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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I am not whining. I work with lots of people in lots of companies with any color, age, gender, whatever. I have no problem with any of them. The USA has a history of suppression of black people. Many other countries don't have that problem. Especially your last sentence is revealing. Do you want fairness? Or do think that is is payback time for women and black people and maybe others because some people didn't treat them as equal in the past? Payback does absolutely not sound fair and it does not make the situation any better. In fact payback is the kind of behavior which makes the situation worse. But maybe that is what some activists want so they can be activists forever.
  2. Maybe you think this is laughable. I think it's sad. Recently I spoke with a Dr. engineer who told me that he spoke to universities who try to fill up as many positions as possible with blacks, gays, trans, etc. ore of less independent of their qualification. Because that makes the university look good in the eyes of some people. Another reason they do this is to be able to hire a top qualified person for the top job - even if that top qualified person is white and male. I am qualified and I have enough work and opportunities so for me personally it doesn't matter. But I think it's sad to see how crazy this world is already and it's even worse to see that the situation gets worse all the time.
  3. Is their personality not related to their gender? If you have a web developer sitting alone at home then this all doesn't matter. But if a team works together then it matters that they work smoothly together. Obviously there might be women and men and trans and gays and whatever in one team and maybe they work just fine together. But maybe there is a team i.e. of a couple of mechanics repairing cars. Should the boss add a trans person to that team no matter what? Or should the responsible boss/manager look that the new person will fit into the existing team? This is of course only an example and there might be a car mechanic team somewhere in this world who welcomes a trans person.
  4. Look at the USA and Canada. I hope Thailand will never get as bad as they are.
  5. As far as I am concerned at least small companies should be able to decide what they want for whatever reason including race, gender, age, whatever. Nobody has the right to be employed anywhere he/she/it wants. With large companies there might be rules. I never liked working in a large company and I don't know or care about the details. You write "What if the reason was because you were black?" and you are right I am white. Let me ask: "What if the reason was because you were white and/or male?" Because it seems that is what is happening more and more. Some companies don't want white males anymore. They want women, blacks, Muslims, I guess best case is a transgender black Muslim or something similar. It happens now more and more that companies and organizations select their new employees not according to job related knowledge but because of other reasons to show that they (the company) is somehow politically correct. I am all for equal opportunities but I am not for equal outcome. I.e. women and men and black, white, whatever can apply to be nurses and pilots. But a hospital does not need the same amount of male nurses than female, etc. People are different in many ways. I will never get a job at hooters. Should I sue them for discrimination?
  6. Why should companies not be allowed to choose who they employ? Obviously there are job qualifications but if one person is better qualified does not mean automatically this person will be the better choice. People in companies should work together and there are many factors which help or hurt. If I apply for a job and the boss or HR guy doesn't like me for whatever reason why should they employ me? And if they had to employ me for whatever legal reason would that be a fundament for working efficiently and happy together? I don't think so.
  7. It seems many people agree that Daikin and Mitsubishi are the favorite brands. From your experience between these two: - Are there main differences with the features, i.e. home automation integration (for the newest top models)? - How about maintenance? Is it easier to maintain one or the other? Buying and installing the units is a one time effort. But maintenance and good or missing features is something that concerns us over years.
  8. Some people like to kill other people (or at least they think they would like it). In war zones they can do exactly that and normally they don't go to jail. I wouldn't do it. But if someone want so kill those barbarian invaders I won't complain.
  9. Maybe have a look at this: https://gharpedia.com/blog/best-location-wall-mounted-air-conditioning-unit/ "For rooms with a 30 feet plus length, Gharpedia advises placing two indoor AC units on the same wall. Placing the AC units opposite to each other can create non-uniform air circulation leading to overloading one of the ACs." I have no idea how good this advice is. I saw it already on several pages and I guess it makes sense to consider the advice.
  10. Like you wrote, they are salespeople and they do what salespeople do. Sell - as much as they can.
  11. I have to admit I am skeptic of these BTU calculators. I tried a couple of them and they all show (sometime widely) varying results. And I don't think any of those calculators ever had a field for the desired room temperature. It is a huge difference if I want to cool down a room to 28 degrees, 24 degrees or even 20 degrees. I would like to see a BTU calculator which asks for the desired temperature and maybe other details.
  12. It seems it is not just important how big and how many but where are they located. I don't remember the details now but as far as I remember if you have a long rectangular room then it is not a good idea to have an aircon at each side of the long axis. It seems to be better to have one or two aircons on the side.
  13. Search in Lazada for room thermometer. There are many of them. This is one example for 115THB. https://www.lazada.co.th/products/htc-1-indoor-room-lcd-electronic-temperature-humidity-meter-digital-thermometer-hygrometer-weather-station-alarm-clock-htc-1-i261380843-s402224854.html
  14. Thanks for all your comments. I learned that if I buy a truck a Toyota with two doors is probably the best choice. I further learned that asking many question in different section of this form gives people a chance to comment about section A in section B. Ok, fair enough, I also do that from time to time. Now, before the moderator can close this question about which pickup to buy let me write a small summary about the renovation part. I am not completely stupid, but I never renovated an apartment in Thailand. My Thai is not too bad and my girlfriend speaks perfect Thai. I.e. I am not looking for a worker who speaks English. I also understand that I won't be able to hire anyone for 300B per day because, as mentioned above, this is the daily wage for an unskilled full time job. But I though I could hire someone unskilled for 1000B per day. But then again I don't want to hire any unskilled guy. Removing furniture and bringing the parts down in a lift does not really need many skills. But the person(s) still have to be skillful enough not to ruin anything while doing an mentally easy (but physically demanding) job. I reached out to several Thai people who I know about this issue and I am waiting for answers/recommendation which I guess I will receive in the next days. I am learning. And at the end of the day I will pay what has to be paid. But I don't want to be overcharged. And we all know that sometimes things are more difficult in Thailand than we though they would be. This is why we have this forum and learn from each other. P.S.: I don't plan to start a "my condo renovation" thread. For privacy reasons I don't want to publish too many details about myself and other people who are involved in this. I don't want to write: I know this guy who did a great job and then tell you I won't tell you his name. I also don't write: This and that guy did a bad job. Because there are those laws in Thailand about writing about other people and there is this climate on TV or AN to tell member: I told you so! I know I will make mistakes and I am sure if I would renovate another condo in a few years I would do it better. But that doesn't mean I want to hear from others, who never did it, what an idiot I am. Many members here are knowledgeable and gave me and others good advice in this forum. I listen and try to learn. And maybe I get some things right. And probably others not so right. If there is anything that I think is interesting for the community then I will write about it.
  15. Maybe we should move this part to another section but let me ask: Where did you find those people to take away the rubbish and how much did they charge? One company quoted me 5,700THB for one trip with a pickup to take away rubbish and dispose it. I was not sure if I should laugh or get a heart attack when I read that number. And they quoted that they estimate 7 of those trips...
  16. That's what I thought. And in the moment I am learning that my thoughts were maybe not linked to reality. It seems some people, maybe many people, think like: He just spend x million on an apartment. He must be rich. Now I want lots of money from that rich guy for little work It's still the start of my journey and maybe soon I will meet those reasonable workers and reasonable pickup owners and I will soon forget my idea of buying a pickup. But from the numbers which I heard in the last week I was so shocked that I consider my own pickup. Imagine you walk out of the door and every taxi you ask wants 4 times the regular price. Soon you will think about buying your own car...
  17. Thank you for your comment. I appreciate most of your comments so I am listening. I have already a trolley, I have to pay that deposit anyhow for my renovation, and doing some things myself doesn't mean I (want to) do everything myself. But maybe sometimes I want the option to do things myself. And it's nice to be able to use a car or pickup whenever one needs one. I am also used to driving in Bangkok's traffic. One of the most important issues is what you write in the last paragraph. I bought an apartment and the old furniture has to be removed, etc. I thought to get a better idea about the place it would be best to first remove all the furniture. I thought this should be a few days of work, and obviously whoever removes old furniture doesn't need much skills to do that. So I asked a few people and companies for prices. And I was gobsmacked, just like you. What they quoted was best case about 4 times higher than what I thought would be reasonable. And my idea of reasonable rates is more than double of the minimum wage - for unskilled work. So after I received those quotations I thought to myself: For that kind of money I can do it myself. Will I do it myself? Maybe part of it, I am not sure until now. Will I pay astronomic prices for unskilled workers? I don't think so.
  18. I have glasses to use when I drive and I have glasses when I work with small electronic parts. I could use those glasses also for reading but my eBook reader allows to use bigger font and that is good enough for me. 99 % of the time I never use glasses to work on my 24" desktop computer screen. The reading glasses are for shorter distance and the "driving glasses" for a longer distance.
  19. Thanks. In my experience 10 year old cars have problems. I really don't want to have to repair it and not have it available. I am willing to spend more money on a newer model if that makes sense. I guess if it is too new (i.e. a year or two) then it loses too much value after a year. Or not?
  20. Thanks, I will have a look at those Toyotas. Which model, year, diesel, gasoline, specs? I never bought a pickup in my life so I have no idea about these things.
  21. I live in the middle of Bangkok. Normally I ride motorcycle and I don't need a car. Every couple of weeks I use a taxi if it is raining or if I have a heavy bag or so. Now I will renovate an apartment. There will be some garbage to dispose and some things to buy and transport to here. I guess I could rent a pickup when I need it. But if I rent a new pickup truck then I guess I have to be very careful that the loading area doesn't get damaged. And if I hire a person with a truck then this is maybe not flexible enough because maybe I have to book that truck a day or more in advance. For that reason I think about buying a used pickup truck, use it for a year or so, and then sell it again when I don't need it anymore. I want something reliable which I can sell again after maybe a year without losing too much value. I have no idea how much I would have to pay for such a pickup truck. And I guess I should also have a good insurance. I have car and motorcycle motorcycle licenses and I am riding everyday in Bangkok's traffic. Which pickup truck (brand, model, about how old) would you suggest? Or is that whole idea not a good idea?
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