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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. Independent of the noise maker, I know from "my" condominium that some people don't pay what they should pay. And as far as I know they can get away with such behavior until they try to sell their unit. It seems they can't sell it before all the bills from the building are paid. And it seems some people let out their units through agents. The people who rent only know the agent. And when the condominium management asks the agent about the owners, they don't give that information. Can the agent be made responsible for paying money which the owner much pay? Can the (probably rent paying) people who live there be fined or thrown out? It seems legally that situation is not so easy in Thailand.
  2. She killed someone, because she "thought" her little phone world is more important. She should go to jail!
  3. I don't know if the management has the owner's names. But I am pretty sure sometimes the management does not have any contact details from owners. Bad management, bad records, new management, records get lost, people don't communicate, ...
  4. It seems that is not so easy in Thailand. I spoke with a guy who lives in a condominium. Next to him is always a lot of noise from the people who rented that unit. He told the building management and they told him they can't do much. He asked them to contact the owner. The condominium management told them they don't know the owner and they don't have any contact information. Maybe someone here knows how to handle noisy neighbors who are not the owners.
  5. She didn't pay attention to the road, traffic and other drivers. She "thought" her little smart phone woold is more important. Arrest her, prosecute her for manslaughter or murder, and make sure she stays in jail for many years - without phone.
  6. Then better stay away from the internet, and none-cash payments, registering for anything.
  7. I get what you write about unsecure WIFI. But in this case that doesn't add up. I use this app at home, with my own WiFi, since many years, and most of the time it works. Just this moment it also works, with WiFi. A couple of days ago, it didn't work, with the same WiFi. If they wouldn't want that it works with WiFi, then they could make sure it is never used with WiFi, and they could inform the user at that time. But that is not the case.
  8. Now imagine how that video would look like if the foreigner had refused to pay. Would the taxi driver be calm? Would he let the tourist walk away? Or is it more likely he would get the machete out from under the seat?
  9. I really liked the original trilogy. And because of that I watched all the newer versions. And I didn't like even one of them. I wonder how many people know a lot about the originals, and almost nothing about the rest.
  10. I guess the main reason will be fraught. If you sell coffee with cash, I guess it is relatively easy for the cashier to "forget" to type everything in the cash register. Maybe every hour 100B or 200B or maybe even more can easily get lost. If owners want to make sure that doesn't happen, then do everything cashless. In some places like i.e. coffee shops, I guess the majority of guests can easily pay with QR code and don't care if they can't pay in cash. Do I like no cash? No. Will I walk 500m to avoid it? Likely no. And with things like that I am pretty sure that people who insist on cash are only very few. Too few to make an impact.
  11. It's almost funny when some people constantly warn about the dangers of motorcycles. Every time you go out of your home there are dangers. And inside the home there are also dangers. It's part of life.
  12. How many Turo-Hayabusa doing a wheelie at over 300km/h did you see recently?
  13. In my experience riders who regularly pull wheelies know what they are doing - mostly.
  14. I would love to see how many of these new helmets will still be used in a week or a month. Somehow I bet most of them will somewhere pick up a lot of dust. Picture for reference only. 😉
  15. Reference for what? If you don't have a picture then maybe at least try to find one which resembles the written text.
  16. One or multiple temperature sensors will show you if something starts to get wrong.
  17. As far as I know it is difficult to ride bikes with side cars. It doesn't make the ride safer for anybody.
  18. You can buy one. Just ask your friendly (motorcycle) taxi guy - and bring cash.
  19. She must have been very lonely if the housekeeper makes these decisions.
  20. in the article: "File photo for reference only. Courtesy of Google"
  21. Until now it also worked for me most of the time. But then, not anymore, for several days. It seems Kasikornbank knows about that issue, otherwise the phone support wouldn't have suggested right away that I switch off WiFi. Maybe they should show that information instead their misleading error message.
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