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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. The answer is simple, I do not go, most of them from past experience are grubby, and mismanaged.
  2. Sadly, that is the problem. Maybe I am wrong, but I believe they will isolate him for his 'own protection' as that is his 'Human rights'. However, I ask the question 'what about the children's Human Rights'.
  3. Isn't he a little teaser......
  4. Call me a false prophet if you like, but I have a prediction that before tomorrow morning.......it will get dark.......
  5. On its way.......... X 240
  6. The Nigerian Prince is definitely a scam, because I have already replied to his Widow, and will receive the millions any day now.
  7. At least they may have a crumb of comfort to know that over the last eight years or so a certain number of their leaders have salted away billions of baht for their happy retirement, while at the same time managing to do nothing but plunge the population into poverty.
  8. They always have, since time immemorial...
  9. Another dinosaur General who only wants to continue slurping from the trough. Absolute oxygen waster.
  10. Yes, same here, and I think we have come down to the problem. Further to another members post I use adblocker, which appears to be why I only get an empty box with AD in it. I think I will keep using adblocker, and suffer the inconvenience of opening in another tab rather than get bombarded with useless ads covering the posts.
  11. We have found a common denominator, I too use Adblocker......Many thanks for the info.
  12. Yes, walking on water is a reserved occupation....
  13. Better get the sunscreen out, and make sure the car is under cover out of the sun. Every time the T.M.D. say there are storms coming to our area we have a mini heatwave.
  14. I started a thread several days ago with a similar problem. When I click on any topic on the right, nothing happens. Similarly, when I click on notifications they open, but when I click on one nothing happens. Had some good advice from some members re clearing cache, etc. But the only thing that works is to right click and open in new tab. Strangely enough the silence from AsianNow is deafening. Good luck.
  15. Obviously a TROLL, but, o.k., I will bite. The op is not about the strictness of any rules, it is about the absurd stupidity with which certain offices are run. The general consensus is why are all offices not run to the same winning system. The answer is that each office is a little fiefdom for it's head man. There are, in certain offices, staff who think we are just a mere nuisance to their quiet way of life, without realising that we, in fact, pay their salaries. I personally have had mixed experiences, but on the whole am very happy with the system, and the staff. I am polite, dress accordingly, and wait patiently, as do probably 99% of expats. I sincerely hope you make good on your promise, and make this your first, and last, post.
  16. The police are in our village on a weekly basis, normally to the same houses. Strangely though, whenever they turn up the person they are looking for is away.
  17. Yes, it can be driven out of the province, that is what the red book in the car is for. You must log every journey, every day. If that is filled in there is no problem.
  18. Cannot be any worse than the dirty tactics they are using. It makes me laugh that they behave like petulant children. They deal in dirty tricks, and lies, then cry foul when the shoe is on the other foot, and it looks like it will hit their pockets. These archaic defamation laws need scrapping so the truth can come out more.
  19. I think he will be losing some weight very soon in the Thai chokey.
  20. Many thanks Everyone, seems I am not alone, which, although not good for everyone, makes me feel a little better.. I have cleared the cache, and it works for a few times, then resorts back. I like the open in new tab option as a quick fix, again, thanks to all. Another problem I am having with Windows 11 is that on my home screen whenever I close a window, I have to wait up to 30 seconds before hovering the mouse over a shortcut will work. Apparently it is a Windows problem they are not ready to admit yet !!!
  21. Good Morning everyone. For a week or so now whenever I click on either a topic on the right hand side, or one of my notifications, nothing happens, it will not go to the relevant page. I am running Windows 11 with Google Chrome. Anyone else having this problem, and anyone know a fix? Many thanks for any assistance. AFJ
  22. There were rumblings of discontent yesterday in the Wife's shop,(no, not over Her prices...????). There is usually a bit of moaning over a beer in the evening, but this time She said they were well p***ed off. Mind you, around here it is a wide canyon from talking to action.
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