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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Would you believe Homepro doesn't carry those valves, obviously they want to sell you a whole new tap for 300 baht and up. So I bought another tap, this gives me 3 spares if I can find valves that fit.
  2. I'm going to take it to Homepro tomorrow and try and find an exact match.
  3. I haven't seen any ads that give thread length.
  4. No, it's the ceramic plates inside that wear/fail.
  5. I did buy the kits originally but it's nearly as cheap, and less fiddly, to buy the whole cartridge.
  6. The two I got from China had a shorter thread and I couldn't get it to catch on the tap threads. I didn't want to force it and strip threads.
  7. I have my doubts if they are actually ceramic, just looks like white plastic to me.
  8. I don't think this type of valve (cartridge) is familiar to Thais in my area. Most of those types of taps are used in falang kitchens.
  9. Well, they show no pitting or leaking in 14 years, so the quality has to be better than OK.
  10. I begrudge throwing something away if it can be fixed cheaply and easily, in this case for a 50 baht valve.
  11. I have American Standard taps in both bathrooms and neither have failed or drip in 14 years. I don't know if that is a premium brand, but they have performed faultlessly.
  12. There doesn't seem to be a local supplier on Lazada, they all come from China, and delivery can be at least a week, so it probably means a trip to Home Pro. I have replaced the whole tap 3 times, so I have two (now 3) spare taps that only need valves.
  13. I had two new ones that I'd bought from Lazada previously, but when I went to change it I found they wouldn't screw in, and the thread was much shorter than the original. Problem is the tap is now leaking like crazy, so waiting another week or so to be delivered from China is out of the question. The kitchen tap has a shut off valve under the sink, but of course it's frozen and won't move.
  14. These kitchen tap valves are constantly failing and it seems the only place to find them is at major hardware stores like Thaiwatsadu or Homepro. These fit the standard U shape kitchen taps, so hardly rare, but tried 3 local hardware shops this morning, none have them. You'd think I was asking for a part for the space shuttle.
  15. Didn't Liam Neeson just play a hitman with dementia?
  16. With a name like Ratukore Jones Agamom I doubt he's aboriginal.
  17. Agree, I saw big ones bailing up school children outside Phuket, just for fun, actually jumping onto them and baring their teeth in the kids faces. The kids were terrified.
  18. They came into my room in Ubud and stole whatever they could carry when I inadvertently left the door open. Nasty little critters, aggressive as well.
  19. I think there were several apocalyptic type movies during the cold war, but Threads was one of the best IMO, and it was also a made for TV movie so probably made on a tiny budget.
  20. Pretty sure the Fallout series won't be as grim as Threads, which is one of the most chilling movies I've seen.
  21. In the 70's had 3 doses of California Sunshine given to me in Morocco but waited until I hit Spain to try for the first time. I met a young American doctor in a park and we tripped together as I was pretty nervous about doing it alone. Ended up splitting the 3rd tab and tripped for 12 straight hours.
  22. She retaliated as any normal person would do after being attacked. Now you can put any spin on that you like to try and justify your position.
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