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Everything posted by bradiston

  1. His photo accompanying his authorship is of a young boy. Most peculiar.
  2. Skyscanner is showing I think 2 direct flights a week from LGW, November and December. The rest are codeshare with Qatar. This guy Bob Scott has got the AI hyperbole switch set to MAX.
  3. Hi. I'll be needing to transfer a fairly large amount of pesos from my PH bank to a Thai bank (or elsewhere in Thailand). Any suggestions?
  4. See the BBC interview conducted by Steve Rosenberg with Georgia PM Irakli Kobakhidze https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c78ddj25kgvo
  5. https://visalibrary.com/jobs/immigrate-to-thailand-as-a-doctor/#:~:text=to the country.-,Can Foreigners Work as a Doctor in Thailand%3F,and get a work permit.
  6. In any case, Putin's case is that the Ukraine invasion was justified because of the actions of NATO. Well, then, take it up with NATO, not hapless Ukraine who did nothing wrong, and who you knew wasn't in a position to defend itself. Just a typical bullying stance. It's all NATO's fault, so well invade Ukraine! The truth is, he wanted to invade and found what appears to be a convenient excuse: NATO expansion east, and the Maidan "revolution". Both are based on fundamental lies. https://www.nato.int/cps/en/natohq/115204.htm
  7. https://www.bbc.com/news/videos/c9vn8z2wwy9o The BBC interviewer, Steve Rosenberg, speaks fluent Russian and he and Putin converse in Russian. Tell me if the subs are misleading. Or the video has been edited in any way?
  8. Yet you can't answer the question.
  9. Are you also peeing in the bed? Yeah, I thought so.
  10. You're fluent in Russian? Or, you trust the translations? The subs? How can you compare them to his speech if you don't understand Russian? He very rarely appears in public or talks openly to the press. Everything is stage managed. Tell me if you think the BBC video has been tampered with or faked in any way? And how do you know yours haven't been?
  11. Lived there 4 years, that's all. Own a condo there. And before that, 5 years elsewhere in Thailand. You seem to come and go on a regular basis. Your bizarre reply is just deflection. Was he or wasn't he a "farang" doctor?
  12. Yeah? In Russian? Is that what you do?
  13. Links? Mad Maria Zakarova and Demented Dmitri Peskov bang on about the decadent West and the Anglosaksy (a derogatory slur for an imaginary Anglo Saxon hegemony, aka the collective West). They're both rabid! If Putin uses the term "friends" with regard to any of his enemies, including those who oppose his invasion of Ukraine, you can rest assured it's heavily ironic. See the BBC video where Steve Rosenberg asks Putin how the invasion of Ukraine matches the claptrap he spouts about the high moral idealism of BRICS. He can hardly contain his outrage. It's full of "what abouts", accusations of lying, broken promises etc etc. A very feeble attempt at justification of his insane military operation. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Saxons_(slur)
  14. Yes. He and all those that followed in his footsteps. The victims' families were reportedly too scared to speak out up until now. Down South, there's a war on, in effect. And don't anybody start on the whys and wherefores. It's off topic. This is about justice for all in Thailand, regardless of race, religion, status, wealth.
  15. That's not a proper reply. Was the doctor a "farang", ie non Thai, or wasn't he? Better come clean gg. Or be reported for fake news.
  16. It's not so much the absence or presence of a police force. It's just the number of unnatural deaths. But with an estimated 5-20k deaths on the Thai roads a year, that's a minimum of 15 a day in RTAs alone. Add in homicides, accidents at work and in the home, drug related etc etc. Carnage!
  17. Same as lawyers. They can give advice in a legal firm but they can't act for you or defend you in court. I also call BS on this stupid story.
  18. It's a government hospital. My experience there has been dire. Wait in a queue. No doctor. Give up and leave. Ok, private will always cost a minimum of 1000 THB per visit, but you get seen almost immediately, comfortable surroundings, no stress. Buy your meds from Fascino. I don't have OP insurance.
  19. No, but this guy claimed it was all staged. Alex Jones did the same with Sandy Hook. Got fined $1 billion in reparations and damages to the families of the 26 murdered. Vile or what?
  20. Stay away from hospitals. Go to a clinic. Much cheaper. What is wrong with you anyway? A farang doctor in Thailand? Where?
  21. Hang the bastard. Can you imagine your child was killed in the explosion and this guy pops up saying it never happened? See also Alex Jones, scumbag extraordinaire.
  22. There were 6 deaths reported on one day here out of 16 news items. Murder, RTAs, other accidents. Crazy Thailand.
  23. The east coast is worth exploring, especially the southern part, Salak Pet bay and surrounding area. It has a famous seafood restaurant and panoramic views of the bay from high up. There are many small islands south and east of Koh Chang some of which are well worth visiting. But you'd need to hire a speedboat to get to them, and some have now cashed in on landing fees.
  24. Yeah but no but. The Council of State is an extremely mysterious body of 136 legal "councillors" who divide up to form 14 committees of 10 members each. Each committee has a different section of the law to study. There is also a law reform department . It's amazing this supposedly independent body was never involved in the 112 shenanigans with the EC and the CC. The PM chairs it, but the OCS, the Office of the Council of State, seems to run it. http://www.asianlii.org/th/legis/consol_act/cosa1979170/ https://www.ocs.go.th/council-of-state/#/public https://krisdika.ocs.go.th/web/office-of-the-council-of-state/organisation And there's a large pdf file I found but can't trace where.
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