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Everything posted by giddyup

  1. I paid the price with solitude, but at least I'm outta debt. Sorry, maybe too obscure even though it's from a very well known artist.
  2. Looks like streaming only which is no good for me, but thanks. I find PB a pretty good source for some obscure movies.
  3. Is this site only for streaming, can't see any download buttons.
  4. And the website is?
  5. Thinking investing in one for the convenience and safety. Are they heavy to push around, ease of cutting etc?
  6. Thanks for the non contributory comment.
  7. Just watched Intolerable Cruelty (2003) again after nearly 20 years and found it extremely funny, again. That got me onto a comedy movie jag, so downloaded the following to watch again.... Blazing Saddles Dirty Rotten Scoundrels Liar, Liar Manhattan O Brother Where Art Thou? Planes, Trains and Automobiles Three Amigos Cable Guy Bluestreak Galaxy Quest Throw Momma From The Train Something About Mary Feel free to add any that you think especially funny.
  8. Allopurinol fixes that.
  9. I don't think you can "get used to gout", the pain is chronic.
  10. I know how he felt experiencing pain from gout, it's enough to make you want to top yourself, but Allopurinol eliminates that, and it's cheap.
  11. I did mine over a year ago and there was only the traffic lights and the reaction tests, no perception test. I always failed the colour test when the tester used to point to a colour but the traffic lights are a breeze.
  12. https://www.google.co.th/search?q=john+mayall&sca_esv=f41693c3d898bcf5&dcr=0&source=hp&ei=WLuhZvqpGqme4-EP9MyH4AI&iflsig=AL9hbdgAAAAAZqHJaLY4b-2AQyrR4Nqj8q1BPYZaQnlu&ved=0ahUKEwj6tainlcGHAxUpzzgGHXTmASwQ4dUDCA0&uact=5&oq=john+mayall&gs_lp=Egdnd3Mtd2l6Igtqb2huIG1heWFsbDIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYEzIHEAAYgAQYE0iFN1AAWJEjcAB4AJABAJgBggSgAeUTqgELMC42LjIuMS4xLjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAgugApkWwgIJEAAYgAQYExgKmAMAkgcJMC41LjMuMS4yoAewNw&sclient=gws-wiz
  13. Who could be so dopey to say there was only ONE Lenovo that fit my price description of 18,290 online and 18,990 in store?
  14. https://www.advice.co.th/product/all-in-one-pc/all-in-one-pc-lenovo/aio-lenovo-ideacentre-aio-24irh9-f0hn001yta- You said there was no model Lenovo with that model number available at that price.
  15. https://www.advice.co.th/product/all-in-one-pc/all-in-one-pc-lenovo/aio-lenovo-ideacentre-aio-24irh9-f0hn001yta-
  16. I just looked again, it's 18,290 baht online or 18,990 baht from the store. I can't upload the link because I'm on my tablet, but it's there.
  17. I know what I saw, so no mistakes will be made.
  18. No, that's not the model.
  19. It is on sale at Advice, when I have time I'll post the link.
  20. No, it's an Lenovo AIO 24IRH9.
  21. Yes, same one. Lenovo 24IRH9.
  22. Anyone know why it's cheaper to buy this PC online rather than direct from the Advice store? Online it's 18,290 baht, buy from store it's 18,990 baht.
  23. I still have an old external optical drive that I can use if necessary.
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