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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. Mike you made my point. I said that it was not the company's fault because the regulators allowed it. Companies make no money on CSR it is a loss that they have to take and therefore will do it the cheapest way that they can. Hence when you call CSR in NA you might end up with an Indian, Philippine or Mexican person on the other end but almost never will get an American or Canadian unles the company was forced to hire them.
  2. The challenge would be following up on the paperwork. Unfortunately, if the paperwork looks in order the brass is not going to worry. There are a myriad of things that need to happen and the unfortunate thing is that there may not be the will for people to take action. On a side note, I would love to see an official audit by non-military of all military weapons. I think the fact that crime is so rampant here is the issue. The problems are many and the solutions are more difficult than they may seem. RTP is reminding me more and more of the 1920's Chicago police force of media fame.
  3. Unfortunatley there are 3 different classes of homeless. 1. those with psychiatric or physical issues. Loss of limb, mental incapacity, drugs alcohol 2. those who although they have or had the desire to work and live a normal life and have the capability can not find a safe place to live or a job that will allow them a quality of life getting them off the street, and 3. unfortunately, those that just are to fragging lazy to get off their assets and find that they enjoy this life better. I can sympathize with the first 2 groups but unfortunately, a lot of people just see the 3rd group. The second group is probably the easiest. Establish schools to teach skills to adults. Bring in teachers that can teach them a skill. Teach some mothers how to operate a daycare for all the kids so the other moms can get the education. This has to be sponsored by companies in Thailand that are willing to give these people jobs when they complete their training Put a limit on the number of foreign labourers hired at hotels and restaurants. Create a hire Thai atmosphere. People that have lost limbs or have physical issues can also be taught trades. The problem is that in this country and others, there is such a job force that it is easy to cast these people away. Group 1 is, in fact the hardest, and that is because unless they want help, there is nothing you can do. One possible assist would be to allow those treatment centers that have proven effective records. Add on to Wat Thamkrabok and provide skills training for those that require it so that once they have gotten clean, they then have a skill that they can use and keep busy with after they leave.
  4. My American friends can correct me I am sure but all this outrage sounds a whole lot like the screaming that went on when T-Mobile bought SPRINT As to high prices and bad customer service yeah I saw it in Canada with just Rogers and Bell. But that is not the company's faults it is the regulators that allow the <deleted> to happen. The NBTC will along with AIS be keeping a close eye on what happens and you can be assured that if TRUE raises prices or drops its service that AIS will step up to either call them on it or provide a better service to customers.
  5. Hard to say. Probably very little. The merger will definitely make it the largest provider in Thailand.
  6. Also it may not be direct financial aid but it could be future positions. The catch is that he is keeping these people close and happy because if they decide to leave now he will be in an election. He needs everyone to get along untill they want to have an election.
  7. Everyone has to look like they are on the side of the little people for face. The problem is that even if this goes through there is not a monopoly. Everyone seems to have forgotten AIS. Also as far as price gouging Thai government has the ability to manage and limit price increases much as they have done with food and petroleum prices. The people that will be hurt are the workers found to be redundant
  8. We all have to be a little crazy or there's no way we could survive this world
  9. That's the challenge so many of the bars and homes were built on the old standards
  10. Putin is not going to leave the Kremlin. It would give the people against him the opportunity to take over. Leaving would not be a problem. Landing back in Russia may be a different story. I am surprised Sleepy joe is not coming. I think he would like the ice cream here. I heard Siam paragon is going to be closed so that Kamala can go shopping instead of attending meetings.
  11. But how does this prove you aren't ????????????????????????????????????
  12. If PT is going to be seriously thought of as a political force and not a puppet of the Shin family it needs to move as far away as possible from Thaksin. If his daughter has any real desire to be a political force then run her as a candidate and put her in the government to show that she can do it. Just because she has the name and is daddy's little girl is not going to get them anywhere. As soon as she starts doing daddy's business the people will again revolt. Srettha Thavisin actually knows how to run a business and how to get things done. If not he would not be so wealthy. The fact also that he is not a politician is a good thing. He has built his fortune by hand not been given it through huge envelopes like a lot of people.
  13. Glad to hear it, Do they mandate that you have to have a door in the back. That seems to be another area where in the past they did not care
  14. Apartment buildings and condos have always been hazardous once you get above the 7th floor. Most fire departments do not have ladders that can reach higher than 7 floors. Walking street and NANA plaza are both problematic Walking street have 2 real exits while imagining a fire in NANA Plaza with only 1 exit and a small busy street. Part of the challenge is that there is no law that says there has to be an alleyway between 2 buildings so buildings build right against each other. This is the same with row housing (garden homes) if there is a fire by the door the only exit is to jump from the room above
  15. Anyone else getting random calls
  16. This is going to save insurance company millions.break the law while having an accident sorry not covered
  17. Why Walk around them. I enjoy the look ok their faces as the look up and see me in their way. I don't move for them I figure if they bump into enough people they will get the hint
  18. Credit where it's due. At least they are trying. Even if they brought in special international doctor to test people would complain
  19. The merger itself only has an affect on the people working for the companies. Redundant position will cost jobs. As to pricing that can be regulated much as petroleum and food prices are. If anything it will make AIS and TRUE stronger and hopefully better.
  20. The system here is too strict. I had to apologize publicly to a person that resembled the rear orifice on a member of the equine family even though he was. A friend got the boot and others have moved away Remember that hotel that took that guy to court about the restaurant. On the flip side Thai MSM is a lot better than American MSM
  21. Please define working girls. My definition is beach road. Other is they have a 9-5 job
  22. The return onward ticket I think is for 2 reasons 1 airline wants to make money 2 airline has had to deal with people rejected meaning they have to take you back at their expense. Mostly it is a CYA If airline doesn't ask for it don't worry about it
  23. The great puppet master. Imagine if they put Chan o cha and him in an election Perfect reason for a 3rd real party.
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