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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. Back in the day, before mobiles, I used to carry all friends and family telephone numbers in my head. Nowadays, although I still remember many, the use of mobile phones negates that use. Also back then, there were always telephone directories in the red boxes. Failing that, directory enquiries. I think that when convenience takes over, be it mobile phones, or calculators, the brain quickly realises some things aren't necessary and adapts accordingly. Thais having calculators handy seems to be one of those things, but it does seem to also show a lack of ability in Maths.
  2. I thought the Thai police had those pitchfork type things that they use to herd unruly prisoners into submission. Maybe he had a few too many, but. after those two New Zealand guys attacking the cop in Phuket, they might want to punish him a bit more severely to discourage it happening again.
  3. Could be sign of a slipped disc, cervical area. I awoke with similar symptoms, all different sorts of pain, numbness, tingling, throbbing, burning. all radiating from right hand index finger, up my arm to my shoulder. The doctor told me he could tell which disc by which finger the pain was starting from. Mine stopped at the neck. Didn't go up to the ear. I was given painkillers and anti inflammatories, but what worked for me were several DRGB's (Dorsal Root Ganglion Blocks). Basically injections of painkiller and steroids right to the site of the ruptured disc. Best see a doctor. Even if a trip involved, because if it is a disc and gets worse, it can be extremely painful.
  4. Finally. A hub Thailand doesn't want to be for.
  5. Did you open it from Thailand? Maybe they use some sort of geographical location check to see where you are applying from.
  6. UPDATE: So I went to SCB. Was put on the phone to SCB Security. Turns out they don't yet have the facility to do facial scans for passports yet. Their words, not mine. So they had to set up a temporary Facial Scan Exemption. After some security checks I was told it would take between 2 and 24 hours to receive the text. It actually came through in an hour. So all now set up. So it seems as if SCB are a little behind BKK and K- Banks.
  7. I was thinking the same thing. Oh! the irony.
  8. I have already successfully moved my BKK Bank and K-Bank apps across to my new iPhone without any problems. Very easy. However. I am having no success with my SCB Easy app and before I make the journey to my SCB branch I thought I would ask here if anyone has any ideas on something I might be doing wrong. Although it does seem pretty straightforward. If not, I guess it's off to the bank tomorrow. Checked VPN is OFF. Tried with wifi both ON and OFF. Agreed consent to verify phone number with provider. Clicked I am already an SCB Customer Provided info requested, in correct format: Passport Nationality, Passport number, Date of Birth. Click Next > Get Sorry. Try Again
  9. When I quickly glanced at that pic, I thought it was a punk rocker with a Mohican.
  10. Perhaps they were all in their underwear to make sure no one was wearing a wire. Keep out the undercover cops. 😀
  11. They have just as much right to be here as the rest of us. But it is true that just as in any country, including mine, a sudden influx of large number of immigrants in a short time, can put a strain on housing, schools etc.
  12. I agree with everything the OP says. I still use both, and always keep some cash tucked away for emergencies. Computer systems have broken down several times recently in the UK, leaving people either unable to withdraw cash or purchase anything. Many will say it's "tin hat" time, but we are losing more and more control over our own lives to governments. less freedom to say what you want, and soon control over how and what you spend your money on. if you can't spend on what you want, you can't own what you want. I have said before. The Australian government already did this with some pension payments. gave recipients a card instead of cash. Could only be spent in certain stores. Could not be spent on cigarettes or alcohol. Similar to the recent Pheu Thai THB10,000 scheme. "You will own nothing and be happy."
  13. Chinese paying THB200.000 for virgins? Must be desperate, as males outnumber females back home in the motherland.
  14. The trouble with the BBC is that it is full of "Woke Lefties" whose personal political bias will tend to affect their reporting.
  15. Over zealous IO's. The guy was trying to leave, yet they still arrested him. Maybe Phuket specific and someone is brown nosing for a promotion or bonus.
  16. Unfortunately I am a bad sleeper. Rarely get anything like eight hours, even after a hard workout at the gym. still wake up feeling knackered. Lack of enough sleep is worse for one's health than too much. I have tried everything, from not eating after 7pm, and going to bed at 10:30, to ear plugs. I guess it's just the way I am. But the quietness of the early mornng is a bonus.
  17. I agree with Yumthai, that there will be some form of exemption for property purchase. But, however they do this, it will surely affect both the property market, and the local economies. Just by the fact of taking money spent out of circulation through taxation. I have definitely tried to reduce what I have transferred into the country this year, in expectation of a tax bill. Paying for GF's daughter's education and extra curricular lessons is now a real worry. For a foreigner, it will make everything more expensive, not just property. We are the low hanging fruit. Easy to tax, and subjected to double pricing. I wonder if that one will now stop. I doubt it.
  18. I envy you getting ten hours sleep.
  19. phetphet

    Bangkok parks

    Have you linked the wrong park? Or am I reading your post wrong? That link goes to Benjakitti Park, a few minutes walk from Asoke BTS. Nowhere near Chatuchak.
  20. I've heard of "Pig nights", but never "Pug nights."
  21. What happened to just wanting to stay home and relax with the grandchildren?
  22. Nothing, zilch, nada. You will be expected to raise her children, while keeping her in a life of relative (to her) luxury. Think how much that is going to cost you each year. Why would you expect to pay for that?
  23. Or all "girl dudes". A whole team of trans constantly winning everything in sight.
  24. Soon...Entertainment and influencer type jobs in Thailand will be limited to only Thai nationals. Bring on the drum bangs, whoops and whistles.
  25. Thanks for your help. I didn't really want to contact my card provider, as though I am registered in the UK, I am living here in Thailand. I was hoping that someone might have been in a similar situation, but it's not the end of the world, I can wait until my next rip back to the UK and order it then. But thanks once again for going out of your way to reply with your kind advice.
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