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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 2 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

    Heading to the land office today to get documentation that she is not a jurastic person in charge of a legal entity over the housing.  I hate associations.  Everyone complains but no one wants controversy so they just allow the infractions to go on.  No one wants the job so even if the person doing it is scraping money for herself no one wants to question it.  

    In any association I have ever been involved with all payments always go into an account in the name of the association and all expenses paid out of it.  Here, she wants only the fees in cash and all payments for all bills are paid by cash.  Never not even once any accounting of monies coming in, or expenses paid.  I can't believe she does the job out of the "goodness of her heart" 

    I can't see you're going to get very far on your own. It'll more than likely be a huge amount of running around with massive language barrier problems, not to mention cultural. For me, a lawyer would be the only way forward.

  2. On 1/13/2021 at 10:53 AM, Thomas J said:

    Live inside a gated community.  Like most associations there is always a controversy over the collection of community fees and how they are spent. At present, the person charged with being president of the association is not a homeowner within the community but rather is paying the mortgage and living in the home that is in her aunts name.  As a result it is "said" she can not form a legal entity.  Is this true? 


    1. There has been disagreement since this person collects the community fees only in cash and refuses to provide any accounting of how monies are spent.  There is no bank account in the name of the community and fees from certain properties that are bank owned are transmitted into the presidents personal account.  Is that legal


    2. The president has a friend who she installed as "security" for the community.  Several people have expressed displeasure with him and want him replaced.  She indicated that she can not replace him because we never established a job description and if he is terminated the community could be sued and liable for a large severance.  I find that hard to believe but does anyone know if there is such a "job guarantee" law here in Thailand.  In the USA you are unless under contract an "at will" employee that can be terminated without cause at will. 

    3.  The president unilaterally made the decision to allow this security guard to live inside the toilet room that services the common pool.  Aside from the fact that that eliminates any toilet facilities at the pool does anyone know if there are any laws that prohibit living in a toilet room.  Here again in the USA many have attempted to live inside sheds, storage lockers, windowless basements etc and they are not allowed since they do not meet the ordinances required to be allowed for living spaces.  If it is against the law, what agency in Thailand would enforce it?


    Find a lawyer, one that will take a case against a Thai. Maybe hard to find, but an overseas law firm used to handling "farang affairs" would take this, I'm sure. Combine with other residents if possible. The whole thing sounds completely cockeyed.

    • Confused 1
  3. 9 minutes ago, GeilGeilertzen said:

    You clearly are missing the point and you do make assumptions based on your own personal life behavior.  It’s you who are the hysterical raving person in my mind.  

    Let me explain for you.   First of all. Far from all people do use Facebook, instagram and other similar platforms in their daily life. We might not use them for various reasons but I will not go deeper into that. Just assume that many of us have been working around big tech companies, intelligence services for private and government and do have have heads qualified as being smart people.

    A general opinion about people not using all the normal platforms and all such systems you ate talking about,  is that they are considered to be outsiders, mobb, anti governments, conspiracy theoretics etc etc. But the truth

    is a bit more complicated than that I can assure you.   

    From your assumptions you almost take it for granted that people behave and think like yourself do and also have the same little need for protection like you do.  And that is your first and biggest mistake.  
    You see, some of us use cash instead, withdrawing from the same place every time or use others to withdraw for us. Never uses Lazada or similar sites. And when on the internet we might be using Tor browsers, we might run our own servers, we might clean and delete our hard discs all the time, we might run Linux, VPN, block cookies and do use all privacy settings there are to eliminate being tracked by internet companies or goverment activities. We do not use Bluetooth. 
    And we do not use or support any use of google like you do. 

    Too many people just install app and start to use them without ever doing anything in their privacy settings.  This is at least the smallest thing any individual should be doing. Just look at Line how that is operating if you are installing it just like it is. The app used by all and believed to be safe.  It’s wild I can assure you. 

    Loads of people (and growing) are getting into digital privacy issues and digital protection these days. 
    And why do so many do it? I believe it’s a combination of 2-3 factors.
    1 Having a strong feeling as a human being from a free world and that you want to continue to be as free as possible also in a digital world. 

    2 that these people often have insight in advanced big data collection and big tech companies behavior or they have access to the same information through trustful sources. 
    3 that they are smart enough to see the big picture when you put all the small pieces together. 

    You will also have a good chunk of people who have been under surveillance and  threatened by various governments or institutions around the world for no good reasons. 

    Actually it’s quite big fun when you are interrogated and when the authorities evidence folder is consisting of only

    one page A4 of your activities online or they are having an USB stick with only

    10 kB if documents. Where do we start is normally the first sentences.. ????????

    Sure, if you really object, you can take your own precautions. That's up to you. My argument is, you've already shared your data a thousand times, whether it's obtaining a passport, a visa, a work permit, or just a travel card, a marriage licence, a birth certificate, filling in a tm30, tm6, tm28, etc etc. The list is endless.


    Use a VPN and Tor and Duck Duck Go and Ghostery. It's up to you. You're still free to do that. So what's your problem?


  4. Just now, Robert Tyrrell said:

    Hello ,


    and how does a Covid-19 Track and Trace App work without collecting or sharing personal data !!!???? ???? 

    How did you enter Thailand without sharing personal data?


    Sharing personal data is a fact of life. The government is trying to use it in a positive way. IN THEORY, your phone number and location and time and date stamp allow them to contact you if at some later time or date, you match time and location with a person who has tested positive.


    Whether it works or not I can't say, but all the hysterical raving just is ludicrous, considering Google recirds every step you take in any direction. Lazada knows all your shipping preferences. Facebook, every click on every link.

  5. 16 hours ago, Crossy said:

    For those who don't want to install MorChana in order to read them, here are the Ts&Cs.

    If you are happy with the government collecting and storing such data for the duration of the pandemic (in other words forever) go ahead and install it, otherwise stick with the less invasive ThaiChana app.


    morchana 1.jpg

    morchana 2.jpg

    morchana 3.jpg

    morchana 4.jpg

    morchana 5.jpg


    1 ThaiChana and MorChana are different. As has been pointed out a million times you don't need to download ThaiChana as an app. You simply need a QR code scanner. But to suggest it's an alternative option to MorChana is basically completely wrong.


    2 If you have a smartphone, I don't think you have much choice in whether you download MorChana. You are obliged by law to do so, and have it installed and working.


    Sorry, but people scream about how useless governments are at fighting this thing, yet aren't prepared to do anything themselves to help. As somebody else pointed out, if you've lived here for any length of time, you will already have handed over probably far more data on yourself than this app requests. But because it's digital, and input is required, people go into shock horror overdrive and ridiculous moral outrage. 1984? Give me a break!

    • Confused 2
    • Sad 5
  6. 1 hour ago, Peterw42 said:

    I think you will find most people with a phone also have internet access otherwise the phone isnt much use, its how most people communicate nowadays, via messaging apps, LINE etc. A basic internet access is cheaper than paying to make cellular calls.

    I dont bother putting credit to make calls on my phone as I haven't made a paid call in years.

    Also plenty of free wifi , even provided free by the Gov in poor rural areas.

    200 THB pm internet on AIS, unlimited, 10mbps. 

  7. 32 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    OK. Are you saying I don't need to enter any information at all using my phone, not initially, nor any time I scan the QR code?


    How does the system know who I am, similar to people using the manual method to write their name and phone number?

    This is a straight question. I can't seem to get an answer.


    I'm not entirely certain, but I think when you scan the code, your phone number is logged, although I don't have any evidence for this, but I don't see how else it could work. But, if it's true, then couple that with the time and place registered on ThaiChana by the place you're visiting, your exact whereabouts at 2 moments in time will be recorded, assuming you remember to check out again, and you will be traceable. I read somewhere that all unchecked out check-ins are cleared at midnight the same day. Edit: I don't think this is the case at all! It wouldn't make any sense to delete half the data just because you didn't have the other half.


    I think it's probably a real hit and miss system. I regularly visit big c extra on Klang. I have yet to see ANYONE check out. And many don't even check in. It kind of makes me feel why the hell am I bothering? The attitude amongst many seems to be "Not my problem". Nobody enforces any rules. Nobody gives a damn. Totally like everywhere else in the world it seems. I'm sure many foreigners feel the same way. Why bother? It's very disheartening.


    BUT BUT BUT Thais do have extraordinary success in tracking people down who have been potentially infected. Look at the clusters originating in Rayong and Samut Sakorn. They are able to pinpoint an infected person 100s of miles away and say where they contracted it. Probably by word of mouth I guess. That seems to be the most reliable method! But I'm more than happy to try and help them along the way for what is really only a minutes work.

  8. 4 minutes ago, bluesofa said:

    OK, I follow that part about using Line to scan a QR code.


    It's the next bit that I'm still stuck. Someone has said if I use Line it takes me to a website and I have to enter all my details manually every time?


    I thought that by using the ThaiChana app, I could register just once and then use it to scan the shop's QR code and it would send all my details automatically?

    Am I being dense here?

    That's why I earlier u/l a screenshot of the ThaiChana app, to try to find out how to register with it.

    You don't need the ThaiChana app. All you need is a QR code reader, which is built into Line. That's it. ThaiChana doesn't require you to register. It's the place you check in and out of that has to register. You just scan their QR code on entry and exit.

  9. 3 minutes ago, Crossy said:


    At present certainly, it's unclear whether it will stay that way, also see my earlier post with the link to Matichon.

    A fairly garbled Google translation, but I think the gist of it is, as you say, MorChana (Doctor Won is the literal translation) is not now a prescribed app. But for a foreigner, 1000 THB or so for a cheapie phone is not a huge price to pay to get in step, surely! They do have other uses!

    • Like 1
  10. 12 minutes ago, vinny41 said:

    So the part of your post where you stated that he had refused a covid test was just made up

    What we don't know is from who did Boris and Hancock get covid from if it was from a  cabinet meeting you would expect the entire cabinet to have gone down with Covid

    you don't even know how many times Boris met Cummings in the last 2 weeks in March

    Cummings wife fell ill before Cummings , did she meet Boris and Hancock without her husband present

    Wow, the plot thickens. The butler? The cabinet secretary? A lead pipe in the library? I think we should be told!

    • Haha 2
  11. I don't see any official announcement on government headed paper with a signature from the provincial governor. Why would they kick out their only means of income, especially if the tourists have all been through Qt etc. Sure, the reduced service of the centre point ferry the operators announced on their own website. But looking at one usually reliable source about Koh Chang, I see no references to anything regarding lockdown.  I see  Mr. Satit Pituthecha, Deputy Minister of Public Health And Deputy Leader of the Democratic Party, is quoted in the quoted article. This is the guy who announced on his FB page that all 5 seaboard provinces were in total lockdown. This was copied by Thai PBS, then some radio channel here in Pattaya, then headlined in a well known Pattaya FB group. Such is the spread.

    • Like 2
  12. 1 minute ago, AJBangkok said:

    The problem is that the land office has a severely discounted valuation for properties. I bought a condo last year and the value in their books was around 50% of the actual transaction price. Similarly a house we bought a few years ago they only valued the land and it was less than 10% of the actual cost of the house. 

    Agreed, but I think it's what the op asked for. I believe it can be useful in disputes over valuations where one party is trying to bring, for instance, a "right to buy" action, eg for access. The court will try and arrive at an equitable valuation, using probably the land office's as the lowest, and the current market value as the highest.

  13. You might try here




    It allows you to search for any piece of registered land in Thailand. If you can locate the exact plot (you can enter the chanote, or other details to find it, or just double stab where you think it is) a pop up will display a whole host of details, including the assessed talang wah price. It's a bit hit and miss, but with persistence you should get what you're looking for. Maybe! YMMV.

    • Like 2
  14. 38 minutes ago, Jeffr2 said:

    If you click on Chonburi, you see a huge spike a few days ago.  And these numbers don't match what's showing on the main page, 86 cases, 469 in quarantine.


    When you click on the province, you see the following.  The numbers don't add up???  Or am I missing something?



    I agree, it's really confusing. Is it worth trying to decode the data or just ignore, head down, get on with life? Unless I can find a reliable source I think the latter. But I will wear a mask, I will sanitize, I'll sign in and out, and try and keep my distance. Seems like it could break out anywhere, anytime. Beware of seafood markets, especially upcountry! And as for bikers, well...


    When asked why he never rode a big bike, Clarkson is reported to have said "Well for starters, I don't like sleeping with men!" Ha! Go figure...

  15. 31 minutes ago, foreverlomsak said:

    Is there a link available so we can get up to date pictures of the spread, or non-spread, as it is common knowledge here that we are red zone, we are not in Samut Sahkon nor are we even adjacent to an orange zone, schools etc are spreading the word that local markets etc are being cancelled.

    Oh, sorry once again. I posted a link to the Department of Disease Control's website. Jonathan is using the CCSA's version. Total confusion! Why do the govet5havr two ministries with different data sets, maps etc etc?

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