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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. Try chilli powder. It might not cure it, but it will take your mind off of the spots. ????
  2. Be careful ingesting strong vinegar.. I believe acetic acid dissolves tooth enamel. Not sure if it's what you want, but they sell white vinegar by the gallon in makro, Lotus, and Big C, if any of them are near you.
  3. GF said if 250 Senators can stop 40 million voters choice, what is the point of even voting? Will not bother voting again. Why did they even waste the money on an election?
  4. In this heat, and with the amount of time that you are cycling, getting sweaty nadgers, you are creating conditions down there for all sorts of infection, sweat rash, spots etc. Why not go see a doctor?
  5. Senators.....Turn up for the money, but when the most important day in their job since it was created arrives, half of them go absent. What a fiasco!
  6. OP again. After about thirty minutes queueing, someone in one of the checking windows shouted out, "90 Day Reports!" So basically all those doing it can then queue jump. A recipe for arguments. Why they can't just open a window just for 90 day reports I don't know. Or put a 90 day report queue number machine. Too easy.
  7. Arrived early today to do my 90 day report. Thought to myself, “Great. Nice and quiet. Shouldn’t take long. 8:30, doors open. Woman tells me I need to go downstairs at get a queue number. Only two windows downstairs, for checking documents. So now stuck in a queue waiting for all the people in front to have their documents checked before I can even get a queue number. Stupid idea.
  8. There are reports of some some BBC employees saying that he sent messages to them that made them feel "uncomfortable." Looks like more to come on this.
  9. The boy involved says it's all bulls**t and nothing happened. So who to believe? The mother? Or the now 20 y.o. boy?
  10. As far as Dengue is concerned, it's not the tiny little ones you have to be worried about. Rather the bigger, black and white striped Aedes Aegypti mosquito. I believe they can also carry Chikungunya, and Zika i have had Dengue (one of the four strains), and it wasn't nice. Chikungunya unpleasant, but not as bad as Dengue.
  11. Rarely had a store bought pie that comes close to a home made one. At least not out here. Although Marks and Spencers Large Bramley Apple Pie back home would take some beating. And then there is the issue of price. Much cheaper making at home. Especially if cooking in bulk.
  12. Don't waste it. Just redo the icing to look like a Rolex watch face and give it to Prawit.
  13. No licence, no insurance cover if you have an accident. The insurance company will refuse to pay out. Get licence and buy first class insurance if a new bike. I would also add no driving after dark. At least for a while until she has gained some road experience.
  14. Isle of Dogs...That brought back memories. Waiting forever for the 227 bus on a freezing afternoon after school sports.
  15. Watch out for the elephants and tigers. ????
  16. They must keep it for themselves as the only American Cheese we ever see in supermarkets here or in Europe is floppy, yellow 4" square leaves separated by plastic film. To be fair, lots of European companies now make it too..
  17. Water rationing? As you turn into the road opposite Mit Samui Restaurant on Chaweng Lake Road, that leads to the temple, there is what looks to be a 10cm black plastic pipe that is leaking badly and has beenfor at least five days.
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