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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. Eco friendly? Thais have to be the biggest litter louts that I have ever come across, and that's saying something coming from England.
  2. The well heeled ones ship their high end cars (Ferraris, Lamborghinis etc.,) over to London every summer to race around Knightsbridge and rev up outside the restaurants. The Police had to clamp down on them. Don't know if successful. These ones coming here and renting Toyota Vios, Suzuki Ciaz, Clicks and Waves must be the Cheap Charlies of the Arab world. Not sure a THB2,000 fine would bother them too much though.
  3. Wasn't it mentioned in the news in the last day or two that he, Sretta was being looked at for tax evasion?
  4. MFP should start preparations to dissolve their party and form a new one if it even looks like that happening. They have already had to do it once, so a second time should be easier. Then just keep telling the electorate to "remember all the dirty tricks" when they vote next time. Pita needs to get his so called "problems" sorted by the courts one way or the other. A final decision made. If he can't go forward as squeaky clean, sadly he might have to stop aside for someone else.
  5. MFP should be pleading with their voters to remember all this the next time around. Remind them how they were cheated and who by. How Pheu Thai let them down.
  6. Quite a few other news stories on AN today containing characters with the names starting Natt, Nutt. Well it was a full moon a couple of nights ago.
  7. Even at THB900,000, her TikTok video might attract more high-society Chinese looking to stay longer.
  8. At least they now have his photo. Should be easy to catch him. Maybe track him on CCTV.
  9. I agree the people won't forget Pheu Thai's treachery, but who knows what laws will be enacted to try and prevent MF winning a second time? Hopefully they will get such a landslide result next time that no one can stop them from governing.
  10. I don't know if the virtual card is the same thing as the K-WEB shopping card, but they stopped that one a few months ago.
  11. I have seen what looks like a new 2023 model CR-V out and about lately. Looks quite nice. Similar front to the HR-V.
  12. I wasn't talking about the "election" problems. More the taxi scams, the speedboat sinkings, and recent case where Chinese tourists said they were asked for a bribe to prevent being arrested for vaping. All reported back in China on social media.
  13. My English is nowhere near perfect, but what chance do youngsters have nowadays when crap like this is stuffed down their throats. He or she might be bisexual, but surely still classed as a singular person. Pretty sure a lot of this is attention seeking in these days of social media. Next it will be, "Please call me he on Monday, Wednesday and Friday, and she the rest of the week".
  14. You don't say whether your phone is iOS or Android, but there should be wireless adaptors for both that will allow you to play music from phone apps. Apple's system is called CarPlay and I believe Android's is Android Auto, but I may be wrong. Or as Crossy said, connect via USB cable.
  15. i presume the contractor will now kick Ball into the long grass and hire someone more trustworthy. This story will roll on for a while.
  16. i doubt it's the visa costs that are deterring the Chinese. Rather the economic situation there. The recent bad press about Thailand on social media probably deters some as well.
  17. Three up on a motorbike in the early hours of the morning? The lorry driver was perhaps speeding to have lost control like that.
  18. I have read on here in other threads that inside IDC is run by the Iranians, as there are many in there long term. Apart from the terrible conditions, there are obviously some bad people in there who could make life even more difficult.
  19. Have to be careful with the defamation laws being what they are.
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