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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Please tell us more about your fantasies. It seems you really enjoy this subject. Are you by any chance a priest? Sinner! Tell me more...
  2. You, and some others are the people who want to tell us that we are all criminals if we just think about a 17 yo girl.
  3. Did you ever ask anybody in a bar to show you their ID card to prove how old they are? I never asked. If the bar owner or managers do something illegal, then that is their problem, not my problem. If I would take a girl to a private room and I suspect she could be too young, then I would ask her for her ID. And I would do it only in that situation.
  4. It tells us a lot about you how you enjoyed that your neighbors lost all their money.
  5. Is that a one-time process and if one time passed then the person is no criminal and never will be a criminal? Really?
  6. Really? How about if I bought girls age 16, 17, 18 and 19, who worked in bars, drinks in those bars? And how about if I gave them 100B tip? Is that all illegal in your eyes? Please tell us according to which laws I should be punished.
  7. So how about if a 15yo boy has sex with a 16yo girl, is that ok in your view? And would it be the same if that 15yo boy would have sex with a 10yo child? Do you spot the difference? It can't be so hard.
  8. Who was it again who had that idea with the privilege card? Hint: he is a Thai criminal. And was anybody surprised that rich criminals used money to buy their stay in Thailand? What a surprise. Or maybe not?
  9. Really? If she worked in a bar, then her working in the bar might have been illegal - independent from me. Is it illegal for anybody to buy girls drinks in bars? I don't think so. And I don't think visitors of bars are supposed to check the ID cards of girls who they talk or drink with. When she was my girlfriend, she was my girlfriend, and she didn't work in a bar, and I didn't pay her. She stayed with me because she wanted to stay with me. No prostitution, no problem.
  10. He authorized the loan as PM so that they could buy a satellite from his private company. So basically he transferred money from Thailand to his private company.
  11. Do you see? Please tell me what you see when you look at the last 12 months or so, Thaksin arriving in Thailand, Thaksin so ill that he needs a helicopter flight to a VIP hospital, Thaksin so ill that he can never go back to prison, and then being freed because he is so old and fragile that he needs his rest. And then, was it days or a week later, Thaksin suddenly healthy again, meeting with politicians, walking in the streets all over Thailand, and and and. What do you see?
  12. I met my Thai girlfriend when she was 16. That was legal in Thailand and legal in my home country. Her parents didn't object. Nobody else objected. In fact, nobody ever had a problem with our relationship. And we are still together, after many years. I never met a 15 year old in Thailand who I was attracted to. But I met several 16, 17 and 18 year old girls in gogo bars, and I bought my fair share of drinks for them. I still know some of them now, many years later. I think most of us have a pretty good idea if teenagers are "children" who have no idea about sex and are not interested in sex. And on the other hand, teenage girls who work in bars, move their body to attract guys, and are not shy to do much more than that. I wouldn't call them children, but I guess that is a question of how you use that word. I am also still the child of my mother, even when we are both "old". According to Wikipedia pedophiles are interested in children with maximum age 13, in words thirteen. I didn't see anybody here talking about 13 year old and younger. So, all you users of that word, look up the definition and remember it when you comment on questions about 18 years old girls. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedophilia
  13. 5 years old is also a child. Are they all the same for you? What's your point?
  14. Try something like this: https://www.fazwaz.com/property-for-rent/thailand/bangkok?mapEnable=1&zoomLevel=14&order_by=monthly_price|asc&center=13.744026401987165,100.52994785200859&bound=13.773913744890878,100.56337890517023:13.714135245419424,100.49651679884698&monthly_price=null,10000
  15. Thanks Ok, I know, arson was not exactly the correct word. But I would think there are laws against pollution. Or not?
  16. That's why I did this poll. To be fair, if you are one of the few people with problems, then it doesn't help much to know that only few people have such problems. But in general, I think we can say: yes, those problems happen, but they are not the norm.
  17. I own my condo and I don't plan to move. If someone would be too noisy then I would talk to him. And/or I would ask the building management and security to handle this. And worst case, I have some BIG speakers and lots of power tools. 😉
  18. If he would do that as a private person, fine. But who would invite a private Thai person, without political influence, to such talks? And when Thaksin does this, do you really think there is anybody out there who believes he does this as a private citizen? Obviously, he doesn't. And that's the point. The elected government should make a decision what they want. And then they should assign someone to mediate, with the conditions in mind which were set. That's what professionals would do.
  19. Just arrest all those arsonists. Then the problem will be solved quickly. But obviously that won't happen. Too many influential people are involved.
  20. He should be arrested for meddling in state issues. The criminal should play with his grandchildren like he promised he will. But he lied, as usual.
  21. It's not only about sleeping. If I read a book I don't want to hear loud noise from the neighbors. And if I enjoy not so loud music, I don't want to wear headphones or turn up the volume because of my neighbors. Luckily, I don't have loud Neighbours - at least in the moment.
  22. I think @newnative above had a great example: When you buy a car you also don't think about first thing how much you will get back when you sell it. You buy that car because you like that car and want to use it - possibly for hours every day. I think that is a very good point. Obviously, it also depends a lot on how much money people have and can afford to "lose" - just like with a car. I think we can argue if buying a condo in Thailand for investment makes sense and most people would agree it doesn't make much sense, or at least it has risks. Buying and living in it is a very different decision than buying as an investment.
  23. In principle I agree with you. At least that is the way it should be. Unfortunately, in Thailand you never know. I have a bike from a small European brand, the bike in made in India, and as far as I see all Thai service centers from that brand are horrible. I.e. They asked me what oil I want for service. I told them follow the recommendation in the manual, which recommends fully synthetic oil. But the dealer tell me: That is so expensive, why don't you use our cheap oil. Amazing! So in my case now my bike is serviced by another shop - a Thai/Japanese guy who seems to know what he is doing. Hopefully Kawasaki has well trained service technicians.
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