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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Yes, for years I made sure there was a 500 Baht note in my pocket for departure. What many people did not know at the time, was that when they got the airlines to put it on the ticket price, they upped it by 50% to 750 Baht per passenger.
  2. R.I.P. Joe, your knowledge and expertise has helped both myself and countless others over the years. My condolences to your Family, You left a huge hole, and a large pair of shoes that will be hard to fill.
  3. I seem to recall that last month they predicted heavy storms coming down from China with possible infrastructure damage and flooding. Guess what, absolutely nothing happened. The only storm here next week will be the rigged election results.
  4. Does not appear to be. They had stopped in the middle to let traffic from the left pass.
  5. What he has to realise is that they are all politicians. There are two undeniable traits of a politician no matter where in the World you are, Firstly, if their lips are moving then they are lying, and secondly they are only in it for what they can get out of the system.
  6. Around 600 beers, giving you have a 50 Baht mark up. But then you have to take out running costs, so it is not really a profit.
  7. Well done to the young lady, but I need to ask what the person who was filming the little girl was doing to help. It seems it is more important these days to film someone in trouble before helping them.
  8. My I predict a thread headline in August.......................Thailand Tourism fee postponed until November.....................
  9. It is so blatantly obvious that the two big brewers here are behind this action. They do not want any competition. Yet, at the same time it is ok to plaster their names everywhere in the so called excuse that they are advertising drinking water. I just hope that the mp's pictured with him are picking up the tab.
  10. Several years ago we took over a bar restaurant in Hua Hin. Went to the local True office to transfer names as there was 6 months to run on the contract, and it was easier than just cancelling. After six months we asked them to take the box etc. away. They said it would cost around 3,000 Baht. When I asked why they said my Wife had signed a new 2 year contract. Basically, they conned her as she specifically asked for just takeover. After two years we cancelled the contract, but they would not close it as they said we still had a tv box. Something we never had as the previous owner had it in their apartment, unknown to us. I said we never signed for it, but they insisted. We left it, but eventually had to pay 2,500 Baht after a court summons. We could have fought it, but in the end just paid and told them what we thought of their office, staff, quality of service, which was abysmal. We also told them, verbally, that we would steer any friends well away from them.
  11. No, it is not. A copy is sufficient in most cases, and if they need more you have 24 hours to produce it at a station.
  12. They are still clinging on to the last vestiges of control that they enjoyed so much during covididiocy.
  13. Parking as close as he could to the entrance probably. The two common traits you see here, firstly, I am very important, secondly, parking as close as you can to your destination in order to avoid the terrible activity of actually walking a few yards.
  14. Exactly as this politician is saying, crazy system that belongs in the trash along with the dinosaur generals. My Son, just turned 18, has just finished his three years Ror Dor training. one afternoon a week, plus a six day camp every year. Now he has the papers he will not have to do the conscription when called up.
  15. The military will probably fight to keep the draft slavery. Who else is going to keep the officers chickens fed, pump the petrol in the Army owned gasoline stations, wash the cars, and assorted household duties for the top brass.
  16. Thankfully it only lasts a couple of days up here in the sticks.
  17. LOL, I like your sarcasm. It is, as you know, far too late for the U.K. Give it less than ten years and it will be renamed Englandistan.
  18. He is the Governor of Phuket, so as a politician if his lips move he is lying.
  19. I cannot believe all those people travelling in the back of the pick-up's were not wearing their seatbelts.........oh, wait a moment.............
  20. I too had that problem with a washing machine. Went to this site, put in the details, model number etc. and downloaded English manual in PDF format.............. www.manualslib.com also another one called ManualsOnline. Good Luck....
  21. Several years ago we were in a queue outside a school as the police directed the kids coming out. I said to the Wife that there were three, or more on a bike, most had no helmets, and some were clearly underage. Why was the policeman not doing anything. Her answer...........it is not his job, he is only there to help them get out of school. Needless to say after another ten minutes arguing that as a policeman, it was his job to uphold traffic laws, I just gave up. You will never cure them of this mentality.
  22. At my last renewal in Cha Am they used the big circle with coloured dots. We were all in a line around the room, and were seen one at a time. As the examiner pointed to the dots I listened to the Thais saying the colour. I could see black, grey, and a lighter grey. I soon learnt that when he pointed to a black dot they said red, the grey was yellow, and the light grey was green. Passed with no ploplem.
  23. I am glad the news added a big red arrow all through the video otherwise I would have missed him hidden among the rocks.
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