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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. Imagine a multi million $$$ casino opening up and after a year or two due to a high number of suicide deaths due to gambling addiction they flip flop and close the place down these clowns are absolutely clueless I’m still waiting to see this 10,000 baht digital wallet coming to fruition
  2. I wouldn’t say it was an accident this was a stabbing not once but several times that cost an individual his life . The American will regret his actions when he is sentenced to life in a Thai prison with as many as 50 to a cell sleeping on a concrete floor and living in fear of being raped I hope he enjoys his stay I’ve zero sympathy
  3. I live on the island I have Bangkok plates as I purchased my vehicle in Bangkok and I’m told that buyers like a Bangkok number plate I’m not required to have Suratthani plates so why change the plate !
  4. You cause me a lot of problems ! Is that really a threat !
  5. Yet another dream last month it was bring in huge entertainment stars the month before was F1 motor racing can’t wait to see what he comes up with in August
  6. I don’t understand why people invest large amounts of money for long term visa’s Thai government especially the current one flip flop look at what’s happening over the weed 1,000s upon 1,000s of shops will be forced to close in January because a particular person who is no longer an MP has influence over making it illegal
  7. Phangan party people will not be to happy as it’s Full moon Monday so it’s normal that three days before the bars and stores experience a big turnover in sales unfortunately this weekend won’t be the case
  8. Any other police force around the world would take weeks even months to come to a full conclusions of what happened yet here in Thailand it’s a closed case within a couple of days Could this be the next movie from NETFLIX
  9. Have lived on KP for years and except for Covid this is the quietest I have ever seen. Having said that it suits me but it’s not good for those who have a business and have to pay staff
  10. No surprises here anything to keep REFORM from running government a deal has been done with the devil
  11. Black listed from Thailand im sure that after there experience they would never want to return to Thailand
  12. I would be more worried about people’s health when all the proposed gambling casinos are opened up in the kingdom. A lot more deaths will occur from those addicted to gambling than those who smokeceeed
  13. The Labour Party are now in government they let anyone in even the illegal boat people which 500 of them arrived in the past few days so it’s a free for all with them
  14. Yes but how much money do they spend on gambling per week lottery euro millions horse racing bingo post code lottery the list is endless one things for sure if I’d won I wouldn’t be telling the world about it as for a 6 bed house plus land it must be out in the sticks in the North of Thailand where people are very poor
  15. The Uk has a minimum working wage which is around 350 baht per hour so why is she working 14 hours a day her earning per day would be just under 5,000 baht per days and if she works 5 days a week that before tax and insurance would be just under 30,000 baht per week and that’s just her salary what about her husbands £ 200,000 is not enough to retire to Thailand
  16. Have contributed a good 20 million plus baht in 19 years of living here supporting the economy and I’m called a cheap Charlie Thanks
  17. I think it’s 30 days on arrival and then another 30 days at your local immigration office apologies if I’m wrong
  18. Your very lucky then that must be the fastest retirement visa ever if you did it all in 15 minutes or are you spewing out BS
  19. Desperation move more criminals will be arriving with zero checks
  20. Why would you want to sell the land only to lease it back and as it’s a thai buyer he would not need your company meaning you would have to pay taxes on the sale of the land plus a lease is only for 30 years I remember reading an article where a judge in Phuket threw out a case regarding this so called 30+30+30 stating it was an illegal practice. Having owned property via way of company over the past 20 years and selling them on I’ve never had any issues just make sure you have your company accounts filed each year and pay any taxes I currently own two properties by way of company which I had built in 2016 personally I would never lease land
  21. I would never buy a condo if im denied voting rights plus if there going to do it for condos why not do it with land a straight lease of 99 years
  22. He must of upset someone as the saying goes keep your friends close and your enemies even closer good to know that the bribe was turned down that’s good news for the island
  23. This is what happens when you hand out visa’s by the 1,000s to unscrupulous people
  24. Looks like bondage straps hanging on the wall how the hell did I miss that place !
  25. Oppps it’s clear she upset at least one thai it doesn’t say that she had a work permit just that she was working illegally
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