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Everything posted by AhFarangJa

  1. Ruamkatanyu Foundation rescuers rushed to remove his body from the plane as it had to continue its journey. No mention of the plane being fumigated then.
  2. Only 15 days.....pah! what a lightweight.................
  3. England & France have just announced the development of a new generation of jet fighter due on line about the same time. Seems Thailand got in first to buy up the obsolete machines.
  4. I am now looking at making a greenhouse similar to the one you mention. May I be so bold as to ask if a picture is possible to give me a way ahead. At the moment I cannot seem to grow anything, I think the sun is too strong. Thanks for any info gratefully received.
  5. Here is a picture of his brother who was famous in the sixties.........
  6. Looks as if he did not see a road narrowing judging by the concrete debris. Must have been shifting to move one of those so far. Chalk one more up for the stats.
  7. Yep, have dozens of them plucked from the desert outside Khobar. they are in a box somewhere waiting to be unpacked ( for the last 6 years )......
  8. Do they thrive on Singha beer.................
  9. Natural sprays include peppermint, or garlic, or can try growing sage in the same pot.
  10. the city could not do much about them because it might breach Thai Human Rights Laws. One of the Worlds smallest books.....
  11. A box was not high enough, had to use step ladders. Another reason I quit as I am a bit wobbly on them nowadays.....
  12. 7/11.....................................Takes less than a minute. As long as the bill is not overdue.
  13. Made a lot of generals a lot richer, as well as himself.
  14. .To be honest I have given up on the camels and goats as I have got older. The main reason is that all the good looking ones are younger and can out run me...
  15. I was thinking along similar lines, but was wondering if it included the sheep, goats, and cattle too.
  16. If you read the article it clearly states that copies are acceptable. The only time my passport sees the light of day is when I renew my visa.
  17. Sometimes you have to have a little empathy for people who find themselves in this situation. It is not clear if the economic issues were of his doing, or maybe due to Covididiocy. He did realise he was on overstay, and kept his head down in order to stay with his Wife, whom, it states, carried on with the business as best she could. Maybe a better option would have been to go to the airport two years ago, and hand himself in. Then, once back in America, make plans to take his Wife there. An easy thing for someone to say when they are not the one facing the options. I for one wish him luck, and hope he can get his life back on track. There but for the grace of God go I.
  18. All well and good, until you come to the weak link in the chain................Mr. postman. I have lost two visa cards, and two other letters from NS&I in U.K. in the last three months. Went to the post office who say they have not received them. Now, I have no proof they ever got as far as my local office, but I am fairly confident they arrived in Thailand.
  19. My Son bought one a few months ago. very nice looking bike. It took over three months for delivery though. He says it rides well, with enough power to get you out of trouble should the need arise. He paid a few thousand Baht more for the ABS model.
  20. I am not disputing your facts, as I have no knowledge on the subject. However, they did help a beautiful Lady from Burma recently who claimed asylum, and with help ended up in Canada. This Russian Gentleman probably doesn't have the figure for that sort of help......
  21. I wish him all the very best, but hope it does not end up ruining his life. I say this as a very concerned long lost relative twice removed, who lost contact with him in kindergarten school.
  22. You naughty, naughty boy....It is illegal to drink on the street.............100 lashes with a wet lettuce and confined to home for a week............
  23. It is a minefield isn't it. Maybe the selling times depends where you are, if you are a bar in an "entertainment" area, you may be able to open later as opposed to a bar restaurant on a street for example. I believe the vagueness is deliberate to allow the BIB to extort money. In Hua hin before, for a long time, we were only allowed to open until midnight. The BIB came past on motorbikes at 11:45 as a reminder, then again at 12:15. However, certain bars in Soi 80, and Bintabaht were open until 2A.M. and sometimes later.................A free ice cream if you guess who owned those bars.......
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