to catch them. The Mexican replied, “only a little while.” The businessman then asked why he didn’t stay out longer and catch more fish? The Mexican said he had enough to support his family’s immediate needs. The businessman then asked, “But what do you do with the rest of your time?” The Mexican fisherman said, “I sleep late, fish a little, play with my children, take a nice afternoon nap with my wife, Maria, stroll into the village each evening where I sip wine and play guitar with my amigos. I have a full and busy life, señor.” The businessman scoffed, “I am an American Investment Banker with a PhD in business management, and I could help you. You should spend more time fishing in deeper waters, and with the proceeds, buy a bigger boat. With the money you make from the bigger boat, you could buy several boats; eventually, you would have a fleet of fishing boats. “Instead of selling your catches of fish to a middleman, you would sell directly to the processor and eventually own your own production plant for canned food. You would control the product, processing, and distribution of fresh fish to thousands of people. You would need to leave this small coastal fishing village and move to Mexico City, then LA, and eventually New York City where you would run your expanding enterprise.” The Mexican fisherman asked, “But señor, how long will this all take?” To which the businessman replied, “15-20 years.” “But what then, señor?” The businessman laughed and said, “That’s the best part! When the time is right you would announce an IPO and sell your company stock to the public and become very rich. You would make millions.” “Millions, señor? Then what?” The businessman said, “Then you would retire. Move to a small coastal fishing village where you would sleep late, fish a little, play with your kids, take a siesta with your wife, stroll to the village in the evenings where you could sip wine and play your guitar with your amigos.”
  10. Yes, because it is up to the owner/manager. If I want to hire a maid, should I hire anybody who shows up who can wipe the floor? Or am I allowed to choose which person I want to hire? And if my gay neighbor wants to hire a maid he has the same free choice for himself. And the same principle applies IMHO to companies.
  11. What other criteria should be used about fairness? I.e. if you look at all US states, was there at least on judge from each state over the years? And if not, should there be? There are so many possible criteria to which group people belong. The skin color is obvious, because it's plain to see. Is that reason enough to choose that as a criteria? Personally I think they should always look at the best qualified person at that time - regardless of "membership" in any group.
  12. Crypto only goes up if there is a high demand. It's not exactly a Ponzi scheme but there are similarities.
  13. I wonder if you would have lived in a location nearby and you were black. Would you expect many white people in the street where you lived? Would you expect many white people in your school? Obviously part of that is racism, and probably mostly racism of the white people. But I am sure lots of people just feel more comfortable with "similar" people.
  14. You are wrong! Many people, including me, have no problem with gays, lesbians, transgender and others. Live and lets live. They are who they are. We can all live happily together and words like mutant are just derogatory. But, for many of us who accept these not straight people, there is a huge difference between accepting them and supporting them to get always what they want. I.e. if I know a gay guy who is a computer expert I wouldn't hesitate to recommend him to my friends or business partners. But if I know a guy who is gay and just an average computer guy then I won't recommend him to anybody only because he is gay minority and he thinks he should be supported.
  15. Sure. If it is his business or the shareholders gave him the job to run that business then why not? And this applies to many people, races, gender, etc. Try to go into a Japanese club. They won't let you in unless you are Japanese. Go to a disco and find out if the bouncers like your face. Will you complain if they don't let you in because they don't like you (for whatever reason)?
  16. No. People live in houses and they use cars. And maybe they get a dividend on those shares. What to people with crypto currencies can do with those blockchain entries? Nothing.
  17. Thanks, I get your point and in principle you are right. Let's look at that US supreme court for a moment. The president decided he wants to nominate a black woman, obviously for political reasons. According to one politician (who I don't like) that means 94% of the possible candidates don't even have to apply because they are not black and female. Is that fair? Personally I don't mind if a woman or a man or anything in between gets that job and I also don't care about the person's skin color. But I think it would be best for everybody if the person is the best qualified person for that job. And it seems qualification is often best case 2nd priority for some social worriers.
  18. That's one part. I don't know what she will decide next week. Lia Thomas: Transgender UPenn swimmer sparks outrage (nypost.com)
  19. That's what I thought up to now. If someone is gay or lesbian or a man born in a woman's body all that is possible. And IMHO they should all live the way they want to live. But how about if a guy decides one day that now he is a woman? Use the woman's toilet, compete with women in sport, etc.? And maybe in a month he decides again now he wants to be different again. Maybe this time non binary or whatever. It seems that is what the current activists suggest. It's crazy!
  20. No, I don't think it is fair to get employment percentages by race/gender/whatever to match population distributions. I think people should be employed according to their qualifications and according to other criteria how they fit into an existing team. If 7 out of 10 employees are white and male, fine, and if 5 are trans and 5 are gay that is also fine, it depends on whoever hires them. I.e. if I would hire people then it is less likely that I hire trans people. If a trans person hires people then I am sure he/she will more likely hire other trans people. It is up to each boss who they want to hire. What was the job? Lets say a group of 3 black rappers are looking for somebody to join them, what do you think who would have the highest chance to join them? An old white man? Probably not. And why? Because they will likely feel more comfortable with another black person with similar background. And why not, it's up to them. There are enough jobs out there for all of us. Why should any of us even try to work for anybody who doesn't want us (for whatever reason)? If I would apply to work as a waiter for Hooters I am pretty sure they wouldn't invite me for a job interview. Should I cry now? Or think about another job?
  21. Dr. Jordan Peterson has a good point when he talks about that many gay people say they were born that way and they can't change who they are. So far fair enough. But then now many activist talk about gender choices and that the gender is independent of the sex organs and that gender is fluid. So what does that mean? Are people "born that way" or can they decide every morning what gender they want to be on that day?
  22. That office job must be really boring if it is less boring to watch grapes grow.
  23. Crypto only makes money for the current investors if more and more people buy crypto. So they have to promote it if they want to make money. Imagine how fast the price of crypto currencies would drop if nobody would buy it anymore.
  24. You asked for "Covid Bar Scene" Yes, there is a lot of Covid in the Bar Scene.
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