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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. All the vets on the island quite understandably seem to mainly treat cats and dogs. But does anyone know if any of them have experience in treating rabbits? I took our's to two vets a couple of years ago and both refused to spay? / sterilise her. Now she looks like she is under the weather. Rather than just take her to anyone, I would prefer to take her to one with experience of treating rabbits and their particular problems if possible. If there are any Samui rabbit owners here on AN, which vet do you use? 🐇 TIA
  2. What is the point, other than page filling in the newspaper, of carrying out a survey just months after a general election?
  3. What about an Amazon Fire stick or a Roku? Would they work there? Or perhaps an IPTV service?
  4. I wonder if he was so blasé about it once he sobered up and realised the implications of his actions. New Year's Eve in the monkey house will give him some time to reflect on what his future might look like after taking a life. Unless he is a connected hi-so, in which case he might be out on bail.
  5. I'm sorry, but you don't have clearance for such information. 😀
  6. Or possibly drag the education level of those children from private schools down to what their parents were trying to avoid in the first place. i.e. a bad education in a state school. I'm not saying all State schools are bad, but there is a reason why politicians such as Tony Blair, Harriet Harman, and Nick Clegg all send their children to London Oratory. A State school I doubt many other parents would get their children into. What was it that George Orwell said? We are all equal, but some are more equal than others?
  7. The person could try calling the bank, explaining the scam, and they might freeze scammer's account for three days and give a number to take to the police to report the crime. They will need to take photocopies of all evidence. LINE chats, call logs etc. But don't hold out much hope. The scammers use other people's accounts. The Police, even if they could be bothered, are absolutely overwhelmed with these crimes. Happened to my GF buying on Facebook Marketplace. Bank froze the account, I went with her top the police station. While waiting, I saw three or four people coming in to report being scammed in one way or another. She never had any luck getting her money back.
  8. So force the closure of schools by imposing 20% VAT, then takeover and have to pay the rent or leases, and running costs on said schools when incorporating them into the State system?
  9. Just a few of hundreds, even thousands of cases of people being mistreated by brutal or bad cops.
  10. It's hard to buy without buying at least something from them. Bought out most of the competition.
  11. I wonder how they will like it among the prison population if they get jail time. F****ng barbarians. What ever the guy did, he was outnumbered, on his back, restrained in handcuffs, and had no way of defending himself. Attacked by multiple thugs, who all it seemed couldn't wait to get their kick or punch in, while others stood laughing. Lifting him by the neck like that showed no concern for his safety, and was pure malice..
  12. Is it the grammar police adding a missing question mark?
  13. As the UK government dilutes British culture by allowing excessive immigration, removes cultural identity, allows two tier policing, allows wokeness to overtake everything, and the jailing of people for what they deem "upsetting words", they are also removing pride in the country. Call it nationalism if you will, but if it comes to any future conflict, they may find it difficult to get anyone willing to put their lives on the line and go fight for a country they no longer see as theirs.
  14. It might. You might meet him again on New Year's Day.
  15. I just want an easy, stress free, comfortable life...but I have to go to Immigration next month.
  16. King Charles hasn't helped with changing one of his titles from Defender of The Faith, to Defender of The Faiths.
  17. No thanks. I agree that the UK is f****d, but the US is even more f****d.
  18. Playing golf? Wow! That is some recovery from last year. But dissolving the House? Looks like some people just can't wait to get their noses in the trough. and that's the biggest problem here, most politicians seem to be in it for themselves rather than the country. Getting to be the same in many countries nowadays. Public service? Pfff. What's in it for me?
  19. She couldn't nag him, so she gave him what for.
  20. Starmer is a lawyer, and will side with the ECHR every time.
  21. I call bullsh*t on the guy's excuse that he didn't realise it was illegal to drive like that. I can't imagine it is legal anywhere to do wheelies on a public road. As an aside, I had reason to visit the Police Station near Petchbuncha Stadium a few weeks ago. They had loads of those bike exhausts lined up on the floor outside, and were about to drive a caterpillar tracked backhoe over them.
  22. I have heard Thais use the term "Chocolate man" in English. I don't think it was meant to be racist in any way. Rather a lack of vocabulary in what is not their mother tongue... But I might be wrong.
  23. I wonder why such people think they can just laugh at the Thai Police in this way. I know how they are viewed, but doing things like this in their face is just asking for trouble. They could make things quite uncomfortable at the least for this guy if they so chose to.
  24. I still subscribe to some, but have cut back as much as I can. Still another couple that I am planning to get rid of as I think I can either do without, or find a free, or paid for version of something similar. A case in point is 1Password, a password manager. I paid for it, then it got some big investors and took on lots of staff. started being subscription. So I found another password manager (Enpass) that is just as good, that offered a one time payment, lifetime version.
  25. Has anyone else noticed that black mould, a part of living in such a humid, tropical environment, seems particularly bad this year? I always seem to get an outbreak in the bathroom during the wet season, but this year it has also started sprouting up on several bedroom ceilings. Even though I use the air con. I have been using diluted Hydrogen Peroxide in a spray to clean all walls and ceilings, but does anyone have any other ideas on what I might use? Especially on the grouting in the shower. TIA
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