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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. The power behind this comes from the fugitive who now has total control of the government
  2. We all know Tony is running the country , we all know his illness was exaggerated , we all know that the forth coming u turn regarding weed is down to him he’s the most powerful person in the country !
  3. It appears that Mr T was caught out by the Russian was he hoping to make a good return on his euro’s when he took then to the money exchange !
  4. Will the same happen with the Casino’s they want investors to build when the government realise that the suicide rate has gone up 10 fold due to Thais losing everything !
  5. This is why it would be a huge mistake for any farang to invest money into Thailand .ive already invested millions of baht into the Thai economy in my 19 years here .1,000s of businesses are going to be put out of business if it’s true what has been stated I have a funny feeling that the fugitive has been partly responsible for this decision after all it is he who is running the country !
  6. You get 4 cans of Heinz baked beans for 420 baht at my local Makro store I don’t buy as I find they are to sweet I buy the Aussie ones 210 baht for 3 cans
  7. Yet they have lottery every month on the 1st and 16th is that not gambling and now they plan to build casinos is that not gambling I see many Thais gambling playing cards it’s time Thailand either said one or the other gambling permitted or gambling not allowed if it’s the latter then don’t open up casinos and stop the monthly lottery . When you tell people they can’t do something they go and do it !
  8. How many were getting connecting flights to other countries
  9. It’s a stupid rule whoever thought it up must of being going through a mad moment
  10. Most people have purchased there duty free before they arrive in Thailand I would have though when they are departing Thailand is when they would use it .you could reduce the debt by stricter control over stock if you have 3 billion in stock over all the duty free shops your not in debt as it’s part of your unsold stock
  11. I would never buy a condo if I was denied any voting rights .
  12. That’s music to my ears sometimes no amount of wealth can buy you a position on the senate
  13. If the fugitive can get away with spending no time in prison these people should be treated in the same way or does the wealth of an in individual take precedence !
  14. War is about to break out this guy will fight back by whatever means I’m sure he’s got a lot of information about fellow superiors that he can use
  15. There is always a sticking point this one stipulates that there will be no voting rights
  16. It’s a pity he didn’t end up in a Thai prison he most probably decided to return to the UK knowing he could have a cushy life in a UK prison
  17. I might be mistaken but I was on the understanding the 50 year lease is for commercial property
  18. Deport him Putin can send him on the front line to fight his illegal invasion of Ukraine
  19. Maybe they could let us know what has happened to the German who attacked him hopefully he will be locked upon a Thai prison for many years and suffer the consequences for his actions
  20. He could always use the excuse that these items were given by his followers following there demise that excuse seemed to work for a high ranking general who was in the previous government
  21. Gambling is more addictive than smoking weed but I don’t see any officials giving an opinion on it More Thais will end up killing themselves as the gamble away there lives and thats vey dad
  22. Contact marksendingmachine he has sorted out my UK passport in the past excellent service
  23. My massage lady suggested to me that if I paid her 30,000 baht per month she would look after all my needs she did however say she wasn’t very house proud when it comes to cleaning after careful thought I declined she visits me once per week on average I will admit to buying her little treats as well as paying her for the massage service she provides it now suits us both
  24. Was up in Bangkok recently i couldn’t believe how many homeless Thais were roughing it on the streets I counted over a 100 within metres of the hotel where I was staying !
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