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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. No Stickboy bought the Stickman domain some time after he established Stickboy. It's all documented somewhere in a long article from years ago.
  2. What should we think about somebody who calls himself Tony Woodsome? No more questions your honor.
  3. I think I started one of his video and I am sure I closed it after maximum 5 minutes. Imagine the horror being married to that guy 24/7!
  4. Ok, thanks for that info. I am not exactly an experienced Twitter user.
  5. It's obviously up to him what he wants to do. What I find interesting is that he wiped everything from that successful Twitter account. It's not that he wouldn't be able to use that account from somewhere else in the world. And he could easily open another account like BrazilBoy or whatever. If he would have kept that account he could have continued in 6 or 12 month or whenever - if he wanted to. But that's not what he did. It looks to me like he deleted everything like it never happened. So he won't even be able to show some bar owners in Brazil his successful past in Thailand or something like this. That is the strange part for me. That people decide to move on maybe to a different country, a new job or whatever is not unusual. But I think most people won't radically delete the last years of their life.
  6. That depends a lot on what kind of food you like. Have a look at the prices of cheese and wine in a supermarket ...
  7. I wonder if a radical change in life is really what people who retire want and need. They have already one big change, retirement! Personally I live here since forever and I plan to retire here. I like it and when I retire I am sure some things will change. But many things won't change because I will still live in the same country in the same apartment. My friends won't change, my food won't change. I know the language and my surrounding. If someone worked his whole life i.e. in Europe then I am sure a holiday in Thailand can be refreshing (and maybe a little tiring). But living here is something very different. How many people are willing to learn a new and complicated language when they are i.e. 65 years old? How many want to learn a very different culture to understand Thais and Thailand? Or do these new retirees plan to live in place like Pattaya which is full of other retirees who also don't speak Thai and have also little knowledge about Thais and Thailand? I don't say that there are no people who retired happily in Thailand. But to plan retirement in Thailand after living 65 years in a totally different country is certainly a big challenge. And lots of people will fail, and lots of people will lose all their money. Good luck! You need it.
  8. She has a point there. I am pretty sure it would be uncomfortable somewhere inside the bed. You also don't do it in the kitchen cabinet but maybe on that thing. ????
  9. Did you ask here where she learned English? Possibly with an angry man who liked fighting.
  10. Some time ago I had a little big bike, a crotch rocket. The only time I rode that bike to the limit was on an overpass because on an overpass I could be sure that nobody would suddenly appear from any side. And I think in general big bike riders are aware of the risk. I guess if you crash with > 200km/h it is over within seconds.
  11. Yes, you can do that. But then the cable with 8 wires needs to be connected to 2 independent plugs with each 4 wires on each side. That is a lot of hassle if you don't really need to do that.
  12. You can do all that and you will still die - like we all. Personally I also have diabetes and normally I avoid sugar drinks like coke, etc. But from time to time I still drink fruit juice or eat cake because I like it. Maybe because of this I will die a little earlier. But I will have enjoyed my life without constant restrictions of what I shouldn't do.
  13. What is a splitter? As far as I know technically such a thing does not exist. 3 Options: a) use WLAN and don't worry about cables (for your PC and/or TV) b) use two separate cables from the router c) used one cable from the router to a switch, and then 2 separate cables from the switch each to the PC and the TV. Just to be sure there is no misunderstanding: You can't use the same cable at the same time for the TV and the PC by splitting the wires and connecting them to two plugs.
  14. You are completely full of yourself and your logic is ridiculous. Maybe you like these things, I doubt many others do? Only because you don't like it doesn't mean it's wrong. What 2009 described is reality, kind of instinct, since at least thousands of years. Accept it and it makes it easier for you to understand men and women.
  15. I think it's a good to start with an innocent cute young girl - and spoil her the way we like it. ????
  16. Just never leave Thailand and never visit a developed country. After a while you get used to it - or at least you are not surprised anymore.
  17. You should consider the possibility that the shop on your original visit drained the oil and wanted to change the oil. But then they forgot to fill it up. Or maybe a lose oil screw or something were the oil came out. I don't say this is what happened but TiT so anything is possible. In terms of service: Never expect that they do anything! I had my KTM bike for service at the official KTM dealer. They had to change the oil and they asked me which oil I want. I told them: look in the manual, it's written there and use that. And then I asked them why they ask. It seems lots of customers want to save money and want only cheap oil. TiT!
  18. I use Beurer products and I am happy with them. https://www.lazada.co.th/shop/beurer
  19. Maybe you want to ask the how they test. I have diabetes and when I visit the hospital then they take my blood with a syringe from my arm and make a couple of test. It takes about an hour and then I get the results. If I only need a blood sugar test then they use one of those little meters which show instantly the result. I am not sure if one or the other is better. But maybe you want to ask how they test if you want to compare them.
  20. Thanks But I think that confirms my point from above. To be able to make an informed decision then it would be necessary that a knowable person reviews that code. Who has time for that and does that? So without spending that time the question is for a normal user: Do I trust Microsoft more or that link which I found in that forum? Personally I know MS is not perfect. But they are pretty good so normally I follow their advice.
  21. And which user has enough knowledge and time to decide how they tweak their Windows? I work with computers and it's my job to have at least an overview what is going on. I don't want to be the first person who installs updates and I look at news about updates which cause problems. So it is likely that I will avoid at least some problematic updates. But there is always a compromise between letting Windows updates fix security holes and possible new problems. And some of those new problems only happen in configurations which exist seldom. It is very unlikely that all problems are reported in the first week or so. And then we have to decide what we do and what we don't do. That is a very difficult job and definitely not something a "normal user" should decide.
  22. Really? I enjoyed nightlife in Bangkok since about 1995. Obviously it changed, and many years ago certain things happened which mostly don't happen now anymore. But I think pre Covid anybody who wanted to have fun and who was not too stingy could have a lot of fun. I heard about wild things which happened before I arrived in Bangkok. I am sure it would have been exiting to experience that. But I can't say I feel like I arrived too late and missed something.
  23. In many videos, especially from Americans, they talk about renting professional tools i.e. for tiling or other jobs which require special tools which are only seldom used (by DIY workers or people who do jobs like that seldom). Is something like that available in Thailand and is it common that people rent professional tools? I ask for two reasons: Maybe I want to do some things myself like putting a couple of holes in concrete. I guess it might be cheaper to rent a HILTI for a day or two than buying one. And some workers are good, but they don't own professional tools, or maybe the company where they work has those tools but the workers want to do some extra jobs. It would be good if it would be possible to rent tools i.e. to cut tiles or whatever is needed. Does that exists in Thailand? Prices? Links?
  24. ADV 350cc vs Duke 390, I am sure you can do the math. And no, I didn't consider anything big like the Forza. I prefer something narrow and light and powerful. ????
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