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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. A taxi from Ekamai should cost less than 100B. Take it easy.
  2. This guy tested lots of security cameras and he knows what he is talking about. This is one of his many videos:
  3. Maybe they do that to fight once and then the fight is over.
  4. Just in general I think many of us heard and read about many scams in Thailand. I don't think I ever heard or read about anybody who thought he had bought a condominium and then he/she found out it didn't happen or some other scam. This doesn't mean it can't possibly happen. But I guess if it would happen some of us would have heard or read about it after years in Thailand. Buying something which wasn't built yet is obviously a risk. But that is something different and anybody who does that should be aware of that risk.
  5. It seems some farangs with Thai wife/gf think they should never pay for anything, and they insist on that position - even if they have plenty of money. Obviously, we should all decide by ourselves how we spend our own money. But I think if we are together with a Thai woman we love, and if she is from a poor family, then we can also from time to time help a little. I didn't count how much I spent over the years. Not much, a little here, and a little there. All in all, I am sure I spent more money on coffee and chocolate for myself compared to what I gave the family. Some here would be reluctant to give 5,000B to the family, even if they would know the family would spend it carefully. But the same guys spent easily more than the 5k in one night out. I think it's a good idea to see things in perspective.
  6. Are you sure that that is what the lawyer does? (I ask, it's not a statement.) As far as I know the land department will check a lot of this (or maybe even everything). And if the documents from the condominium, seller and buyer are not ok, then the property won't be transferred. Or not?
  7. I bought a "used" condominium about two years ago in Bangkok from a private Thai person. I asked a friend who worked as property agent in Bangkok for advice. At the end I transferred money to my bank from outside of Thailand, and then I asked the bank to prepare a check so that I pay the seller. Then the seller, the condominium manager, and I went together to the land department, they did whatever they do, and maybe an hour later I received the chanote (at least I think that is what it's called) with my name and I gave the check to the seller. We made some pictures to document the moment and that was it. I don't plan to do this again anytime soon and I forgot already half the details. But as far as I remember the land department checks documents before the property changes owners. I.e. if the seller has outstanding payments with the condominium, then the property can't be sold and details like that.
  8. Do you think someone who kicks someone else who is already down on the ground should be shown some mercy? I don't think so.
  9. Thanks. That is a wonderful way to put it. I heard lots of guy telling their wife they still need money for retirement, sometime far away in the future, and this is why they can't give away money now. And it seems that explanation doesn't work with many Thais. But that brand new BMW next week sounds interesting.
  10. Who did the parents ask? You? Or their daughter? In my case, and all cases I heard about, they ask their daughter. And maybe they tell the daughter to ask her husband, you. So, who should be first responsible to verify the "request"? Their daughter, your wife, should do that. Did she visit her parents regularly? Did she notice that a new fridge was requested but next time there was no new fridge? Did she ask her parents about that mismatch? Did she tell you about it? Or did she just next time tell you that her parents need a new rice cooker well aware that they don't need one and won't buy one? To be fair, the daughters are often under considerable pressure to do what the parents want. But that doesn't mean that she has to lie to you. She could explain to you that her parents told her about the broken fridge, and she knows already that is BS. She knows (very likely) what will happen with the money. Did she tell you? If not, why not? I suggest she should tell her parents that it is not your responsibility to pay for the drunk guy. And if they are still demanding then she should tell you the truth. And then it's up to you. If she doesn't tell the truth, then that is a problem between her and you, and not the parents. And yes, I also paid for some things. And my gf is the buffer, she doesn't just tell me what any family member told her.
  11. I see two problems: a) It is difficult to sell things, and especially difficult for any reasonable prices. b) We buy things we like, and at least I don't like to throw away things which are working just fine, even if they are already older. So, if we decide to move somewhere far away the options are often: Pay a lot of money for things which are not really worth a lot of money, or dump them or give them away for free, or, even worse, pay someone to get rid of them. That is difficult.
  12. Or you just take a free standard contract. I understand that a company would hire a lawyer if they but property for big money. But a private person buying a condominium? What will the lawyer do?
  13. I understand your point. I would consider looking for an experienced person from the property sector. Because they have experience with this. How many lawyers specialize in buying private property? I guess not many. As far as I know there are not too many legal issues. You have a contract that you buy the property and pay amount x. And you have to agree who pays all those other fees (I think at the land office). I hired an ex-property agent who I knew to help me with that. He didn't get any commission from anybody. I found what I wanted to buy, and then I asked him to help me verify if there are any problems. And he explained to me what costs have to be paid. In my case I made an agreement with the seller that I pay a fixed amount x, and the seller pays things which have to be paid. Agreed, done. Not complicated at all. Obviously, a lawyer might help, but I think in terms of expertise and likely cost, there are better alternatives.
  14. I just saw a little of the video where he prepares pallets full of things, I guess being sent to the USA. I think one big problem seems to be that people say: Now I will live in Thailand for the rest of my life. And then, soon or not so soon later they decide: Now I will leave Thailand and never come back. When I moved to Thailand I also had the idea that I will stay in Thailand. But at the beginning I came with one suitcase and stored many things back home. I stayed here. But if I wanted to, I could have easily moved back. There was no need to transport pallets full of things. And obviously it's so much easier to move without all those pallets. I think just tell yourself something like: I like Thailand, let me try and live there. If it works out, fine, and if not, then not. You don't have to promise yourself and the world around you that this will be a decision for life.
  15. What would happen in all those civilized countries where we come from? Would the police arrest such person right away? Would he go to jail right away? Bail? I guess he would be jailed - but I don't know. Do you know?
  16. Maybe you and your colleagues go to the wrong places. Or just tell some of those womanly men what you think about them. It might be an interesting experience. 😉
  17. And, did the police arrest Parkphoom and put him in jail? If not, why not?
  18. The same specs is not the same as the same quality of parts. People can build cheap computers, and they can build good computers. But not (relatively seen) good and cheap computers at the same time. I.e. you can get a keyboard for 100B and one for 3000B and more. In theory, they are the same spec. But they are not. The fact that you were impressed doesn't mean much. In my experience there are a couple of guys in those computer shops who know what they are doing. And then there are many who know little. Maybe they know a couple of words which impress the average customer but that's about it. I.e. just look how most of those "computer specialists" touch sensitive hardware like RAM modules. Many touch the contact with their sweaty fingers and they are not even aware that you shouldn't do that. Obviously even a bad computer works somehow, but don't be surprised if it doesn't work reliable and for years like a good computer.
  19. I would love to hear about those concerns and those rules.
  20. In theory you can connect many devices all on the same breakers. But obviously if one device triggers the breaker then all if off. For this reason, it makes sense to have separate circuits with separate breakers - as many or as few if you want. IMHO more important if earth. And to survive in case of some bad connection it makes sense to use RCCB and/or RCBOs. A good electrician should know all this, and he shouldn't ask you to tell him what to do. Hopefully you will find someone who knows what he is doing. I did my electrical installation by myself, to be sure it works and is safe.
  21. It's almost funny when the internet, which was supposed to allow communication also in case of a nuclear war, is almost down. Ok, part of it.
  22. This is from my fiber connection in Bangkok - not TRUE.
  23. The good news and the bad news. It's not your problem. It's our problem. I get similar results to the same server and a server in Frankfurt (German Internet Hub). Local my connection is > 300 times as fast.
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