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Everything posted by kingstonkid

  1. The best way to find a line in or live out would be for the wife to ask around. Her friends will know someone, Do not mention how much you are willing to pay. You may find that you do not need a live in you may have someone in the neighbourhood looking for work.
  2. only shows at Patpong are ping pong and we know how they work The difference between these bars and what OP is looking for is that the go-go bars here are more stand on the stage and let horny farang choose who they want to buy drink and take home. Sat down with a few girls I know on PP and explained to them table dancing and private shows and they could not believe it. girls that have the moves if you could open a bar like that would make more money in a night then they do in a month They turned to mamasan and asked about it and she told them no can do.
  3. You were not here in 2019-2020. many Thais were already wearing masks due to the pollution in the air. Were there a lot of people yes. How do I know first saw their second it was a thriving business for many. It was not nationwide wearing but Thais were wearing masks The problem with COVID in the schools was not going to be stopped by wearing masks but the system had to do something. There were/are parents who even though their child has a member of the family that has covid still sending their children to school and not notifying anyone. I think it is going to be interesting to see how many schools still require masks
  4. Prayut could not have run as leader in the next election anyway. As long as they have the 8-year limit it will in fact help change the head at the top. As stated though the problem is not the PM he really has little control. It is the people under him and the people on the outside that back the party. Just as the Dem p[arty before it this PPP is built by the money people and the military. What is gong to be interesting is how the little parties that aided the PPP do in the next election. Will the people still support them or will they go to a new party that is not PPP affiliated? That is the only way that you are going to stop Prawit from becoming PM. Remember PPP does not have to win the election for him to be PM they just have to come in second or a really close 3rd.
  5. People lived a life that was more stress free and had more freedom to do other things. I used to read magazines and newsPAPERS. On the subway or in the coffee shops. I used to complete work projects. Enjoy the scenery and meet people. Thais had a better more relaxing day before smartphone. Mainly because when yoyleft home or work. You left home or work. Computers were supposed to make life easier. As someone who lived and worked before PC I can honestly say I would gladly go back to those days. Today most lives are glued and dependant on computers. Before we had to actually talk to each other and think.
  6. I would not say most corrupt. I think central America and some African countries have that title. I would agree that it is corrupt enough that like many countries money talks. How do you change their identities when passports are needed and they have to report to immigration. No mention is made of their status so I would imagine they are more interested in staying here than going back to Russia That is probably exactly what they are looking for to stay here. If it was Mafia they would leave them alone until they got back to mother Russia
  7. They should keep the seating limits and distance. Nothing to do with covid, but it will cut down the number of students in the class. Will be interesting to see how many students still wear masks
  8. Ok first I am surprised and happy that the PPP are in re election mode and finally doing something BUT can someone please tell me when the u.s. banned abortions. The Dobbs ruling made it a state issue because the federal government never made it law. Many states are looking at 15 weeks yes some have banned it but it has ultimately been put to the people of each state to decide what is best for their state. At no time was abortion banned nationality
  9. Agreed but money is the issue The universities are charging through the nose and have no control over them. They know that the kids can get the money from the government so they can keep raising fees. There has to be a method of setting a max that universities can raise prices much as there are limits on how much a landowner can raise rent. Students need to learn more about universities like Open and realize that they can get their degree and have a job on the outside. At least in Western society, kids can get part-time jobs and earn some money to help with the costs. Parents earn enough to put away money for their kids. Universities are restricted and regulated so they have to be providing a functional graduate. The government has to step in with programs that will assist worthy grads in lowering their debt. An example would be that teachers if they qualify with marks could have a certain portion of their student loan forgiven if they go to Issan or other areas in need of teachers to teach for a set period of time.
  10. He is also going to be busy trying to get everything he needs to be done before the GOP takes over in January. The November meeting may be the only good thing for him November.
  11. That is not the right thing. The right thing is to limit the number of people that qualify for loans and to limit the increases that universities and colleges can charge. The problem for a lot of students is they get loans to go to universities that have o standing, and they will never be qualified to get a job with the degree. The other issue is that they give loans to all students even if they are not qualified or cannot complete the courses. Somchai goes to the University of mickey mouse in Southern Thailand and gets a degree in Aerospace engineering. Do you think he will get a job considering that he never sees a plane? Kids in the states are getting loans so that they can get a degree in undersea basket weaving. how much money do you think is the annual pay for an undersea basket weaver? Here is an article with the highly employable course offered at American universities How to watch TV Feminist studies through Beyonce Close Encounters of a Multidisciplinary Kind Surviving The Coming Zombie Apocalypse There is more but you have to read this to get the picture https://plexuss.com/n/underwater-basket-weaving-beyonce-college
  12. I think that there is a lot of truth to this article. That being said I think that to solely associate it to marijuana use since the decriminalization is wrong. The user may have added and been the tipping point for some people with borderline issues. Therefore the number of people being admitted has grown. While it is not a good thing in some aspects it is a good thing as people that ay have needed help are now getting it. As to addiction Marijuana use can lead to the development of problem use, known as a marijuana use disorder, which takes the form of addiction in severe cases. Recent data suggest that 30% of those who use marijuana may have some degree of marijuana use disorder.18 People who begin using marijuana before the age of 18 are four to seven times more likely to develop a marijuana use disorder than adults.19 Marijuana use disorders are often associated with dependence—in which a person feels withdrawal symptoms when not taking the drug. People who use marijuana frequently often report irritability, mood and sleep difficulties, decreased appetite, cravings, restlessness, and/or various forms of physical discomfort that peak within the first week after quitting and last up to 2 weeks.20,21 Marijuana dependence occurs when the brain adapts to large amounts of the drug by reducing production of and sensitivity to its own endocannabinoid neurotransmitters.22,23 https://nida.nih.gov/publications/research-reports/marijuana/marijuana-addictive It is also worth noting that cigarette use, in the beginning, was treated the same with people saying it was better than drinking. That there were no issues with cigarette smoke and that it was not addictive. The old Mary Jane form the 70's did not have the strength or additives that the new stuff does. We are not going to know the major effects of mass use of it until a few years down the road. Just the same as Football and wrestling were harmless. CTE It takes time and people use or abuse this for a long time to find out if there are issues.
  13. Thais have been wearing masks for as long as I have been in Thailand (12 years). They wear them for air pollution and when the cold season starts. As to kids wearing them in schools. I have seen this past few months students that have covid still attending class one school had to shut down because there were so many students with covid. I think schools will keep the mandate for a while longer. Until there rate of covid in students drops. The same as they did when the flu was going around. Thais will continue to wear masks for the foreseeable future just as possible protection against anyone that has a cold, or anything that is airborne. Especially if they take the BTS where people can be crammed in. As to changes in Thailand, the biggest change will be the ability for Thais to protest and meet in groups. besides that nothing
  14. My father god rest his soul just before he died lived in a 1 bedroom apartment, smoked like a chimney and really did not care about his life at all. I, unfortunately, was out of the country but a friend used to go visit him and give him <deleted> once3 a month. The friend made him clean the living room and bedroom and take out the garbage. For most of his life he had always had either someone else to clean for him or was in the military where they would not let him make a mess. The problem these days is that no one is taught personal responsibility. Yes, my mom used to make my bed and do my laundry BUT I still had to clean my room to their standards. Today kids have mom and dad coddling them Mom may mention that Johnny is s a slob but they never make Johny do anything. Same in Thailand parents do not teach responsibility schools do not teach responsibility and the government does ot teach it. Add to that thai girl that are pretty get treated like princesses and can do no wrong.
  15. Kingston, Ontario Canada but it would still work in London. The fact that there are more renters than properties means that landlords can be more picky. Rent only to parents means that you have someone that has money that you can sue for damages. In Kingston parents liked it because it mean that if there was another means to keep track of their child's actions. Landlords keep a close eye and inspect the buildings a lot more
  16. Landlords in Kingston rent out to student parents. That way the parents are liable for anything that goes wrong. Also, it gives the landlord the right to report anything happening in the apartment to the parents directly. Works like a charm when mom and dad and their credit rating is on the line.
  17. I also had a tenant that left the house a disaster. The only thing you can do is get a dumpster and fill it. I used a snow shovel. The problem is that they leave in a hurry. The advantage that you have in he west is that people ask for references and usually call the last landlord. Had one tenant that gave me as a reference and referred to her as the late great X. Eventually the other guy caught on. Everything I said about her was positive except that i kept referring to her as deceased
  18. I am confused. You are on a student visa which means you are going to school. But you are not able to contact the school because it is in Samui ayyou are in Pattaya My suggestion is listen to ubonjoe Phone them. Ask for your passport ad vvvvv isr the he em that they have 5 days then report it stolen and advise the embassy where you think it is.
  19. Well it will be interesting to see how her family survives now that they have no money and the police are watching.
  20. Bottom line is that this is what the mother was looking for it was never about finding someone guilty. It was a case of a mother that had a beautiful daughter that she groomed to be a cash cow for her that lost that cow and needed a way to replace it. Her daughter's death was never a tragedy but was a way for her to become wealthy.
  21. If I might ask were you in school in the 70s actually were you alive in the 70s? I can from experience that a lot of kids started with Pot and then thought this is not so bad and tried other stuff. Was it rampant no did every pot smoker go heavier no As to the legality to sell, I stand corrected seems a different rule stopped it BUT my point is still that there really is o rule stopping the sale. If you think everyone selling pot is licenced go to NANA and walk along the street.
  22. In the Muslim world it is called inshallah. Allah wills In Thailand, I think it is more about convenience and economics. stead of mom, dad or a relative driving them anywhere they just teach the kids how to ride a motorcycle then give them the keys and tell them not to take anyone on the bike with them and to drive safely. Famous last words. I think that if the rules were as lax in the west that we would see more kids driving cars or motorcycles there. It makes sense sort of. The reason that we do not see it in the west is that the rules are there AND ARE ENFORCED. Also insurance companies would have a field day with parents if they got caught with their kid driving the car alone. Kids driving is the same problem as everything else in this country. NO ONE WANTS TO ENFORCE THE RULES. Thousands die from accidents due to alcohol and yet the punishment is minimal Thousands probably die from not wearing a helmet The country says it is against prostitution Seatbelts There are so many things that are not legal but are done all the time that it is ridiculous. Add this to the list and just remember that we are in their country and that we are seen as a cash cow if we are in an accident. BTW this is normal for all of Asia and Africa
  23. I think we can all agree that over use (abuse) of anything is not good. Hell, when I was younger in the 70s we were never told that MacDonalds was bad for your health. But a steady stream of Rotten Ronnies and Mr. Donut and bars has me a diabetic. I now many people that exercised 12 hours a week with the military that have many issues. Smoking a cigar after dinner will not kil you but if you chain smoke it will Cigarettes were not legislated as much because they killed but because of their addictive ability with young people. Alcohol is not restricted not because of it's affects but its addictive abilities. Marijuana was not that big a deal in the 70s because of marijuana it was because it was the starting point for people to try other drugs, People have now skipped weed and go directly to crack. Selling Pot is not an issue for me if you are old enough to know what you are doing and have a mature attitude then fine. My only issue is with teens and young people that are driven and susceptible to peer pressure. I have seen no rules yet that state that you can not sell a legal drug to anyone of any age at this point. Anutin screwed the pooch and put the cart in front of the horse. Pot should not have been legalized until the rules of the game had been made. Imagine playing football before there were any rules. Picking up the ball and carrying it to the other end, tackling would be allowed Why is shish still banned if they are allowing marijuana
  24. What are her prospects living in the village? NONE really As to him being wealthy sure he is. He has a great bank that he can make withdrawals whenever he wants. His sisters For the girl's sake, I think the family needs to close the bank. Then again you get a disgruntled brother who will make life miserable for mom and dad. We don't know what the other guys are like but obviously, they have not made the same impression. I would suggest that the GF and sisters get together with her and have a talk. Does the family want to support another family?
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