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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. The British Embassy in Bangkok was a beautiful place to visit it was the most expensive plot of land in the capital Bangkok until the current government decided to sell it and move into a square boring box the site is now a huge shopping mall .
  2. It’s okay for males to strut there stuff by being topless yet nothing happens but when a female does it all hell breaks loose ! I’ve seen men with much bigger boobs than some woman
  3. Was in SCB for 20 years now in Kasikorn bank and what a great bank it is no longer do I have to pay 30 baht every time i do a transaction to another province K bank have no charges I recently did a one million + baht transfer using my K bank card to another province no charges.and the whole procedure was complete in 5 minutes I would hate to think what SCB would of charged me
  4. Yes i have experience not trying to get money out of a Thai bank when a person passes Bangkok bank have kept me waiting for 1.5 years im now in the process of going to the court to get an authorised letter to release the monies . This has taught me a valuable lesson I now keep a minimum amount in Thai banks with the 800 k make use of it by living off it then two months prior to renewal top it back up to the 800k you can take it down to 400,000 baht
  5. I was told my spouse had to have her own bank account with the 800k it could not be a joint account so that is what we did this was Samui IO
  6. Big Mistake by the Thai government
  7. Sorry but in my humble opinion he is no worse than the people who are are currently running the country
  8. I might be in the minority with the rest of the foreigners living in Thailand but having lived here for over 18+ years I thought the guy was okay and had there not been a coupe I believe the country would be in a far better shape than the current bunch of clowns who flip flop with changes of rule that suit themselves
  9. Last week I was stung 3 times within an hour on the top of my head as I was sweeping my terrace I hadn’t noticed a nest in one of the trees thankfully I was okay I’m 72 years young a couple of years older than the deceased RIP to him
  10. ???????????? no need for SONGKRAN you see overloaded pickup 24/7 does this guy thinks it’s April Fools Day by coming out with such a silly comment
  11. I would think he could claim political asylum as he is from Iraq but there again this is Thailand I don’t think they know the meaning the guy should have headed to France paid his dues and landed on the shores of Dover
  12. You forgot to mention the financial agreement between both parties yes all the rest is simple but let’s be honest Thais especially woman are well known for changing there minds at the very last minute and making new demands
  13. Why bother getting divorced just carry on living your life from what I’ve learned from experience a lot of Thai woman who have a husband also have a boyfriend . Maybe you should mention divorce to your in laws and see what expression is on there faces there is a very famous saying and that is “ Blood is thicker than water “ I think there attitude towards you could well change !
  14. Sadly I doubt he will live long enough to return after 10 years as soon as he reaches Russian soil Putins henchmen will drag him off to the nearest military training camp two weeks training and off to the frontline to be killed
  15. His punishment = being sent on the front line as cannon fodder god have mercy in his soul because it’s a 100% guarantee he will be sent to the front line
  16. I thought it was law that a female has to be 20/21 years of age to work in a bar if that is the case why do the police not do spot checks every night around all the bars and check there ID cards as every Thai is required to have one or is it because the bar owners are passing brown envelopes each month to the local plod to stay away from the premises
  17. Thai government must be loving it while most of the world condemns the invasion by Russia Thailand sits on the fence it’s all about money and greed
  18. I have a Yellow book and pink ID card as far as I am aware it’s only for the house I’m registered at if I move to another property the yellow book becomes obsolete that’s what the issuing officer told me however if I sell the property the yellow book can be transferred to the new owner once again the issuing officer told me this unless it was all lost in translation as his English wasn’t that good .
  19. Yes you are correct in asking that question the answer is “ NO ONE “ so how can Jose claim to be a Refugee these people are running away from being drafted into the Russian Military I wouldn’t want to be any of them once they return to the Motherland as Putins henchmen will be waiting for them mind you I have no objections to the beautiful Russian ladies staying here just send the male draft dodgers back home
  20. They are not refugees most of them have plenty of money the true reason is that they are all, cowards running away from there motherland because they don’t want to be called up into the military if they think they are safe they are fooling themselves when they return Putins henchmen will be there waiting for them life won’t be worth living meanwhile the Thai government will make millions in visa charges v and that’s the only reason for not shipping them back home . What I am seeing on my island is Russians renting properties and then subletting them for ridiculous prices . They are working discreetly with no work permits one guy was caught last week on a 188 day overstay and I wouldn’t be surprised if there are 100s more on overstay with little being done about it ☹️
  21. HSBC have paid £1 for the U.K. branch so U.K. investors have been assured that there money is safe
  22. Not surprised with that statement I doubt that the Silicone bank has a branch in Thailand the only silicone is planted in those who want bigger boobs and butts and most of them are found in the local lady bars : )
  23. Train much cheaper and you don’t get ripped off
  24. 1 police office and 5 IOS you can tell the difference by uniform
  25. The Russian can always claim political asylum claiming he fears for his life that Putin will send him to the front line in Ukraine to be killed . I bet there are many many Russians on overstay as for the 6 and 9 day overstay just let them pay the 500 baht daily fine !
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