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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. I had two. One from Eric still using without problem. 👍 The other which I had had for years, I got rid of because they started wanting payment for a year upfront. Didn't tell anyone why. Just send a bill for twelve months in advance. When I asked why the sudden change, they told me because of new owners. Seemed a bit fishy, so I pulled the plug.
  2. Possibles: Language barrier, education, cultural differences, racism or no desire to mix, not needing foreign friends as they have enough Thai ones, too busy trying to make a living, and the old one, doesn't trust the foreigner around the wife.
  3. What does my go bag look like? Well she's looking a lot better since she lost some weight and had her hair done. OK. I will leave now.
  4. From the videos I have seen on Youtube of US police doing traffic stops, he might even end up severely injured...or dead. I thought the UK police were bad, but those guys are vicious, armed psychos in uniform.
  5. If the recipients are on very low pay, I presume he is thinking their pay will grow faster than inflation to get them out of poverty. How will that happen? Sure, a little extra from the gov't will help their living costs, but what is the mechanism to increase their living standard to a point they won't need the gov't money? Will it be open to abuse?
  6. What's the difference between a baker and a wife? One's a dough maker, the other's a "dough" taker. 🙂
  7. Drjack54. I know. That's why I had immediately edited my post after posting. See bold below. Not a visa, but: I recently renewed my UK passport. I am here on a Non Imm 'O' based on retirement. Perhaps your reply beat my edit showing . 🙂
  8. Not a visa, but: I recently renewed my UK passport. I am here on a Non Imm 'O' based on retirement. I took both old and new passports, photocopies of ID page in old and new PP's, last Non O stamp, and my Multiple re-entry stamp along to immigration. They gave me a form to fill in, took all my documents and passports and told me to return in one week. New stamps were made in new passport, and both were returned to me. I then went to the bank to get the new passport registered with my bank account. Not immediately necessary, but I needed a new passbook anyway. Now all done and dusted. HTH.
  9. Saw they tried another excuse yesterday. That she hadn't sold her shares in a company until three days after she was chosen to be the next PM. She hasn't even been sworn in yet. Sour Grapes too much I think.
  10. I wonder if it is to do with the high season, and the numbers of tourists extending visas. It was extremely busy when I last went there end of July. Things should quieten down a little now the schools are starting the new year in Europe.
  11. Not much conviction in their beliefs going around among Thai politicians. Nose and trough are the words that come to mind.
  12. A bit stupid. The EU is slowly withdrawing both 500 and 200 Euro notes to prevent money laundering. I recall a story where police caught a guy with 1million Euros in 500's in a Cornflake box. Although they are still in circulation, they will draw attention in currency exchanges.
  13. Only bother wearing aftershave if I go to a do nowadays, which is not that often. They don't make it anymore, but I still use Gucci Envy. I only have about half a small bottle left. TIP: I was once talking to a woman who worked in the perfume industry. She told me that it is best to keep perfumes and aftershaves in the fridge because it keeps them fresh.
  14. For your information. I spotted another new one yesterday. On the ring road, literally opposite Bandon Hospital / Starbucks. Sign says iPhone, iPad, MacBook repairs.
  15. Has he 'Boss' ever been spotted in recent years? I remember he was once photographed in London, but nothing since?
  16. Another similar app is My Tuner Pro, but TuneIn seems to be the most popular. I used to use it back in the UK. The only downside I think you might get with the basic apps (though I'm not 100% sure), is that you might get adverts. With some you can avoid this by purchasing the "Pro" version. https://tunein.com https://mytuner-radio.com HTH
  17. I wonder how much the informant got paid for such a major criminal.
  18. If he continues to get involved, it could bring about his downfall for a second time.
  19. I read somewhere that those ride on suitcases are banned from flights due to the large lithium batteries that power them. Maybe it was another stupid ploy to get views on social media. The taxi mafia certainly won't want that catching on.
  20. On a similar vein. I saw a guy on Youtube use a site called pentester.com https://pentester.com Basically, you enter an email address and it shows if it has been exposed through any of these database hacks, and what info is out there. I tried it, and it showed mine had been exposed through three hacked sites. Had all my Thai info.: name, address, phone no. It also had my UK address and phone number, and showed which sites it had been hacked from and passwords from those sites.. Luckily I had changed all info. when I first read, or was warned about the hacks. Scary stuff.
  21. I used to get loads of junk mail in my Hotmail. A few years ago, Microsoft seemed to up their game in intercepting and it dropped right off. Since that security breach at a large data brokers recently, the amount of junk mail I am getting has hugely increased. Maybe I was one of the unlucky ones whose data was stolen. I hope not.
  22. Perhaps it is one of those restaurants whose selling point is they insult and mistreat the customers. Next headlines will likely be "Tour guide sued for defamation!".
  23. Surprisingly, Thailand does have a Health & Safety Council. I couldn't see if they have any legal or enforcement powers though. https://www.tosh.or.th/TOSH-EN/index.php/about-us The other scary looking one for me used to be the bamboo scaffolding.
  24. How does issuing more loans tackle the nation's debt problem? Surely that's what helped cause it in the first place.
  25. Perhaps after budgeting to give everyone THB10,000, there is not much left in the pot.
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