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Everything posted by phetphet

  1. If you sign up for Stack Social, there are lots of offers for Microsoft Office. https://stacksocial.com/search?utf8=✓&query=Microsoft+Office Including this one: https://stacksocial.com/sales/microsoft-office-professional-plus-2021-for-windows Bear in mind to read any small print, as lifetime might only mean for the lifetime of that version. I don't know as I haven't read it.
  2. Just a heads up. I normally use my K-Web shopping card to pay for purchases on Aliexpress. Always went smoothly up until today when my card payment (USD 82) was rejected. Phoned Kasikorn. Turns out that (1) It was blocked because the charge was in USD instead of THB. I have my currency set at THB, but I think the Chinese companies want dollars. (2) There is a new security check in place called "Verified by Visa." I was told that I need to google "Verifed by Visa", choose the one for my bank, then follow instructions to add required information. Account No Card Expiry Card Limit.
  3. I am in Samui. Generally I find that If coming from within Thailand, can be as quick as two days. Especially if seller is in Bangkok. If coming from overseas (usually China), it can take up to a month, depending on size and weight.
  4. Isn't scabies that disease that one sees in the soi dogs? That makes all their hair fall out? When you say stubborn, does that mean you have already tried medication? As already stated, best advice go see a doctor asap.
  5. Not all Russians and Ukrainians hate each other. Many have friends and families in each other's countries. Many Russians disagree with the war. Mobilisation refugees likely just want to lay low, avoid trouble and stay here as long as possible.
  6. Well there is a 2TB for $32.99 on the same site. Looks generic. Different brand name. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BBN85Z6P/ref=sspa_dk_detail_3?psc=1&pd_rd_i=B0BBN85Z6P&pd_rd_w=Ss5GZ&content-id=amzn1.sym.25e96bbe-93d6-4790-9c18-ab0bc96db737&pf_rd_p=25e96bbe-93d6-4790-9c18-ab0bc96db737&pf_rd_r=GYAG8BT63T55BQPF2ZAE&pd_rd_wg=irLYQ&pd_rd_r=ef353357-631b-49e6-a1a4-b6f0ff7b32c2&s=pc&sp_csd=d2lkZ2V0TmFtZT1zcF9kZXRhaWxfdGhlbWF0aWM Maybe it was wrongly priced or they were all snapped up. Here is another on Aliexpress. 64TB. Buyer Beware. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/1005004757910177.html?spm=a2g0o.productlist.0.0.1c746cf3KeYlwL&algo_pvid=8819ee5c-ecb6-4bd2-926c-325893304ee7&aem_p4p_detail=202210292103221276300945015860004589484&algo_exp_id=8819ee5c-ecb6-4bd2-926c-325893304ee7-29&pdp_ext_f={"sku_id"%3A"12000030358632830"}&pdp_npi=2%40dis!THB!2275.95!1137.98!1069.7!!!!%402101e9cf16671026022891388e02b6!12000030358632830!sea&curPageLogUid=APYDR1YphPcP&ad_pvid=202210292103221276300945015860004589484_6
  7. You can buy online from Bangkok. They will post it to you in a sealed bag. https://www.hkprobioticsbangkok.com
  8. When deciding what to bring in either direction, you will have to consider the risk of getting stopped, and what tax and duties you might have to pay. You might be unlucky and get stopped by Bangkok Customs officials who will surely hit you up with a large bill. There are a few things that I want to buy from the US, but the postal and import tax almost doubles the cost. If stopped. Anything you bring will likely incur similar charges. Less postage of course. Funnily enough. Last night, someone suggested I bring a few things back from my trip to the UK next month. Only UK sweets and foodstuffs. Suggested I could charge double and still be cheaper than buying here. I tell you what though. Looking at the price of brussel sprouts in Tops last week (see photo). I wish I could bring a suitcase full of those for Christmas. Would make a killing selling to the expats. ????
  9. Managed to take a couple of shots on my iphone this evening. See below. Definitely large bats of some sort.
  10. Not at all. But Rutnin is an EYE hospital. Only eyes. A hospital, not a clinic and as such has a wide range of specialists and experience in all things eye. I merely pointed out that as one's eyesight is important, Rutnin might be worth consideration. Furthermore. As I recently posted on here. I went there for an eyesight test last month, and the doctor found two tears in my retina that required immediate treatment. I was treated quickly, and went back last week, and was given the all clear. So they get a thumbs up from me.
  11. Did you ask for a receipt? I doubt that you would have got one, but at least you would have the answer to your question.
  12. I thought that the bag had already been stated to be genuine by Hermes.. If so. I hope he hasn't had the full nip and tuck down below. Reverting to plain old Mr. S. might prove difficult
  13. Not Buriram, but seeing as its your eyes, Rutnin Eye Hospital in Bangkok is pretty good. https://www.rutnin.com/en/home/index.php HTH.
  14. Yes. It can sometimes get boring in the wet season if it rains pretty much all day for many days. That puts the beach out. Luckily not so bad so far this year. Lots of gyms. A few beach clubs. a go cart track, a Padel (like tennis) club, a climbing wall, but not open yet, and I think a shooting range, but not sure if that is still open. I suppose it depends what you like to do. There are a couple of cinemas, and a fair bit of nightlife. Girlfriend? You will have to look yourself based on your own preferences. HTH
  15. It seems like the Chinese are operating secretly not only in Thailand. https://apple.news/A1SRsh-DFQDu8K9nFKJZuOQ
  16. Looking at the photo. Were they also selling Mercedes spare parts?
  17. I presume they just pay in using their passbook. Once the regulation is implemented, those without a card, who have to pay in via a Teller, will be charged a fee for doing so. For many Thais, that could be almost half a days pay if the banks charge a similar fee to some card withdrawals. I don't know about withdrawals. Perhaps they can use Passbook and Thai ID card.
  18. Now just waiting for the next news story where a student from the attackers school gets jumped in a revenge attack.
  19. phetphet

    Covid 4th shot?

    Thanks. I was wondering if I could just do a walk in as haven't been resident in the UK for over seven years now.
  20. It might be that they have some software algorithm that changes the price according to popularity of any item. Or if coming from outside Thailand, due to currency fluctuations. I had a similar thing on Aliexpress the other week. I watched the price of an item change daily in a particular store. I put it down to dollar fluctuations. I stopped watching it for a week or so, checked it again yesterday and the price had dropped. Not talking big numbers. Ranged from THB5000 to THB5100.
  21. I think if one already has a UK Paypal account, it can continue to be used if no longer UK resident. I still use mine connected to my UK bank account. But as for applying for a new account while non resident it would be neccessary to check the current requirements.
  22. If you have an amazon account, you could order one from Amazon UK (www.amazom.co.uk) and have it delivered to you here. You just have to add your Thai address to your account. I often buy from both Amazon UK and Amazon US and have things sent here. You probably want to look for one that already has some credit on it so you can use it straight away.. Some examples: https://www.amazon.co.uk/s?k=uk+sim+card&crid=3K9QAMSFDRLKG&sprefix=UK+sim+card%2Caps%2C273&ref=nb_sb_ss_pltr-ranker-acceptance_1_11 Other than that. Get somone in the UK to buy one and post it to you. HTH

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