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Everything posted by Ohyesuare

  1. There are some private hospitals selling Moderna shots, that would be your best bet. 40% of the population has yet to even receive one dose yet.
  2. Might be worth a shot to explain to them that you are worried about running out of pages and hope you'll find an understanding officer who will skip the under consideration part?
  3. Minimum 30 days from when your current permission to stay date expires. I've been denied a couple of times when it was even a few more days than that.
  4. I guess they still haven't solved the flooding problems.
  5. You had the option to pick one up or have one mailed for free as well. I chose the e-certificate version.
  6. Very cool looking helmet. I hope you get it and your items returned.
  7. Branches of the same bank are different in this country. Even though they share the same name, they seem to operate as separate entities for some things. I'd imagine there is a process to transfer branches but if you have a certificate of residence, it might be easier to just open one in the city you plan on staying in for the majority of the time. You also pay an ATM fee for every withdrawal when withdrawing in a city that is not where your home branch is.
  8. Just received mine too. The QR code on mine works perfectly. You print a copy and use it for international travel, but you need to make sure before you book your flight the the country will accept it anyway.
  9. Yes they didn't mention a deadline for me either. Looks like their situation is evolving too and there MIGHT be some restoration of being able to use personal accounts later in 2022: Initially, PayPal personal accounts will not be able to hold a balance or withdraw funds. And: * PayPal Thailand account capabilities are subject to change Yes I accepted it awhile ago and I went through the verification they asked for. I notice they've changed the wording now so we'll see what happens by March. Mine is a personal account.
  10. Got an email today and a notification on my Thai PayPal account asking me to confirm my identity, uploading my passport, confirming my address and to upload a bank statement.
  11. I didn't know either. A quick google search shows: SWMBO, pronounced 'swimbo', is an acronym of 'She Who Must Be Obeyed', a tongue-in-cheek reference to a female partner.
  12. The only by the book, "legal" option, yes. For people with money, visa issues can always be solved unless it's too late like in this person's case.
  13. I think the lesson should be to familiarize yourself with the visa rules of the country you are staying in and the date by which you have to leave or extend.
  14. A lot on the EV don't even know that you still have to do 90 day reports as well. In some cities, there is an agent that will do it for you free of charge, included with the EV fee. But ya, even though you are paying so much, don't really expect to be treated like an elite or that it really gives you any special status or get out of jail free card.
  15. Thais definitely tip, especially in tourist cities. Yes I tip, especially during the difficult times now that COVID has caused. I'm lucky to be at a point in my life where I don't have to worry about money ever so I'm usually probably what's considered over-generous and I don't care how it's perceived, good or bad, I do it for myself mostly because it makes me feel good to do it.
  16. Don't take it personally. A lot of them just have an attitude that has nothing to do with what you do or what you did. The new immigration boss cut all their chances for side ventures to earn more I think so they might be grumpy about that.
  17. I would object. My temperature gets tested on entry to the hospital and I can pay a few baht and test my blood pressure at one of those machines in the malls if I really wanted to know rather than waste time sitting there hearing the nurses gossip about mundane <deleted>.
  18. You'd think so but if he's saying he can't sell it and it's currently not liveable without a complete refurbishment, clean up, maintenance, backpayment of fees, transfer fee and it's a badly maintained condo in an area you don't want to live in, why buy it and do all that just to hold it and pay fees for as long as you own it?
  19. Do you have the Mor Prom app installed? Check this post:
  20. I agree. You can't even get a prescription refilled without doing the stupid blood pressure thing and talking to a doctor for one minute for 1000 baht at the private hospital I go to.
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