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Everything posted by Ohyesuare

  1. Yes this seems to be why he's getting the error since he said he's selecting "tomorrow".
  2. If these new guidelines will be enforced and depending on the IO you deal with, you might not be able to. Maybe best to use an agent to save yourself any hassle but your choice.
  3. No, under consideration means you're already approved, you just need to come in and get your final stamp.
  4. COVID extensions are a LEGAL way to stay in the country. Immigration knows exactly why the majority of people continue to use them and yet they keep extending it 2 years now despite knowing that most people using them can return home if they really wanted to. It's not milking, taking advantage of or doing anything bad by using them if you want to keep legally staying in the country and you are under 50 and not married or working here. I could have easily returned home a long time ago and I actually would prefer to at this point but despite being double vaccinated and boosted, I'm in a high risk group so I'd prefer to stay here for now and hope the situation gets better. Luckily I have the luxury and money of being able to afford to do so for as long as I need to and I don't live frugally either so I'm contributing to the economy as well.
  5. I'm sure being one of the last to get a chunk of the population vaccinated (higher amount of antibodies than countries who vaccinated their population early last year) is helping but I'm also sure many thousands are going unreported each day as well. ICU/Ventilated are dropping/remaining stable so that's a good indicator that most cases are still mild and the vaccine is helping.
  6. Security/virus software frequently give out false positives. I use the app all the time for 2 years now and no problems.
  7. Yes, it's risky, they can freeze your account "for your security" and you'll have to prove to them you haven't suddenly traveled to another country. There's no need to anyway. I login to my Canadian PayPal account in Thailand all the time.
  8. Yes, an agent can pick up the passport from your residence, take a photo of you, get the extension and then drop it off after. Use a reputable agent and you don't have to worry about fake stamps. Haven't heard of fake stamps even being an issue in a long time and it's so easy for them to just get the covid extension.
  9. It was changed last year that a TM30 is only required for your main residence, not needed when just traveling around, staying in hotels or other residences for a short duration. If the hotels still want to do one, that's up to them but as long as you have one registered for your main residence, you won't be fined.
  10. Not a huge difference but Moderna has been seen to have longer lasting antibody protection.
  11. Wish I would have known this. I would have happily paid 1650 rather than deal with the mess at Royal Garden and also would have preferred Moderna instead of the Pfizer I got.
  12. Paying for lounge access that's open 24 hours seems like your best bet. Just gorge yourself on the food and then get hammered with alcohol until you pass out for hopefully most of those 24 hours. There did used to be transit hotels within the airport, a massage parlor, lots of restaurants and shopping, sure it's all closed now. I think there's a special section in the airport that's for watching the planes take off but probably not too many to see nowadays. With many Asian airports not allowing people to transit through anymore, might have been his only option. Or maybe he saved some money by doing it. I know I did that once with a long ass layover at CDG airport, stupidest thing I ever did just to save a few hundred. Learned my lesson from that.
  13. Moccona 3 in 1 is the one I like best. Nescafe, Birdie, not really for me.
  14. I drink them everyday, sometimes twice and yes I'm obese. But at least it got me a vaccine and booster quicker.
  15. International vaccination certificates are still showing as free for me on the MorProm app, I ordered an updated one for my booster, we'll see if I get it. It comes with a QR code that can be scanned and also printed if needed.
  16. I didn't get anything but it was updated on my MorProm app within the next hour or two.
  17. That's right. They won't even give you a booster there if you've had 2 AZ it seems.
  18. https://healthrisk.bangkokpattayahospital.com/rvs_covid/rvb_th_add.php?fbclid=IwAR1wEaa509dpG--qEU17KvjF9cVxOyiqFKi6UmxjTkS01zyB6OtDS5q-AoY Bangkok Hospital Pattaya doing boosters in Central Festival but limited to just 800 people for now, probably already full. It seems like you might still be able to register and get on a waitlist. I recommend Central Festival much more than the unorganized mess at Royal Garden.
  19. I don't think so. They'll either leave or the ones with money will find other options. Money still talks. But it's gonna continue being extended for now.
  20. It means in hospital, hospitel or field hospital. Home isolation is usually separate. What matters is serious cases (ICU) and ventilated which haven't really gone up much the past month, actually on many days, there's a decrease.
  21. "STV visa holders will initially be permitted to stay in Thailand up to 90 days including the quarantine period. The extension of stay can be requested at the Immigration Bureau in Thailand up to 2 times at the maximum of 90 days per each extension." STV visa holders do not qualify for the COVID extensions. You will have to fly back home. Last resort is maybe try an agent but I doubt they can help you.
  22. Same here, TV is much better when you put those types on your ignore list, I must say.
  23. At Royal Garden, 2nd floor. It's open from 11AM-3PM. There's two lines usually. One to register for a booster and one for people who already registered. In my experience, they aren't very foreigner friendly though so be warned. If it's not urgent, I'd wait.
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