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Everything posted by beautifulthailand99

  1. By accusing Trump of living in a disinformation space, he has directly attacked Trump's intelligence, the people around Trump (some of who are family or otherwise close confidantes), American intelligence institutions, and also the tens of millions of Americans who voted for him. It's hard to imagine a more colossal error.
  2. I would remove the word basically. I am convinced they have serious Kompromat on him and his family and not just the 'wee' tapes or more charitably Trump is an idiot with huge grudges that just says what he feels and has the ability to act upon it.
  3. The Putin shills are not some nobodies on the internet but are the most powerful man on earth voted in by the American people. Utterly astonishing and we are going to a very dark place.
  4. BREAKING from POTUS just now. Trump has the hyper intelligence of the NSA computer files which Sowden showed us that they know us better than we know ourselves. Zelenskiy is finished now , expect massive intelligence leaks about him and his cohorts soon which will no doubt shock many. https://truthsocial.com/@realDonaldTrump/posts/114031332924234939
  5. The Sucession has already begun and it will be brutal possibly presaging civil war. https://archive.ph/OUpGH In 2025, Ukraine’s nationalist fervor has waned, but this could be a temporary lull before another eruption of unrest. When nationalism is driven by vengeance and compounded by trauma, it often mutates into extremism. Ukraine may not escape this trend. Vladimir Putin is undoubtedly factoring this into any peace deal. What he failed to achieve through his ‘special military operation’, he may attempt through destabilisation from within. A large group of unemployed, armed young men suffering from PTSD could be ripe for manipulation. https://www.politico.eu/article/ukraine-slaps-sanctions-on-former-president-petro-poroshenko-viktor-medvedchuk/
  6. Another shoe falls. The worst of the pamphlets claiming Ukraine has a rare-earths cache bears the North Atlantic Treaty Organization imprint and has been widely shared as the “Trump-is-right” proof. It was produced in December 2024 by the NATO Energy Security Centre of Excellence, based in Lithuania. Although affiliated with the military alliance, bearing its name and logo, the entity and its counterparts are autonomous bodies outside the command chain. The document is provocative: “Ukraine emerges as a key potential supplier of rare earth metals such as titanium, lithium, beryllium, manganese, gallium, uranium…” The list should ring every alarm. Anyone with a passing knowledge of chemistry knows none of those minerals are rare earths. https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2025-02-19/trump-s-insistence-ukraine-has-rare-earth-elements-is-wrong
  7. Trump loves dictators indeed he is well on his way to be one.
  8. Putin has "won" by playing the long game—ruthlessly holding onto power at a massive cost in both blood and treasure, while subverting the West at minimal expense. Perhaps the U.S. and its allies shouldn’t have squandered countless lives and trillions of dollars ($6–7 trillion) fighting futile wars in the Muslim world. His victory is without parallel in the modern era, signaling the inevitable decline of the American empire—accelerated, no doubt, by Trump on steroids. Meanwhile, Zelensky is facing a harsh reality check. As the genocidal ideologue Henry Kissinger aptly put it: "To be an enemy of America can be dangerous, but to be a friend is fatal." When it comes to Russia, there are three ironclad rules: don’t poke the bear; they are neither as weak nor as strong as they appear (as Churchill observed); and they will eat their pets and live in filth before they yield to anyone. Zelensky, of all people, should have understood this. Yet Biden, Johnson, and their allies pursued a reckless strategy—bleeding Russia dry with Ukrainian blood - with not enough material and money to win nor enough to lose.
  9. He's like Thailand looking for cash from anynody who will front it - but like Trump he's only in it for himself.
  10. For the record are you defending this behaviour ?
  11. https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog_entry/4-israeli-tourists-arrested-in-thailand-for-threatening-staff-at-local-hospital/ According to the National Thailand, the tourists were responsible for several “disruptive incidents” at Pai Hospital, including the verbal abuse of medical staff, property damage and smoking in restricted areas, as well as theft and reckless driving.According to the National Thailand, the tourists were responsible for several “disruptive incidents” at Pai Hospital, including the verbal abuse of medical staff, property damage and smoking in restricted areas, as well as theft and reckless driving. Ok threatening behaviour and property damage amongst other heinous crimes - abhorrent behaviour in any universe and 4 of them not one that would be say totally aled up Brit kicking off. Why would any sane people do that to Thais of all people ? They got off very lightly I would have locked them up and thrown away the key.
  12. Aye - they are racists equally to all. My wife who rarely comments on matters other than Lisa mentioned this so it is a big issue in Thai circles. Trashing an ER was a big red line they are not in Gaza now.
  13. aka Official White House Policy as voted by 77 million US citizens. Them's the breaks...
  14. One of my favourite musicians of all time his Dark Side Redux is on repeat play. His politics is his business and none of mine. He's bang on about Ukaraine. As for rambling he's 81he could give many hear a good run for their "money" - it's a gas !
  15. Time for Trump to get the Nobel Peace Prize.
  16. https://www.state.gov/secretary-rubios-meeting-with-russian-foreign-minister-lavrov/ We agreed to: Establish a consultation mechanism to address irritants to our bilateral relationship with the objective of taking steps necessary to normalize the operation of our respective diplomatic missions. Appoint respective high-level teams to begin working on a path to ending the conflict in Ukraine as soon as possible in a way that is enduring, sustainable, and acceptable to all sides. Lay the groundwork for future cooperation on matters of mutual geopolitical interest and historic economic and investment opportunities which will emerge from a successful end to the conflict in Ukraine. The parties to today’s meetings pledge to remain engaged to make sure the process moves forward in a timely and productive manner.
  17. Anybody here going to offer up their children or pay more taxes / cuts to our welfare states ?I thought not. As you were - talk is cheap. I was born live and will die in the UK - it is my home surrounded by water and with nikes. That's enough for me - those on the mainland will need to make their own arrangments.
  18. The erstwhile David Coller has found a smoking gun and it turns out the BBC is infested with them. I shall inform my brother.
  19. With the 'piece' deal being brokered in Saudi it is becoming clear if Zelenkiy and a rump Europe attempts to stymie it then tarriffs/sanctions will be done to underline the Donald's desire to effect it.I can see Musk switching off Starlink to Ukraine then it really is game over and Trump will lift sanctions and crash the oil price.
  20. Hope people are ok but this sort of thing can lead to life changing injuries. We always wear the seat belt but few others do.
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