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Everything posted by crazykopite

  1. They must think that millionaires are fools with there money I would be amazed if anyone took up this absolutely crazy idea it just proves how desperate Thailand must be to try and claw money into the country by any means
  2. Yes my land perimeter has now got concrete walls giving me total privacy from my neighbours not cheap to do but well worth it for security and privacy
  3. I had the same issue 16 years ago I went to the land office paid 3,000 baht got a receipt and a notice was published telling people that they had 30 days to make comment /claim After the 30 days was up the land office came onto the land with there computers did the full survey and yes while I was away my chanote stamps had been moved the next door neighbour at the time had basically stolen 30cm of my land width that doesn’t sound a lot but the length of the land was 65 mtr in length I know why he did it so that he could get a better sea view . Land office issued you chanote post of which they took photographs and kept for future reference needles to say my next door neighbour wasn’t to happy
  4. I skinny dip all the time but in my own swimming pool after all it is your Birth suit it’s no worse than woman been topless and having very revealing string bottoms to me this is a non story
  5. Yes and as of today I will be wearing my poppy to remember them the war graves in Kanchanaburi are beautifully maintained ????????????????????
  6. Anybody who is stupid enough to take up this deal has got more money than sense maybe the Chinese will jump at it in order to escape from the Chinese regime but I cannot see many applications if any from the western world
  7. I have never been to where she is housed nor would I go the Thai government have the power to do something about this cruelty but they won’t because the elitists of Thailand look after each other’s backs it would be more humane to end her life than to leave her locked up in that hell hole . Maybe if, the public demonstrated with there feet by shopping elsewhere something might be done to give Bua Noi a decent sanctuary to see her days out .
  8. And TAT want Chinese tourists to come in there millions once this is published in China I doubt there will be many coming to the land of smiles
  9. Visit every lady bar until the money ran out
  10. The incompetent individual is totally out of touch with todays modern society the sooner he has gone the better
  11. That smile on his face tells us all he knows something that we don’t in 20/30 years time China will be in Charge of Thailand he’s selling his soul to the devil
  12. I’ve purchased properties in Thailand and have walked away with good profits . I now have a secluded beach front property with several foreigners who have given me their contact details should I wish to sell with that in mind I regard your comment “ don’t buy in Thailand “ as a stupid remark
  13. I bet there were more Thais than foreigners in that place
  14. A yellow book doesn’t prove that you live there full time it just states that is the address your registered at this year for the first time in 18 years I had to pay property tax of 8,000 baht for the year it’s apparently a new tax based on those of us who live on beach front property The yellow book does have advantages so it’s worth pursuing it you should pay no more than 500 baht for it .
  15. There needs to be a level playing field from the government downwards when it comes to corruption and fraud a few years back I applied to get a yellow house book I went to the government building on Samui with my accountant we talked to a couple of officials and they came up with an answer that I would have to pay 25,000 baht I turned around and left yet in Koh Phangan I had a yellow book in 30 minutes the total cost 200 baht plus a pink ID card I’ve even heard of some foreigners paying an IO 20,000+ baht to get a particular visa
  16. If you cannot afford to pay for your heating back home you can’t afford to come a stay in Thailand for the winter months and there was me thinking TAT wanted high earners visiting maybe TAT should change its name to TIT
  17. Thais only get 5 years for murder as of reading this no one has been murdered
  18. Those who side with Russia should have sanctions imposed on them and I include Thailand
  19. Going back a few years an old friend got his woman pregnant and out of it they produced a son after a couple of years things came to a halt they had never married however she wasn’t bothered about her son that much that in the end my friend decided to take him back to the U.K. the boy had duel nationality she was happy for this to happen and all they did was go to the local police station and sign certain forms he and his young son then returned to the U.K. sadly my friend passed away three years later and his daughter took over the responsibility of taking care of the boy who would be around 14 years of age
  20. How can a military controlled government which illegally took power by way of a coupe condemn a Russian government for illegally invading a neighbouring country
  21. Should not have been a coup in the first place people should be allowed to vote for the party they want the military should not be involved if you believe in democracy
  22. Great opportunity for you know what ????
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