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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. Look at the heads, past and present, of some of the Republics around the world. Have they done much better?
  2. To do this, I believe you will have to ask the ISP to put their router into bridging mode. They will need to change some settings, and not all ISP's are willing to do this. There are other threads here on AN about it.
  3. Unfortunately, the way the US national debt is going, a lot more businesses will be going under. Those numbers are crazy!
  4. I know more and more charging stations are coming online every day, but I was thinking; Say the world goes 100% electric vehicle. No ICE at all. At the moment it takes say around 2-6 minutes to fill a car with petrol, then it drives off and the next one takes it's place at the pump. Even allowing that many cars will be able to charge at home, and that level 3 fast chargers can reduce the charge time, it will still take far longer to charge a car to say 80% capacity than an ICE. I think some of the fastest are approx 34 mins to 80%. So even if you replaced for example 20 petrol pumps in every gas station with 100 EV charging points, would it even be enough capacity at quieter times, let alone peak times such as holiday getaways. I am not knocking EV's here, it was just something i was thinking about. Things seem pretty balanced out at the moment. but apart from having to build far more charging stations than gas pumps, am I missing something? Because the longer time to charge must create a logjam somewhere once the number of EVs gets to a certain point.
  5. +1 for what transam said. Just go to Lazada and enter Heinz soup in the search bar and you will find plenty. Also Tops supermarket usually have them. Also stock Campbell's soups if you don't mind them.
  6. And another brown out. It's beyond a joke. Crazy.
  7. Very few Thais are taught to drive correctly. Just jump in a friend's car for a quick spin around the block and shown what's what. Not spatial awareness, manoeuvring, rules of the road, or when to give way. Add to that the total lack of police enforcement, the me, me , me attitude, and small dick big pick up truck way of thinking and you see what we get. Add in one more for the taxi and minibus drivers, i.e. The fear of missing a fare (flight or boat arrivals) and you get the crazy rush to either pick up points. The amount of Thais on motorbikes that pull out without ever looking to see if anything is coming has got me wondering if their Buddhist belief in reincarnation has taken away any fear of death.
  8. So I employed a Thai plumber... Now when I flush the toilet, the lights come on. 😁
  9. Travel with both old and new passports, and do it at Immigration Office here in Thailand.
  10. The heating element in my immersion heater recently burnt out. Called the manufacturer to send a tech to fit a new one. The last ones did a good job three or four years ago. Four years isn't long, but I figure that's another problem caused by the dirty power supply we have here. Surges, regular brown outs and black outs. Anyway. New lot (3) turned up, disconnected the power, then told me they would have to disconnect the whole thing and take it back to their workshop to repair as there was limited space underneath to do said repair. they said it would take three or four days. Now this immersion heater is about 4' tall and about 18" diameter. Bolted to the wall with piping connected. Must weigh a fair bit. I had visions of the damage caused by disconnecting and removing the whole thing for what should be a one or two hour job. I told them the last guys did it in situ, but they were adamant, giving all sorts of excuses. In the end I told them to give me the parts, I would do the repair myself, and they could return and reconnect the electrics. Had to sign a disclaimer, and off they went. Two hours later had removed the element, cleaned the interior, refitted new one and refilled with water. Called the guys to come and reconnect. Answer: Cannot come today (Friday) will come on Monday. So I had no hot water all weekend. I know SFA about electrics.
  11. I hope they build a robust computer system to deal with the electronic visa arrivals and departures.
  12. Stimulate tourism? How much more do they want? When is enough, enough?
  13. Is the 13 digit number on the Covid vaccination application and app also a Tax ID number?
  14. Oh they do. You should see the long line of men wading out to knee depth at the Full Moon Parties to pee in the sea.
  15. 3,850 a day? Six months closure isn't long enough to repair the damage caused by that volume of tourists. The damage caused to the coral and sea life by all the TikTok and Youtube posters will take far longer than six months to recover.
  16. Just ask for an extra pillow, jam your backpack in there, or roll up your jacket. That's what I did. But you are right, it is a pain.
  17. I have had the PCB in my Smeg oven either changed or repaired at least four times. Now looks like a fifth is on the cards. The last time, the technician told me I should keep the oven and hotplate turned off at the main board all the time, and only turn on for cooking.
  18. My GF recently got scammed on there, trying to buy some bar stools. Now in the hands of the police. Although I told her to not get her hopes up. There was a lot of people at the police station reporting online scams. Don't part with any money without at least getting the seller's ID and phone number. Maybe video chat (and screenshot) to confirm ID and person are one and the same.
  19. He says it that Jimmy Kimmel interview inthe other video posted that he is still 240lbs..20 Stone. So still pretty big.
  20. Why do we never see thais complaining about Burmese taking jobs? There seems to be many of them working in construction and restaurants alongside Thai people. No one says a word. They must be here legally as I see them at immigration, often with an agent with a great big pile of passports.
  21. Thank. Yes. Their store on Lazada was where I have been looking.
  22. I doubt you could say Fat Karen in Kier Starmer's Britain. If you hurt any Karen's feelings, they might call the thought Police on you for a visit, and a re-education lecture on hate speech..
  23. Thanks. I can't have solar as l live in an apartment. Though I am looking at one of the smaller EcoFlow products to provide some emergency power. I already have emergency light packs for night time. More annoying is the damage this dirty power keeps doing to the electronic circuitry in my oven. Only had the circuit board replaced around four months ago. Not cheap. All dead again today.
  24. There will always be someone who is offended by something. The 'woke' have appointed themselves as the feelings police and pander to everyone who feels upset by something. Any word or term can become offensive if enough fuss is kicked up about it. A few that spring to mind are Spastic, Spina Bifida, disabled, queer, deaf and dumb, and even he, she, him and her nowadays. What a bland world we are heading for.
  25. There is also a Special Day for Rama 9 tomorrow (14th). I don't know if it will affect businesses, but daughter has a day off school. Although many other schools have already broken up for half term.
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