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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Look how much it costs to repair it. And then maybe compare it to a new AC. Depending on your installation it can be a lot of work to replace everything. I would only do that if necessary.
  2. Did she change that law by not eating and dying? No. Hopefully others learn from her. Some activities just don't make any sense.
  3. It's no joke. It's like those stupid activists who sit in the middle of the road and then they are surprised when they are run over by cars. Just don't put yourself in life threatening situations. It's not so difficult to understand.
  4. Duty of care: "Eat!" Wisdom, mostly learned from parents and experience: If you don't eat then you will die.
  5. Maybe she should have eaten regularly, like most of us. Why should the prison care for people who don't eat and obviously want to die?
  6. What's the point of such a comment? If a guy in his 40th asks about the legality of a relationship with an 18 yo girl, do you really think he is interested in a lady of his own age? It's like asking a Ferrari driver if he thought about changing to a beetle. The answer is: NO.
  7. When I was in school, I remember this was for my parents one of those TV highlights of the year. I never understood the fuss about it. But years ago, it was just mostly just bad music. Now it's additionally a pride parade and political signaling. Something for the LBGTQ+/- and woke and nobody else.
  8. Whatever you think is comfortable. And remember it might be cold or not so cold in that room. Be prepared or ask them in advance. I wouldn't worry what the others wear or think. Who cares?
  9. Concentrate on what consumes the most electricity. Probably the AC and maybe hot water, possibly cooking. And for the AC: Every degree counts. If you are comfortable with i.e. 26 degrees, then don't set it to 24 degrees. Maybe set it to a different temperature at night and day. Make sure the AC is clean and works efficient. And if possible, compare with the neighbors. Because it can always be that your meter counts incorrectly, that someone else is using your electricity, etc.
  10. Thanks, does that mean the military made 10 years or so ago the rules how the senators will be elected now? Maybe that is the case, I don't know, and I would like to know.
  11. I read a couple of articles about the new senate. But until now I didn't read who made up these utterly stupid rules. The candidates are not allowed to inform the public who they are. Only senate candidates vote for senate candidates, etc. Who made these rules? To me it looks like whoever made the rules didn't want that anybody is informed what is going on, and they surely didn't want that the senate represents the people. Who made the rules and how is it possible that nobody complained loud enough? TiT. Just worse than normal. And that means a lot.
  12. I like those likes and thumps up, etc. I don't post with the aim in mind to get many of those. In fact, sometimes I am pretty sure not many people will like what I write. But I think it is a good indicator for advice. I.e. someone asks where to do abc. People reply, people get reactions. If one of them has the most likes, then maybe that is a good start.
  13. I guess by now people will get away with never even trying to have a real life. Friends on social media, work at home, online orders without ever talking to anybody. It seems to be possible. I wouldn't like it, but that is irrelevant.
  14. What you describe is the internet in general and not social media. I also look up much information on the www and watch informative videos on YouTube. And I don't use fb or any of that crap.
  15. This forum is not social media. Think about all those apps where people show with lots of picture and videos how great they are and how much they have and look at me. That is social media.
  16. There is that one guy in the USA who used to use Twitter a lot before he was banned. Then he setup his own social media...
  17. I never had a facebook, insta, or such accounts. As far as I see the main problem are the kids who grow up with <deleted> like that. They see all the time people with more and better and stranger things, and all those crazy stunts and whatever else. When I was a kid the coolest I possibly was aware of was what one kid did in our school. Or maybe what I saw on evening TV with my parents. All in all nothing exiting happened around me, so my not so exiting life was just fine. It seems now kids have to be up to date all the time about all the newest trends on tiktok or whatever. If they didn't see already that new video from abc which was released 2h ago then other kids will tell them how behind they are. If you didn't see that naked picture of that girl in the other class which her ex posted then better get it as fast as possible. And if you want to be the cool kid then you better make sure you publish outrageous things which nobody else dares to do. Another example which I hear about is girls in bikinis. Like one girl posts a picture of herself in a bikini. The next one finds a smaller bikini. The next one has an even smaller bikini and sucks on a lollipop, the list goes on. Kids growing up like that will be damaged, there is no way around that. And kids without phones won't be friends with the others until they have a "phone". If enough parents would come together and don't give their kids those screens, then things might get better. Good luck with that.
  18. That is a wonderful example of your fantasy. I wrote "cola" and in your mind that must have been an alcoholic drink. Maybe just read what I and other people write and don't interpret it according to your fantasy. That is in general a good idea, not just in this thread or forum.
  19. I am legal age. The girls don't have to ask me for my ID. 😉 I can also get already into a disco without showing my ID.
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