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Posts posted by bradiston

  1. 55 minutes ago, pmh2009 said:

    All rubbish about treatments!!!! I know where 2 people in an apartment near me having COVID 19, informed the govt hospital but no pickup and the reason was because the beds are full!!! They are a poor couple... so money no honey!!! The real infection, in treatment patients and deaths are TOTALLY UNDERSTATED!!! If you have the money.... Thai or foreigner - get the shots if you can afford it!!!! No use talking about - DO IT!!!

    What shots? There are none available right now.

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  2. 8 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

    Did you even read the link?

    Permitted reasons for international travel

    Listed below are legally permitted reasons to be outside of home including for international travel. See the full list of legally permitted reasons. There may be other types of evidence than the ones listed that are relevant to your situation.



    Essential travel for business or official work purposes where it is not reasonably possible to complete that work from home.


    This includes but is not limited to essential work or returning overseas having completed essential work, in relation to critical national infrastructure including the national rail network, national security or diplomatic purposes, and elite sports competitions.


    Recommended evidence: employer’s letter, professional ID card, confirmation from sports body or evidence of participation, diplomatic mission letter, etc.



    Where it is not reasonably possible to volunteer from home.


    Recommended evidence: letter from relevant organisation.



    For academic studies or professional qualifications where physical presence is required or where activities must be completed overseas. This includes international students returning home.


    Recommended evidence: letter or proof of membership of an academic institution.


    Medical or compassionate grounds

    This includes:


    to visit someone who is dying or critically ill

    maternity services, or to be with someone who is giving birth, or with a baby receiving neonatal critical care

    medical treatment or emergency which cannot be reasonably received in the UK or to accompany a person where necessary

    to avoid injury or illness or escape risk of harm (such as domestic abuse)

    Recommended evidence: medical evidence describing the situation of the member of your household/close family member/a friend who is receiving treatment in hospital or whose condition is life-threatening, proof of scheduled treatment, death certificate, letter from social services, proof of hospital admission, proof of family relationship.


    Weddings, funerals and related events

    To attend a wedding of a family member, to attend a funeral or event related to death, to visit a burial ground or remembrance.


    Recommended evidence: letter, invitation.


    Other permitted reasons

    There are further reasonable excuses, for example:


    to fulfil legal obligations

    to carry out activities related to buying, selling, letting or renting a residential property

    travel in order to exercise custody rights recognised by a court decision

    order to present oneself to a judicial or administrative authority

    Recommended evidence: proof of contract, court decision and proof of place of residence, order to present oneself to a judicial or administrative authority, expiring residence permit, dismissal notice, etc.

    Ok, my apologies. They do state reasons for leaving home and international travel. But I would still take steps to ensure my actual case was allowable. No fun in getting refused at check in.

  3. 33 minutes ago, edwardandtubs said:

    I don't think there's any ambiguity. It states very clearly here that buying and selling property is a permitted reason for international travel:


    But it doesn't say that at all. It says it's an acceptable reason for leaving home, but there's no mention of it being an acceptable reason for leaving the UK. It's not included on the application form for international travel.

    If there is any doubt DO NOT LISTEN TO THAI VISA! Make enquiries at the foreign office or wherever. Surprised this even needs to be said.


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  4. 17 hours ago, edwardandtubs said:

    Further reasonable excuses

    There are further reasonable excuses. For example, you may leave home to fulfil legal obligations, or to carry out activities related to buying, selling, letting or renting a residential property, for the purpose of picketing, or where it is reasonably necessary for voting in an election or referendum.


    declaration-form-for-international-travel(1).pdf 761.36 kB · 3 downloads

    It's confusing to me because they seem to have a set of rules for domestic travel, with a lot of valid reasons, but a very narrow set of rules, with very few valid reasons, for international travel. The way I read it is, the exemption you refer to relating to property is not included under international exemption. But I'd seek clarification first, for sure.

    • Like 1
  5. 17 hours ago, SGD said:

    As per the title, what is the best gym ?


    Not the cheapest but the best in terms quality, variety and amount of equipment.


    Looking for a monthly type fee, as staying a few months, not annually.


    Not price dependent.



    Try Sun gym just off Buakhao. 900 pm. Open from 7am to midnight so plenty of opportunity to find it almost deserted.

    • Like 1
  6. 17 hours ago, polpott said:

    I didn't mention the Moslem world, I quoted Arab culture. I agree with other posters on this thread that its specifically Arab culture, not necessarily Moslem culture.

    Pakistan? The UK? Afghanistan? In "problematic" Islamic countries/societies, most notably arch patriarchal, it's Muslim men who are the problem, not the women. Let's not forget that either. 

    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  7. 9 minutes ago, ThailandRyan said:

    Probably because I turn my location off as well as my blue tooth in order to extend my battery life If I am not using my smartwatch or my earbuds.....that's the only reason I can think of after doing some research, but then I do not trust them wanting to know my location 24/7, plus it and the Thai Chana app will not work if I am running my VPN on my phone and scan the QR code using my camera or the Line App.  "Error 403 Forbidden" pops up until I turn off the VPN, then it works magically.

    Well of course, if your VPN server is in Canada for instance, the app is not going to be able to make sense of your location at all!


    I'm not trying to promote its use. I have it installed and it's always on. I'm not fussed about my whereabouts being known, though I guess I COULD be if I was in certain places at certain times, if you follow. But the overriding factor is prevention of the spread of the virus, so who cares, unless you're engaged in some serious criminality. Sure, don't forget to turn off location and Bluetooth if you're about to rob a bank!

    • Haha 1
  8. 4 hours ago, TheFreqFlyer said:

    Clearly you have no idea what you're talking about. If you think there is no parallel with previous dystopian regimes and what's going on now, you've got your head stuck in the sand. 

    He was a jerk because he didn't use his brain...he could have quietly found a backroad to enter the town, rather than making a big show of it. 

    The first case in Nakon Phanom was registered yesterday. Traced to a Bangkok man who infected a street food seller. Then returned to Bangkok.


    So why are you promoting avoiding the restrictions which are there for a very good reason? You're not even a Thai citizen. I don't see anything dystopian about Thailand. The UK, on the other hand, could well be described as such. But neither can be described as fascist. You don't know what you're talking about if you think Thailand is a fascist state. Sure, there are elements of a highly oppressive regime in their intolerance of any opposition, but it falls far short of a Pinochet, even a Hun Sen, the previous military regime in Myanmar, or the Greek junta of the 60s, for instance. People bandy about the word fascism without having any idea what they're referring to. Have you? I mean, historically, how does Thailand qualify as a fascist state?


    • Thanks 1
  9. 7 hours ago, ThailandRyan said:

    True track and tracing application, yet at MTT Immigration it is not in use.....go figure.  Wonder about at any of the immigration or government buildings if they are using it or not.  If not it means their own people do not want to be tracked every step of their day....hmmm.  I just deleted it as it was always asking for permissions.

    There was no QR code available at Jomtien immigration 2 days ago, no social distancing and no sanitizer. Just the usual throng, bumping into each other, wedged in the door. BUT they very kindly and quickly gave me a 90 day notification receipt, no questions except where are you staying. And they updated my passport number.


    Not sure why it was always asking for permissions. It does need to know your location, and probably use of camera to scan the QR codes. Usually it's a one off request. At least it doesn't ask for your list of contacts!

  10. 1 hour ago, Grusa said:

    I use ThaiChana. Does anyone know the differences?

    Mor Chana actually makes Thai Chana redundant as it has its own QR scanner. So you don't need both. But MC will in theory notify you if you have been in an infected or high risk area or near an infected person, assuming those have been identified as such. It uses Bluetooth, GPS and the QR code combined. ThaiChana doesn't use Bluetooth.

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