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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. Doesn't look homemade to me, looks pretty sophisticated.
  2. A set of dentures from a clinic for 300 baht? I paid 1100 baht just for a partial upper.
  3. What symptoms does the dog show? There isn't much treatment available for humans, so can't see it being much different for a dog.
  4. Why do they wait until things reach a critical level before anything is done? The writing has been on the wall for years but the pollies have their heads buried in the sand.
  5. Have a Sony and Panasonic, both came with 3 year warranties.
  6. That was justice. The officer who gave me bad information I kind of paid out a bit, told her to check before giving people bad info. Surprise, surprise my pension was stopped the first week I moved here. Maybe a coincidence, maybe payback. I had to ring the international off and get reinstated.
  7. The driver supposedly has no money yet his lawyer say he will fight the case in court. Obviously his lawyer is acting pro bono.
  8. Before I moved here 14 years ago I was told by a Centrelink employee that my pension would stop once I left Australia. Had to get her to go online while I was there to read the actual policy re moving overseas. If I hadn't already known the facts it may have dissuaded me from moving.
  9. I thought it was awful and fast forwarded most of it.
  10. She got exactly what she deserved. A toxic feminist.
  11. opensubtitles.com About the only decent one left. If you have Nova installed on your smart TV you can add subs from there.
  12. The same applies to putting people of colour into historical roles or TV or movies just to meet some kind of quota. In A Gentleman in Moscow you would have thought every second person in Russia at the time was black, when in fact virtually none existed there at that time.
  13. What a disappointment. No name cast that can't act and a storyline for kids. The whole thing just seemed amateurish and a pale imitation of the real thing. Should have been called Alien Lite.
  14. Looking forward to this one.
  15. I have tried several times over several days but gave up after 15 minutes or so. This was using the free call international number. Reading some reports online, wait times can be in the hours not minutes. Don't have the patience for that.
  16. Agree. The IMDB high score is a mystery, I would have thought a 5 max.
  17. On my PC I need to sign in, but on the app on my tablet sign in seems to be automatic.
  18. Next time I'll do it that way.
  19. Well, the pension company knocked back my completed form because the police who witnessed the form put his details in Thai, they want an English translation.
  20. You obviously haven't received many packages from Lazada if you haven't received them wrapped in duct tape. You do realize some packages are bigger than a shoe box?
  21. 2.20 pounds in Tesco.
  22. Some take a lot longer than that. Packages within packages protected by layers of bubble wrap then sealed by copious amounts of duct tape. Can't see a delivery driver being happy to stand around while you unwrap packages.
  23. 100 baht at police or 500 baht at lawyer. 1000 baht is a ripoff.
  24. Yet Villa sells Vegemite considerably cheaper than Lazada.
  25. Peep Show, Ideal. Both Brit sitcoms.
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