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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. My father is a very important asset to Thailand ! In other words he tells his daughter this and that she has no idea how to run a sandwich bar let alone government she’s a puppet and daddy pulls the strings ! If she cancels the digital wallet the people will take to the streets to protest this promise was to win votes for papa’s party looks like it’s about to be a broken promise
  2. He shouldn’t be allowed to be involved in any politics but now tha he has managed to get his daughter as PM how will they stop him interfering
  3. 150 k for a funeral I’ve been involved in 2friends funeral one at 15,000 baht and the other at 20,000 that was for everything monks , food , prayers candles cremation pine box flowers photo graph in frame
  4. 50 k you can get the whole job done for 15,000 anyway if you give a Thai money they look at it as a gift so you never get it back tell her to get a bank loan
  5. How can he be released he never spent one day behind bars
  6. Toni dislikes us farangs no doubt he will be instructing his new puppet to make it even harder for us to stay long term if I’m correct he introduced the 90 day reporting
  7. How the hell can a convicted criminal run the country the daughter will have zero say as they won’t be her policies but those of her fathers .can only think there are some high ranking military officers with steam coming out of their nostrils having to put up with her father who appears to be the second most powerful individual in the Kingdom running the show !
  8. I’ve got the Toyota cross GR Sport Hybrid 1.3 million 1.8 engine beautiful vehicle to drive super fuel efficiency and super quiet go take a test drive
  9. How can a convicted criminal have so much power is beyond me only a few days ago honest hardworking MPs of Move Forward Party were banned from any form of politics for 10 years and none of them with criminal backgrounds. WHY ?
  10. Reminds me of the hit Sandie Shaw had in the 60s “ Puppet on a string “ and we all know who will be pulling the strings can’t believe what’s happening he has to the second most powerful individual in Thailand !
  11. A man who strikes a woman is the lowest of the lowest and does not deserve any form of role in public office
  12. A big fat brown envelope will ease the journalist’s pain just make sure it hurts his bank balance
  13. Should we be surprised absolutely not in less than a year she will be heading to Dubai to escape from the courts
  14. I don’t think it’s a cut deal other parties will want one of their MPs as PM I can see splits happing in the coalition Tony’s time as top man is coming to an end unless he gives other parties what they want to allow his man to become PM the other question will be does the new PM have any skeletons in their cupboard maybe all this is a PLUS for the newly formed Peoples Party if there was an Election tomorrow they would win by a landslide ! At least the disposed PM can now use all his freebie air miles he earned over the last few months
  15. The circus continues so yesterday a meeting took place at the criminals mansion how can this guy have a big influence over the party he once led when the move Forward former leader and some of his colleagues are banned from any form of politics for 10 years Mr Tony is a convicted criminal yes he had part of his sentence reduced but that doesn’t alter the fact that he is a convict yet is free to do what he wants
  16. Think he will be heading back to Dubai
  17. Will Tony do a disappearing act back to Dubai maybe his sidekick will follow him and will the military take over !
  18. If you go around the Temple you will always find homeless people sleeping in the sala’s
  19. His job is safe he’s not a member of the deposed Move Forward Party he's Tony's puppet
  20. Yet more pie in the sky keep on spewing out the BS !
  21. Yet more dreamers there are many welcoming countries than Thailand but it doesn’t cost anything to dream like F1 street racing Taylor Swift mega concerts the dreams are never ending with this PM
  22. So if a thai friend messaged me asking for a 100 Bahri can tell them the minister in government has stated that we should not do it you don’t have to be on the street to be begging I’ve been stopped outside a 7/11 a petrol station even big C when a lady was 20 baht short
  23. They arrested a lot of Burmese workers last week so that’s going to have an impact on building work I heard it could of been up to a 100 if it was it’s been kept very quiet
  24. He’s on a Russian passport so that’s where he should be deported to !
  25. Ukraine beckons enjoy the ride
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