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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. If you send it by Wise, it might be worth checking with them about which is the cheapest way to send it. I think for larger sums their fees tend to be higher, so maybe sending in three or four smaller tranches, could possibly be cheaper. Obviously more exposure to exchange rates, but best to check with them. Another thought to consider if it concerns you: Gifting some of it (say school fees) to your partner, by sending it directly to their account, and letting them pay the school could possibly reduce any tax liability for this year. Others might be able to chip in here with more info. on this.
  2. In other words increase the price. Not sure how Crystal telling people they connect them to blue spaces will increase sales, but their marketing team obviously know what they are doing.
  3. I flew back from the UK last week and the flight was full. Mainly tourists. November always seemed to be a quieter month, being between October half term holidays and Christmas, but here in Samui it still looks pretty busy. This constant increase in tourist number isn't sustainable. As constant development ruins the more beautiful places, there will be less attraction for many tourists to come here. Not everyone is a monger.
  4. Conversing with the Police? Why weren't they arrested? Isn't spray painting private property vandalism, and a crime?
  5. If he is talking about having children with her, he obviously doesn't know. Unless they are planning adoption. If it was me, I would want to know. Maybe he has no idea. Or maybe he doesn't care, but if he is 100% heterosexual, he probably wouldn't like being led up the garden path by this partner. And that is the problem here, the possible deception if she hasn't told him. I knew a guy that was seeing a ladyboy here while on holiday, and had no idea. Once he returned home, he invited her to go visit him in his country, and asked for a copy of her passport to aid getting her there. Once he received said copy he said "There must be some mistake, this is a man's passport. I need your one." This led to some shock on his part when the light finally went on in his head. Needless to say, communication went dead from his end after that.
  6. A Thai guy near me who occasionally has a penchant for singing Thai karaoke (badly and loudly) on his Bluetooth speakers, with all the windows open. He is actually a friend of my GF, who texts him to tell him how bad his singing is, and suggests western songs to sing. e.g. Whitney Houston Somehow, one night he connected to his next door neighbours bluetooth speakers instead of his own, and gave them the shock of their lives when his voice blasted out.
  7. One downer is Filipino food doesn't come anywhere near Thai food.
  8. To be honest, I don't think it matters who wins. It''s too late. The US is f***ed. UK and Europe as well.
  9. Evil b*tch. And that's putting it mildly.
  10. A bit strong labelling the guy scum when you don't know him or the full story behind his situation. He might have mental problems or some sort of psychotic episode affect him. Just because many of those guys conditions have been brought on by drug use doesn't mean his has.
  11. Looks like you have proved that you don't have the THB50,000. However, you have also proved that she does.
  12. Actually, it wasn’t the club you are thinking of on 7th September. Rather the newer, much bigger, Thai owned one, more towards the Mermaid Resort that had their opening party. Holds around 500 people. Unfortunately it is far closer to me than the one you are talking about. As it also has rooms, I am hoping the late night parties won’t be too regular, but NYE might be a big one.
  13. Probably a bit late now, but you don’t have to scan all the pages. Ingon sent my DBD copies to me online and the file was too big for BA to accept. There is a size limit. I went to Ingon’s office to pick up a hard copy, explained my problem to one of the girls. She checked, and told me only the first four pages (I think) were necessary. So she then emailed me a smaller file, which I then sent to BA, and it was accepted. Several days later, I was notified all was OK and new virtual card was available to download to my phone.
  14. Burnt her throat? I wonder how her arse felt when the Dragon balls finally made their way out.
  15. Almost £14,000 in cash and almost £115,000 in gold, just lying around at home. Maybe for emergencies, or perhaps there is a queue for safe deposit boxes. Would be interesting to know how much money was allegedly left behind in the five bags by the perpetrator. The victim might even be in profit.
  16. Oh Alice. You do realise I hope, that some men lie to get what they want.
  17. Better get the speedboats out, to drive the water out to sea faster with their propellers.
  18. Likely that many people will try to pay on arrival. Could therefore cause queues and delays at immigration desks.
  19. You can choose any party to govern...But make sure you choose the one that we want.
  20. Is this saying that registration and pre-payment is part of the electronic authority to travel that Thailand was talking about introducing recently?
  21. Thais fleeing accidents or court cases, seems to be in the news a lot recently.
  22. There are quite a few stores on Lazada selling some of those foods we miss from home. These are a few of them, but there are probably more. Villa Market, Villa Market Fresh, Tops Supermarket, Food Variety, BrtiShop, Siamburi.
  23. Not seen Weetabix here for a long time. Had to settle for the Aussie version... Weet-Bix. Taste pretty much the same, but seem to fall apart in the box much more.
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