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Everything posted by OneMoreFarang

  1. I remember a couple of years ago I visited a DTAC shop to ask them about some prices. I think they had 3 people "working" there. I was the only customer. And what did they do when I asked them? They called their service line on one of their phones and handed me the phone. Ask them! That was not the service which I expected.
  2. Yes, I know that in general the service is not expensive in Thailand. What annoys me is that they clearly spent a lot of money on advertisement and marketing and this and that. But they are not willing to show the same information on their WWW and App and not when I call them. They could have that info in an Excel file, and it would cost them basically nothing. But no, they don't do that. Annoying!
  3. Ok, let me try again. There was a time when I used phone and SMS a lot. I had a promotion for 300min per month phone calls, x number of SMS, etc. Now I use most of the time WhatsApp to chat with people and call them, and that most of the time when I am connected to a WIFI network. I use the mobile phone provider data to check news and my email, I don't watch long movies in high resolution somewhere outside. I want a mobile phone provider which is reliable. And I don't want to pay more than necessary. I checked the invoices from the last couple of months. I never used more than 100min phone calls per month. And I never used all the GB from my internet package. I expected that I see on the website and on the app of the mobile phone provider all packages which I can change to, from the cheapest to the most expensive. And I would hope for honesty. I can see in my invoice how much I called and how many GB I used. That information is from them. They could easily tell me that for me the cheapest package is just fine, because I don't use anything more than that. But they make it difficult to change to something cheaper - even if that is in their range of products. Change in app: No Change with a phone call to their support: No Only after asking a couple of times do they offer what they have. Annoying. I save now about 3000B per year. That is not much. But what's the point of spending that money if it has absolutely no advantage? My gf also changed to the cheaper promotion. Another 3000B per year. A little here, a little there, it adds up.
  4. With the laws in this country, I am not sure if I am allowed to mention the name of the provider. I use a big mobile phone provider in Thailand since many years. I pay my bills at the end of the month depending on the usage. I used their 599B promotion since many years. Now they sent me a message that that promotion doesn't exist anymore, and they recommend the 669B promotion. So, I check in my app from that company to look at available packages. The cheapest they offer on their app cost 649B. Then I looked on their website. The cheapest there is 399B. So, I called them and asked to which package I can change. The friendly saleswoman told me the cheapest is 449B. I asked her how about that 399B offer from the web? Her answer: I don't see that, I will ask someone else to call you back. About 10min later someone called me back and I asked about the 399B package. Yes, I can have that. Then I asked if they have anything cheaper. Yes, 349B. Which conditions? And he told me about the free call time, internet usage, etc. Even the cheapest package was more than twice of what I normally use. So now I changed to that one. Summary: Now I pay about half of the price of their recommended package. The phone provider obviously knows how much I call and how much internet I use. They could have easily recognized that even the cheapest package includes more minutes of phone calls and more GB than I used in the last 3 months together. But no, they want to charge more. I write this here because others might have the same problem, they want to pay no more than necessary, but the phone company makes it extraordinary difficult to choose a cheap promotion which they offer. Annoying!
  5. Cost of treatment: maybe 200k or more Fine: 100k No surprise that they chose the cheaper option. After all, a private hospital is a business. To solve this, I suggest the following: a) Make sure any hospital would be compensated for their services. b) Fine them at least 10 times as much as the service cost might be. Problem solved.
  6. Here is what I did some time ago: I sent an email to th.csflsd[at]dhl.com with information about a parcel which I wanted to receive per DHL. I included detailed information of what I would receive. This was before any parcel was sent. DHL replied to me with an email with these details:
  7. All this wouldn't be an issue if a shady person like Trump wouldn't run for president and obviously if nobody would vote for such a person. As far as I know another issue is that legally a person could be at the same time the president, a convicted criminal, and in jail. It seems there is no law that a convicted criminal, especially someone who is in jail, can't be president. And can we really blame the lawmakers that there is no such law? Who would ever have thought that someone like that would run for president and that someone would elect him. Until a few years ago that was unthinkable. All above has nothing to do with the actual politics or Biden. As far as I am concerned Americans should be able to vote for anybody leftwing up to right wing, whatever wing. They should be able to vote for young and old and all that. But a criminal? And a serial liar? What a stupid idea!
  8. Ok, let's try it like that: If the woman would be a guy, and if that guy would have behaved like her, would you have the same opinion? When I was young my parents told me not to get in any fight and don't hit anybody. They didn't tell me something like you can/should fight with guys but not with women. There are some sweet and nice women. But there are also some aggressive bitches. I see no reason to treat them different to an aggressive guy.
  9. I am not a killer and don't want to be a killer. There is a huge difference between fighting (back) and trying to kill the opponent. I am not trained at all. But then, since my time in school I never had a reason to fight anybody.
  10. I used to go to a blind massage place in Jomtien. That was years ago, but I would be surprised if they wouldn't be there anymore. Just check on Google maps. About the individual therapist: It seems we all have different taste about the massage style, etc. I suggest just go a blind massage place a couple of time, get a massage from several therapists, and then settle on the one which you like most.
  11. He made sure she didn't strike again. And hopefully she learned a lesson.
  12. Ok, so will they be sold to someone who wants to use them for cargo? If not, why not?
  13. I want to mount an aluminium profile like in the picture to a wall in my condominium. Yes, I own it, I am allowed to drill holes. The profile is about 2m long and 2cm wide. I want to mount it to the wall with maybe 5 screws in about equal distance. The wall is not 100% flat/straight, there is maybe 1cm difference so if the profile is left and right on the wall it will be 1cm away from the wall in the middle. This difference is not exactly in the middle and it might be a few places where the wall is not completely flat. The profile should be mounted 100% horizontal. I have a laser level which allows me to see if it is 100% horizontal. The easy way would be to drill a couple of holes on that horizontal line, put plugs inside, and then screws, and all is fine. But in my experience, it is almost impossible to drill holes in a wall at exactly the desired place. When drilling the holes it always goes a little, maybe 1 or 2mm to one side or up or down. Do you know a good way to drill exactly in a wall, not even 1mm away from the desired location? How? I think about first mounting a piece of wood to the wall and screw that to the wall and maybe put some little pieces of wood behind it where it is not flat on the wall. And then screw the aluminium profile on top of that wood. Because it is no problem to drill accurate holes into wood. And the wood can bend a little if the holes in the wall are not 100% correct. The aluminium basically doesn't bend. Any idea/suggestion? Thanks
  14. Why is the 1st one free? Why for the 2nd one a verbal warning? She started it. If she starts a physical fight, I think it's only fair that the guy fights back and makes it clear to her that she won't win that fight. Why should there be a difference if a woman or a man hit anybody?
  15. What exactly is the meaning of retirement for these planes? Put them somewhere and forget them? Sell some parts and scrap the rest? Sell the whole planes? If other airlines are still using them and if they were properly maintained over the years, then I would think it should be possible to sell them. Or not?
  16. Better check the actual legal situation. Because if you are able to get what you want but later i.e. maybe your competition finds out you don't have a required work-permit, then maybe they take away your domain from you. I guess that is not what you want. IMHO only because something is possible in Thailand doesn't mean that is a long-term solution.
  17. She deserved it. Let her cry and think about what she did wrong.
  18. Is there any law in Thailand that punishes the PM and MPs of this country to discuss secrets with convicted criminals?
  19. 5 million baht per toilet truck. Amazing. I would love to see the detailed invoices what makes them so expensive. Looking at the picture above the cheap plastic bum guns are not the reason.
  20. Until now I had 6 bikes in my life, and over 20 years riding them. I have enough experience to know differences of different types of bikes. I also know how comfortable it was/is to ride them for hours. Little scooters, like shown in the beginning of this thread, are not comfortable. That is no big deal when one uses them for trips around the corner, but it becomes pretty obvious on longer trips. Sure, it's possible to take them on longer trips. It's also possible to walk or take public busses. But is that fun? If anybody likes to do longer trips, and can afford a more comfortable bike, why wouldn't you use a more comfortable bike?
  21. I really had hope that he was gone forever.
  22. Dear Bob please don't change your picture all the time. Every week or so we have to remember a new picture of posts to avoid.
  23. Lucky man! It's hard to believe, the following picture shows all real girls on that 6 level stage. Abd they all sing and dance. AKB48 in TOKYO DOME
  24. That is the theater from the girly group AKB48 in Tokyo. They are very successful in Japan. And they have similar groups in other countries. I.e. there is a BNK48 in Bangkok. Enjoy!
  25. I also thought about visiting the AKB48 theater in Tokyo.
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