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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. I have read on here in other threads that inside IDC is run by the Iranians, as there are many in there long term. Apart from the terrible conditions, there are obviously some bad people in there who could make life even more difficult.
  2. Have to be careful with the defamation laws being what they are.
  3. All the staff and crew were wearing life jackets. What about the passengers? Start of the six day holiday, so ferry was probably full to capacity.
  4. Because of the increased humidity during the wet season, air con as suggested by scubascuba3 is probably your best solution, as cooling the air also reduces the humidity. I put my A/C on for a short period to cool the room, then turn it off and use a fan to circulate the air. In the hot season, I might wake up in the night and repeat if it gets too hot. I have found that putting towels along the bottom of my sliding doors and the bedroom door makes a hell of a difference in keeping the room cooler for longer. it stops the cold air seeping out.
  5. Stop complaining and go get me a Chang. Give me a twirl while you're at it. ????
  6. Well there's a surprise. Isn't it also "inappropriate for the country" to have a government that the majority voted for disenfranchised?
  7. I was told a foreign engineer who was experienced in repairing incinerators, offered to fix it a few years ago, but his offer was turned down. Perhaps for the reason mentioned by Tropicalevo. The only other option I can see might be to transport the rubbish by barge to a mainland incinerator.
  8. Sounds like it was hushed up to protect the school. That's how he managed to get another teaching job.
  9. in quite a few bars I often see a blackboard with the menu chalked up. That way it's easy to change prices or add or erase something as necessary. But not talking about Pattaya.
  10. Able to swim or not, kids will be kids and often play by rivers, lakes, ponds etc. Not forgetting the amount of coastline Thailand has. Just being able to doggy paddle a few yards can be enough to save someone's life. I'm more surprised it's just one school doing this.
  11. Was watching reruns of Justifed, starring Timothy Oliphant as US. Marshal Raylan Givens and came across a new series called Justified: City Primeval, in which Oliphant reprises the same character. Just watched first three episodes and its shaping up to be pretty good.
  12. All about money. Not just Russian tourists, but trade as well.
  13. Why not take the postman along. Seems like a friendly chap.
  14. The ones that deliver to me are usually so busy that they phone ahead and say, "I have package. Will leave in security box in 5 minutes." If I am there to collect it, they will give to me. If not, it will be in the security box. But maybe your one is building up to ask you for a loan.
  15. But what is the rationale in not increasing the fee for Thais if Thai price hasn't increased for 15 years either?
  16. Maybe try Tops supermarket. Our local one has a bakery and they often sell burger buns. Individually, not packed. They also sell brioche loaves, so you could perhaps try asking the baker about brioche rolls.
  17. Good luck, however you proceed. But it might be time to tell the wife to give up on her restaurant business if it is bleeding money that bad.
  18. As far as the woman of the house knows. ????
  19. Are you sure it is the landlord who is holding the deposits and not the letting agent? if they are holding them and are trying to keep them, that may be why they don't want you talking to the landlord.
  20. I agree. I was reading an article where it said that scammers are even changing QR codes in public places. So even scanning a QR code, let's say for example in a coffee shop advertising "Scan this for 25% off your next order, could lead to people being scammed.
  21. The government really needs to educate the population on these sort of scams. People are becoming more aware, but I feel these type of scams and how to avoid them should be publicised a lot more. The explosion of digital banking since covid has opened people up to these sort of stings as almost everyone now has banking apps on their phones.
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