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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. And why did you think you have the right to reserve that table for you?
  2. Sometimes I go to food courts, yesterday in Terminal 21 about noon. It was busy. I went to the shop and bought my meal and then I looked for a table. There were lots of tables without people, but on most of them were small or not so small items like an umbrella, maybe a keycard, or a shopping bag. It seems some people "reserved" these tables by putting something on the table and then walk away and take their time to get the food. And then I guess they expect that everyone recognizes that the table is blocked/reserved by them and nobody else is allowed to use it. I find this behavior strange and annoying. Sit there and use the table or the table is available for other people. It could be simple. Luckily, I found a free table within a minute, and all was fine. But I considered already going to one of those reserved tables, put whatever someone put on the table to the side, and then eat there. And if someone would come and complain: Yes, I noticed you forgot your bag. Here, take it back. 😉 What do you do in such situation?
  3. Thanks. I have to say I initially didn't look too much at the picture. But you are absolutely right. That is a sign how "mature" she is...
  4. Thank god for that! But then, not being ready is in Thailand no reason not to get the job. It all depends on your name.
  5. That reminds me of Yingluck. At the beginning she was reluctant to enter politics. Then somehow she changed her mind. The rest is history. Image Thailand without Thaksin and the Shinawatras. It could be wonderful.
  6. That's wonderful. Now imagine if someone would also pick up the phone. 30min waiting is simply unacceptable.
  7. When he tells that his friends at home it just sounds so much better...
  8. Yeah, it's sad. I know this is Thailand and we shouldn't expect too much. But I wonder who managed this disaster. I think the very basic requirements for a credit card are: make sure the customer has the card, can use it, knows how much to pay and how, and they pay it. It's not rocket science - but they f$%%$ it up. Amazing!
  9. Here is where I found the statement on my UOB app - after lots of searching. Open app, Login, click on the account, click on "Transactions". Now there is a button on the bottom "View eStatements". I clicked that several times and always got an error message (like some technical error). Then I gave my phone to a friend, like, you try, I gave up. He played around and also found this button and after he pressed on it a couple of time finally there was a statement. Good luck with that. It seems to be a question of luck if that works. Sorry, I can't make a screenshot, the app doesn't allow that.
  10. Some people think that if they meet a girl in a bar then this is only about money. And outside bars there are all those girls who don't care about money. Reality is that there are also many girls who want to get paid right away or eventually everywhere else. Money is important, always.
  11. That is also no problem at all if you have a nice bank account.
  12. I successfully transferred the payment from my Kasikornbank account as usual. I did this by scanning the QR code on the statement from UOB in my K-Bank app. But obviously first I needed that statement, see above.
  13. According to their website they don't send any e-statements for email anymore. In the app is an area where we can set if we want paper statements. At least for me that was by default set to off, no paper statements.
  14. The old Thermae was an interesting place. The back entrance was through the kitchen and toilet. I always forget which one was first. In about 1994 I read in an internet newsgroup about it: You can really compare it to anything. But if you want to compare it to something they compare it to the bar in StarWars. I think that was a good introduction.
  15. How exactly do you score in that place? Hello sexy man, please I want to go with you, and I don't want any money from you? Or how does that work?
  16. I tried to setup their app maybe 3 weeks ago and I couldn't add my card. Then I contacted them (I forgot how) and they told me something like: wait another week, and then you can use your existing username and pw from the Citi App. That's what I did and then I could add my card. Maybe try again. The App is called: UOB TMRW TH
  17. There are special drills for tiles. At least for some of those drills you drill a hole and at the same time you make sure the tile is "under water".
  18. Are you real? This article is about influencers in Thailand, with a picture of a pretty girl, probably an influencer. I wrote she could influence me to buy her a tequila. And now you rumble about the USA and sex trafficking. Get a grip! I don't care what people in the USA want. At least 70 million of them are mentally disturbed. And buying a girl a drink has absolutely nothing to do with sex trafficking.
  19. I guess next you will ask what the best restaurant in town is. And then you will complain that your definition of "best" is not compatible with others. If you want a clear answer, then it helps to ask a clear question.
  20. Personally, for me, I think daily life is not much more expensive than a couple of years ago. Nightlife is considerably more expensive. But I don't go out so much anymore, so for me personally that is no big deal.
  21. Not really. I guess if you would want to know the official numbers you could look them up. So unofficially, how is inflation? In some areas lady drinks are double of what they used to be not too long ago. Other services are also more expensive. Some condominiums still cost the same as years ago. Maybe your question is more like: Would living in Thailand in the way I used to live be a lot more expensive than years ago? I think it would depend a lot on your style of living.
  22. And you? Are you one of those: I will tell her what is good for her crowd? I would offer to buy her a drink. It's up to her if she accepts it or not. And if she would tell me she wants something non-alcoholic that would be perfectly fine with me. It's up to her.
  23. My water heater, from another brand, is easy to open. If you can do that and if you know what you are doing, then you could check the electrical connection inside. Maybe there is an easy to fix problem.
  24. And what does she think about nepotism and corruption? Is that also part of democracy?
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