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Everything posted by Virt

  1. Are you some super important person since you think the authorities have any interest in tracking your everyday life? I think they have better things to do.
  2. Some of the spike could be explained by the massive increase in testing. Just like here in Denmark. We had an large increase of positive cases the last month, but we're testing almost 200,000 PCR tests daily in a 5.8 mill population. Plus the quickests. Imagine if Thailand tested as many as Denmark. That would mean they had to use approx 2.5 mill PCR tests, plus millions of quick tests. Each day.... I'm pretty sure the number of positives would go through the roof if they did that.
  3. Maybe it's mild which is good, but it's not so good news if children below 5 are hospitalized more often with this variant compared to the other variants. No parent want to see their baby in a hospital no matter how mild the new mutation is. In many hospitals you are not allowed to visit the ones with covid infections unless they are terminal, and if that is the same case with the kids i can't imagine it must be fun for a kid to be left in a hospital bed, with no parent being able to visit them. Not fun for the parents too.
  4. Thankfully none died so far with omicron, but it seems like the young children are hospitalized more with this mutation, which is not that great news.
  5. Yeah it's all speculation at this point, but here is another chart. https://twitter.com/martjm/status/1465827091094638601/photo/1 If i understand this chart correct the mutation seems to be more related to the original strain and is it not unlikely it would have gone under the radar for so long if present in humans? I don't think the idea is so far fetched, but of course it's just speculation at this time.
  6. I think he might be referring to the samples in October from Nigeria. First articles mentioned it was omicron detected in October but later it was corrected to delta.
  7. This guy has some interesting tweets and don't think omicron came from an immunocompromised patient. He also links to some data where the lineage leads back to 2020. Interesting thoughts no matter where it started
  8. Maybe if the chip is big enough and inserted in the right place....
  9. I'm trying to stay positive and go with the ones that think the omicron is more transmissible, but less deadly. That way it could take over from the Delta and result in fewer deaths, but we really has no clue what is going to happen. No government worldwide has the solution to the problem, so off course we're seing governments worldwide trying different strategies. Germany now tries another route, and time will tell if it's a good decision or not.
  10. No idea but we used flu vaccines for a long time without any major issues, as if my reading skills are good enough, the mRNA vaccines does not contain inactivated virus. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/covid-19-how-do-inactivated-vaccines-work
  11. True, but the ones that has not received the vaccine, has a higher chance of spreading it. If we want to reduce the risk of spreading the virus, the vaccines are the best bet if we It's important to say vaccines will not remove the chance of passing the virus to someone else, but it will reduce it a lot. https://theconversation.com/no-vaccinated-people-are-not-just-as-infectious-as-unvaccinated-people-if-they-get-covid-171302 A recent study has found that vaccinated people infected with delta variant are 63% less likely to infect people who are unvaccinated.
  12. As for locking down certain activities for the unvaccined i say yes. As for mandatory vaccines, i'm a bit divided. My heart say no, my brain says yes. The longer this pandemic runs, the more i lean towards mandatory vaccines, but off course it's not optimal if we start to force people into taking their shots. So start making restrictions for the unvaccinated, and let's see how that goes. The vaccines has been tested quite some time now, and the serious adverse effects are really rare, and it's not like the vaccines stays for years in your body. So i think it's safe to say the vaccines are safe compared to what covid throws at us. https://theconversation.com/no-covid-vaccines-dont-stay-in-your-body-for-years-169247 "Covid vaccines show your body's natural defenses how to recognize and kill the virus, then they disappear. They don't stay with you, they don't change your DNA, and serious adverse effects from vaccination are extraordinarily rare"
  13. Let me in on the secret. Which ones..... ????
  14. Wow Khao san road sure changed a lot. Now it just looks like an ordinary walking street. Good thing that they are starting to see some business though.
  15. Seems like south asians are at a higher risk this time too This one from last month. https://www.bbc.com/news/health-59165157
  16. Men don't like to sit down and pee because the water in the bowl feels cold.
  17. Seems like it causes more reinfections. https://news.sky.com/story/covid-19-who-deploying-surge-team-to-south-africa-as-reinfections-rise-amid-omicron-outbreak-12484423
  18. *Deleted post edited out* I get it why people feel they are beeing forced into receiving something they don't want or fear. If i were 20 again i would probably be on the same side, but life changed the way i look at things.
  19. Sorry but you sound like someone that missed the train the first place, and now complains about other people making money.
  20. The Omicron variant is gaining momentum in South africa, so maybe it pushes the delta from the throne. Maybe not. There is no doubt that 2022 is going to be a tough year for the anti vaxers. https://www.euronews.com/2021/12/01/eu-should-consider-mandatory-vaccination-says-von-der-leyen Will EU succeed in making vaccines mandatory in all the EU countries? Not in a million years, but i can understand why they are worried about the 150 million unvaccinated people in Europe.
  21. Some anti vaxers change their mind after they end up in hospital. It's just sad they need to end up in a hospital before they realize it's no joke. https://awsforwp.com/2021/12/01/no-vax-leader-lorenzo-damiano-ends-up-in-sub-intensive-care-and-converts-i-follow-science-i-get-vaccinated-get-everyone-vaccinated/
  22. It's not about hazmat suits... It's about the governments made us wear masks to prevent a fraction of the spreading, so why have a standard that has to be meet when it comes to surgical masks etc, and then on the other hand it's ok if you put on a cloth masks where most are proven to be less effective. How many people wash their cloth masks each day? How many touches the same cloth mask 100 times a day and reuse it the next day. I'm no fan of masks, but if we have to use them, it's stupid we are using something less effective.
  23. How about testing all the cloth masks on the market and ban those that does not meet the standards?
  24. My best guess is that covid will eventually become endemic and we will learn to live with it like the flu, but just like the flu, certain people are adviced to take a yearly shot. We can't keep on locking down the world, so a time will come where governments have to realize it will cost a certain amount of yearly deaths just like the flu. As for money making. I'm totally ok if i have to pay a few hundred bucks each year through the tax, to get a vaccine that might end up saving my life. I value my life higher than $200 a year, and i appreciate that some companies took to risk and spent billions of $ on research in the mRNA tech years before this pandemic started.
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